Great funnies today!We agree, every house without a dog isn't a home. Well said!Hugs,Lily Belle & Muffin
Thanks for making us smile. Have a fabulous Friday.Best wishes Molly
I just love that cookie one. BawhahhahhaBlessings,Goose
These are HYSTERICAL. THANKS fur the good laff.
Those are all good ones. Master's mom's cat likes to claw things so we're sending that one onto her!Nora
Wonderful Friday post!Lovies,Miss Mindy
Oh those were really funny...we agree with you about home and dog being simpatico!stella rose
Me and Stanley put a lot of love in at our home!Keep Calm & Bark On,Murphy & Stanley
Wow, those are really cute! I got a chuckle and my peeps are laughing too. Thanks for sharing!Grr and Woof,Sarge, COP
Thanks for the laughBenny & Lily
So funny.Love, Cupcake
Hahaha these are all so funny!! I liked the cookie one the best!!Love Milo :)
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Great funnies today!
We agree, every house without a dog isn't a home. Well said!
Lily Belle & Muffin
Thanks for making us smile. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly
I just love that cookie one. Bawhahhahha
These are HYSTERICAL. THANKS fur the good laff.
Those are all good ones. Master's mom's cat likes to claw things so we're sending that one onto her!
Wonderful Friday post!
Lovies,Miss Mindy
Oh those were really funny...we agree with you about home and dog being simpatico!
stella rose
Me and Stanley put a lot of love in at our home!
Keep Calm & Bark On,
Murphy & Stanley
Wow, those are really cute! I got a chuckle and my peeps are laughing too. Thanks for sharing!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Thanks for the laugh
Benny & Lily
So funny.
Love, Cupcake
Hahaha these are all so funny!! I liked the cookie one the best!!
Love Milo :)
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