"The most beautiful thing is to see a person smiling...And even more beautiful, knowing that you are the reason behind it."
Dearest friends,
Mommy has been crying a lot lately, ever since Shelby came into our lives. At first because it looked hopeless and that Shelby would have to be put down but now she's crying because of all of the kindness, thoughts, prayers and donations that have been received from so many of you for our lovely Shelby.
We want to thank every dog, kitty and human who has spread the word about this very special girl on their blogs. The Booker Man and his sister Asa created this badge for Shelby. From what I have seen on lots of blogs her team is building by the minute.
I am on Team Shelby
Over at Mack's Mess, he pledged a dollar for every comment made & had a contest too, just for Shelby's Vet care.
Way to go Mackie!!
Please feel free to add Shelby's Pay Pal button on your blogs if you wish. Mommy has gotten several comments from folks who would rather not use Pay Pal, so if someone wants to send a check, please send an e-mail to Mommy (the e-mail address is on my bio), and she will send you our address and we will make sure it gets to Shelby's Vet Care Fund. Any funds raised over the amount of Shelby's Vet care will be donated to Pit Bull Rescue.
Almost 3 weeks ago, Shelby could barely move and now look at her.
Somebody once said that dogs don't smile. Sure looks like a smile to us.
God bless all of my new friends and I wouldn't be smiling now if it weren't for all of you---Shelby

This thingy with Shelby has sort of united us all. We know that we can't save them all, butt I think we feel so close to Shelby that it gives us all some hope.
I think that if we all together can help you help Shelby, it's the coolest thing ever. It gives all this blogging and fun more meaning. Plus we really want Shelby to be OK. I just hope there's been enough to help.
We weren't online much tonight. The badge is up. We still have to work on the paypal button.
lotsa licks, Lola
I'm so glad that everyone is coming together to help Shelby. She looks like a wonderful soul and even though we only know her through pictures she has become a part of our lives. We look forward to hearing more news of progress in the days to come. Go Shelby!
Flash, Alven and Dottie
That looks like a smile to me!
Things so happen fur reasons!
She's one lukhky girl!
That is so wonderful to hear about Shelby and everyone helping. It makes us happy too! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
I love to see Shelby smiling!
We all love her.
Take care
Kisses and hugs
i knew it~! i knew shelby was in the right hands and all of our prayers were going to help her get better~!! :)
she is so beautiful~!! :D
ps. is it ok if i use that smiling picture and put it up on my blog??
YES! That is a smile I see! WooHooo!
She is so lucky to have you & Sandra in her life!
Mom says she can't wait to see you Saturday!!
I just know she better come home with lots of treatsies & toys!
I just want to give her the warmest hug possibl,y but since I can't, I will entrust you and Sandra to do it for me :)
Bless you both for your kind and caring hearts.
I just want to give her the warmest hug possibl,y but since I can't, I will entrust you and Sandra to do it for me :)
Bless you both for your kind and caring hearts.
That is definitely a smile on Shelby's face! She is one lucky girl!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Yay for Shelby! That is a beautiful smile for sure. :) Bless you Sarah and Sandra for helping her get betters and for keeping all of us updated on her condition and progress.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
We are so glad to be part of Shelby's journey and what kind, caring furiends and hoomans she has looking outs for her!!
Shelby is in a hearts and she is definitely a miracle~
Big Hugs and Lots of Love,
Izzy, Josie and Anakin Man
Every now and then special people and special dogs enter out lives. YOU are one of those special people and Shelby is one of those dogs. Bless you for your good ♥ and bless Shelby's foster momma for her good ♥ and bless Shelby on her road to recovery.
She is in good hands. And that is definitely a smile. God Bless your good souls.
Oh, yes! She is Most Definitely smiling! I thinks furry bloggers are the best bloggers in the whole wide world cuz they wanna step up and help when somebuddy is hurting.
Blessings to you and Miss Sandra for stepping up to helps sweet Miss Shelby. I hates to think what woulda happened if Miss Sandra hadn't come across her in that parking lot and wanted to help. Shelby is a very very lucky girl indeed! and you boths are very special peoples.
Wiggles & Wags,
We are all pulling for Shelby here too. No more tears from the Mommy unless they are tears of joy.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
It is so lovely to see Shelby smile and your mummy too. We are praying for your speedy recovery, get well soon sweet girl.
Love, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx
Hi Mona and her Mommy! We found out about you from Mack's Mess & we definitely want to be friends! God Bless you for helping Shelby. We are making a donation and are joining Team Shelby today.
Your fans at
The Rose Jugglers
So happy to hear that Shelby is doing so much better. Thanks for all that you have done to help her.
Hellos, I'm home and hads to come and check in.
Mona's mommy, I wants to give you a hug fur being so good to Shelby and to Sandra. You haves been her loyal support and I thank you fur dat. We will always lend our hearts and whatevers to get ya'll through this.
We loves ya'll!
Can you email me with your snail mail address? I can't seem to get through on the link...
I am rooting for Shelby! She looks great! The pet blogging community sure is a wonderful group!
Your pal, Pip
Youw Mommy and The Pitties Mom awe the bestest examples of hoomans..love and genewosity. I'm so glad so many of us want to join them in helping this deew giwl..Hew hopeless face is changing..that IS a smile, and it's bootiful
smoochie kisses
Unfortunately, I'm not able to donate anything financially at this time but I came back to check on Shelby. Her story is just so heartbreaking. I'm going to feature a little bit of her story on my blog on Friday just to help get the word out.
Shelby is looking great with the help of all your TLC! We think you're all lucky to have found each other!
The Road Dogs
i am just so full of the thankies to you and your mama for helpin' miss shelby get better. we are all united around miss shelby!!
the booker man
Go team shelby!
Don't forget, we are changing our blog today. Please update your reader to follow dogisgodinreverse.com
Go Team Shelby.. Sorry I used Pay Pal.
I hope you have a good weekend! You are a very kind hearted person!
Hi! I just came across your blog and saw this post about Shelby. What happened to Shelby and how did you all find her? That's wonderful you rescued her. How much money do you still need for her vet bills? I was going to place her picture and link to her story on my blog if that was okay with you.
We rescued a pit about 7 months ago from a horrible neglect situation and she is doing great now but we are in the proces of treating heartworms. They are such great dogs.
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