I had so much fun playing with this baby. He kept patting my face and giggling and once he even pulled my cap off. |
Here are some pictures of just me except for the second one. That's Ms Sharon, my new friend. She stayed with me the whole time to make sure I didn't fall out while Mommy was "talking up the crowd." |
Working the crowd. |
"Whose that down there?" I thought I saw Mackie Poo but it wasn't but his Mommy did come to see me and I gave her a bunch of kisses to take to him. |
Puckering up. This next picture is not meant for my Tiger's eyes. I was even selling kisses to doggies but it was for a good cause, so maybe I won't be in too much trouble. |

PS....Can you guess what Mommy's favorite is and which is mine.
Gosh you were busy kissing! You must have needed a nap after all that.
Simba and Jazzi
Miss Mona, I am so PROUDS of you raising all those greenpapers for ATDR!! You KNOW how dears they are to my heart since they kept me while I waited fur my moms to find and adopt me.
I am very sorry we dids not come visit you at da show. It was totally moms fault! After hers finished work, she was a wimp and whined that she did not wants to go back out in da HEAT!
Hopes your bottom is feeling better...
Oh, you were such a cutie, no wonder you sold so many kisses. And your Mom, too, sounds like. I sure hope you're feeling better by now and I'm so sorry about the Vet thing.
lotsa licks, Lola
Wooos Mona! we are so proud to know woo, working so hard fur those pups woo do not even know, and I know kissing is hard work! Woo must have been exhausted! I hope everything goes well at the vet today, make sure he gives woo cookies, my favorite part of the vet.
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
You was very busy doing all that kissy stuff, no wonder you was exhausted. :) I do hopes that your butt is better today.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Let us know how it turned out at the vets. I HATE getting a butt squeeze. A lot of times my groomer does it before it gets outta control - and that is SO much better!
I bet you were exhaustimicated when you got home Saturday!
Wow you are such a good kisser! Sorry to hear about your bottom problems. Hope things go ok at the vets office.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
& Lolly Pop
Wow you are such a good kisser! Sorry to hear about your bottom problems. Hope things go ok at the vets office.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
& Lolly Pop
Wow Mona you did a great job of kissing! And we are sure that Tiger understands it was for a good cause! And boy, you did raise a lot we are sure!
We hope that the vet visit goes ok - we know it is no fun to go there! We are sending you feel better purrs too!!
mona, didja bring some chapstick and breaf mints?? you looked so adorables--i bet you gave TONS of kisses~!! :D
woohoo for your mum~! she's still got it~!! ;)
I can see why so many people wanted to kiss you, you're irresistible!
Sorry you have to go to the vet tomorrow. My boys hate to go. Hopefully you'll be feeling good as new though before you know it.
What..What...you mommy was kissing? BOL! I loves it...hehehehe! I bet hers wondered what in da heck hers got herself into. BUT, it was fur a good cause or dat bes what hers telling herself...hehehehe!
Okays, Miss Mona, you looked very beautiful while selling your kisses. I don't think Tiger will bes upset. He comes from a good, supportive family of rescuing so he'll bes okie dokies with it.
PUUUUUUUUULEAZE keep us updated bouts da VET.
PEES: THANK YOU so much fir my e-card...hehehehe! Oh, if you could have only seen my mum's face. Hers got all crazy when hers opened it and saying it was sooooo Puddles.
you sure area great kisser!
Don't forget, we are now located at dogisgodinreverse.com
Mona, you sure are a great kisser!! We hope that everything goes well at the vet. Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
You sure are cute kissing all those people and pups Mona. I am sure Tiger would be very proud of his lady and GO MOM! Get you some kisses to...whoo hoo!
We miss hearing from you Mona and are sure you are busy busy. :)
Oh my. I hope everything is okay!
That was very generous of you to give all those kisses for such a good cause! Glad your mom got in on the action, too :)
The Road Dogs
Good job Mona... and Mommy too!
I hope you feel better now!
Butt problems are not funny, right?
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Hope you are ok Mona!!! :) You are such a sweet kisser though. Every photo made us smile real big! What a superb event!!!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
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