December 4, 2010


21 Days until Christmas.


(courtesy of Patches}

"Life may not to be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance."

Today's post is dedicated to Patches who recently had to leave us for the bridge and JB's sister, Poo Poo that left us in January of 2009. My Mommy loved Poo Poo because she was so beautiful and so was Patches. We're sure they are at the bridge together now with Angel Samantha, who loved kitties.

Shelby's Christmas Raffle Update

(picture copied from news report on the Internet)

The drawing for the winners in Shelby's Christmas raffle will be delayed due to extreme weather conditions in the UK.
The pictures above and below were sent to us by JD & Max.
Even the beach where they walk is covered in snow and 
look at them playing in the snow. The drawing will be on Dec. 8th, which means ya still got 4 more days to buy tickets.

JD & Max really want their friend who donated a lot of the goodies for the baskets do the drawing but road conditions are terrible and traveling is dangers so we just gotta wait & Keep Buying Tickets.

OMD!! Lookit Shelby's Puppies. They are going to use the same Vet their Mommy uses and today Mommy went with their two humans brothers for their 12 week round of shots. Actually they are now 13 weeks old. OMD!! they are so big, very long legged, and very sweet.

Pattie Cake and Spirit --
here's lookin at ya!

                                       The girls and their human brothers.
Left to right Josh, Spirit, Moo Moo (aka Pattie Cake) and Juan.


                                    Spirit -- 12.6 pounds

Spirit is a little under weight but Dr Briles says she in fine. She is very active and eats just as much as her sister but works it off.
Look closely at Spirit's eyes. She gots two different colors around them.

Moo Moo -- 13.9 pounds
(formally Pattie Cake)

Like all of us, they don't like visiting the Vet, but they changed their minds when Dr Briles gave them 3 treats apiece. "How come everybody but me gets 3 treats. It's just not fair!)

                                                             Dr Briles with the pups.

Checking Spirit's eyes.

Checking Moo Moo's eyes.

Taking Spirit temp.

Trying to take Moo Moo's temp.

Eating treats.

Spirit trying to help Moo Moo eat her treats.

A few more pictures for you enjoyment.

Mommy said seeing the puppies today just makes her want to go see Megan, Petey and Barron. She talked to Bill today and he said he will posting new pictures of them to his website and Mommy will post them as soon as she sees them. Mommy was telling the folks where she works about how they were doing and Guess What? They collected $50.00 to send to Bill for our puppies and the other puppies for Christmas toys!!!
Gotta go.....{{{huggies}}}....Mona


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Thanks fur sharing those great pikhs!

We appreciated the email woo sent earlier today with them!

What khuties!

We are so happy they are doing so furry well!

BRAVO to all!


Zona said...

Godspeed to your kitty furend.

I cannot believe how fast the puppies are growing!! Thank you for sharing - so cute!


Two French Bulldogs said...

What gret pictures! Love the header
Benny & Lily

K9 Katastrophie said...

HI Mona! That is so nice of your mommy's furends to raise money for the pups! Moomoo and Spirit are fine looking Pibbles!


Cole said...

Oh, they are gorgeous!!! But I bet both Spirit and Moo Moo were embarrased that you showed the doc molesting them with the thermometer!

Mack said...

What beautiful pups!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Your blog looks soooo festive and the post was sooo full of grrrreat pics and words. Thanks fur letting us see the VET visit.

Raising Addie said...

WOW they got soooooooo big! They look great!

Is it cold where you are too? Stupid Texas weather. Yesterday it was in the 70's today 30's.

Snuggle up and stay warm :)

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey

Oskar said...

How awesome, we loved seeing pictures of the baby dogs!

We've started a week of giveaways at my blog, so stop by & you could be a winner!

Nubbin wiggles,

Sagira said...

So cute. Glad to hear that they are doing so well.

That was so nice of them to collect the money for the puppies. :)

sprinkles said...

I remember telling you I loved your new header but I don't think I told you I really like the new background too. It puts me right in the mood for Christmas!

So sorry to hear about Patches and Poo Poo.

Those puppies are so adorable! I can't believe how much they've grown. Thanks so much for keeping us up to date on them as much as you can. I still keep them in my prayers, right along with Shelby, Tiger and Mona.