What's a girl to wear? Tomorrow I'm gonna work in the kissing booth for All Texas Dachshund Rescue at the Reliant dog Dog Show. I just can't decide. What do you think? Majority rules.
Maybe Mommy should just buy me something new.
Love, Kisses and {{{huggies}}}....Mona
PS....Can you guess what Mommy's favorite is and which is mine.
Everything looks lovely on you Mona but I likes the yellow outfit the best :) I am sure your booth at the Dog Show will be the busiest too, have a fun day!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
I vote for pic #3 the pink and blue dress.
LOVE your new blog header!!
I hope you make a bunch of green papers for the group. Give some super kisses.
You look so pretty in ALL of them..how's a girl to decide? I am with Frankie...I think I likes the denim blue with da Ruffles
My mom promised that we will TRY to. Makes it to the Dog Show. I just LOVE going back to visit ATDR as an alumni! BUTT she has to works part of the day, so we may run out of time.
I do hopes we get to see you!
Kiss away!
I kind of like the blue with the ruffles best for the occasion, too. You are rocking all of them, though, so whatever you choose will be pawfect. Does Tiger know about this? I hope he won't be upset.
lotsa licks, Lola
We thinks all you need to worry about is chapstick!!! BOL!!!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
The pink harness in pic number 5 looks fabulous on you and the colors compliment your furs! We love the new layout and the background is furry pretty!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
& Lolly Pop
I like #3! You will look bootyfull!
w00fs, me votes #3 tooo...a girlie always looks cools in ruffles and lace..
b safe,
They are all so very cute that we are having a hard time deciding....so we vote that you should get a new outfit!
Have fun!
Waggles & Chi kisses, Chewy & Lilibell
They are all so cute on you! The pink one with the ruffles is our favorite but all of them look great! Have fun!!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Woo khould do a khostume change evFURRY fifteen minutes or so like Cher!
Decisions, decisions! They're all very cute outfits. After thinking it over a little bit, I'm going with Picture #5.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet message. I approved it but for some reason it doesn't show. Don't know what blogger's problem is.
I'm following you back now! :)
Kayla votes for the pink number with the little pink and white checks. Very fetching!
Kayla (of The Road Dogs)
miss mona!
i vote for picture #3. you look so so especially cute in that dress! you are gonna earn bunches 'n gobs of green papers workin' in the kissies booth. :)
the booker man
We like pics # 5, 6, and 7 the best. But we think a big day like this one deserves a new dress:)
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I vote for the dress!
Don't forget, we are changing our blog today. Please update your reader to follow dogisgodinreverse.com
Hello girly girl,
Well, I pawsonally likes #1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8...oh wait, dats all of 'em , huh. Oooooh me, I dunno, I likes 'em all. But I kinda likes da yellow one.
I hopes you haves a good time at da kissing boof. How does Tiger feels bout you doing dat? He prolly says it's fur a good cause knowing him...hehehehehe!
You look beautiful in all of them Mona. But my favorite is the very top one and the all pink one. But I am also in favor of something new, shopping is so much fun. But isn't Tiger going to be jealous that you are kissing others?
Oh, I luvs them all! But the last one is my very favoritest! You just look super smashing in yellow! I know some furends are worried abouts Tiger's feelings but he's a very much understanding bo-dawg and he knows it's all for a good cause! have fun!
Wiggles & Wags,
I just can't decide...But I love the bows!
Hi, Mona!
You look gorgeous with all of them!
But... I guess my fav this time is # 3!
I am sure you will give a million of kisses!
Have fun!
Kisses and hugs
We <3 #3 & #6 ^^
We came here to learn more about Shelby and love your blog! Mona, I have to say the yellow is my fav...but my pups say you look good in all of them! We'll be taking a Shelby button back to our blog! God bless you and your Mommy!
Mom says what you wore was perfect!
And also she enjoyed seeing you and your momma again so much!
I hope you have a great weekend!
We loved Khyra's idea about the costume change, Mona! You look good in everything you wear!
We hope your kissing booth rakes in tons of dollars!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Sweetie, you look good in everything, even when you are wearing nothing! We hope your momma is gonna take you a water bottle 'cause all that kissin' is gonna make you thirsty!☺
you look sooooooo cute with your fur clips on!!!
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