July 14, 2010


QUOTE OF THE DAY: (courtesy of Happy)

"It's when things get rough and you don't quit success comes."

This morning there was a comment from Puddles on my last post. She said she knew how to drive and would come get me from the groomer so I wouldn't have to go through all that torture and she said she could even cut my furs for me. After considering the warnings from several of our friends.....who will remain nameless so their identity will be protected.....I thought it best to turn Puddle's most gracious offer down. "I love ya Puddles, but I'm afraid your reputation proceeds you."

So I stayed all day, but I had lots of friends there and had Big Pinkie Boo with me so it wasn't so bad. Ms Lillie said my scars are looking very good, better than the last time I was there and she did not feel any new bumps.


Mommy took this picture at home before we left for the groomer.
Of course, I had to help her drive. She how bushy I look?

This is after my haircut when Ms Lillie brought me out to Mommy. This is Ms Lillie, she is the only one Mommy trust me with.
"Thanks, Ms Lillie on doing a wonderful job, but then you always do. OK we can go now Mommy!!"
But wait.....look who I saw. My kissie friend from the last time I got my haircut. Of course I couldn't break his heart and not let him love on me a little.

I was so excited to be going home. Mommy took a bunch of pictures of us leaving Pets Mart, but this was the only one that was too blurred.

Helping Mommy drive home.

It was so hot, I had to get naked. Much better....."But Mommy, I need some water!!"
I gotta say my summer haircut is much better in 100 degree heat.
Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}} to all............Mona


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I bet woo feel better just like Merdie!


Unknown said...

Your haircut looks so pretty on you!

It was prolly a good idea to not let Puddles do it....at least not until she gets her Pawsmotology License.


Barbara said...

What do your brothers think of it? We never hear from them!!

Pippen said...

You look fantabulous! And you were totally right on about not letting Puddles cut your hair or drive you to your appointment!

Sam and Pippen

Hannalei said...

What a beautiful girl you are. Before and after. :) XoXo

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

You look much cooler! Just like me....BOL Great mommies think alike.

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

You look much cooler! Just like me....BOL Great mommies think alike.

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

Duke said...

Your summer do looks just beautiful, Mona!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Maggie Mae and Max said...


I thought it was impossible for someone to makes you more beautiful but I was wrong! :) Miss Lillie knows her stuff!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

3 doxies said...

Okays, so Miss Lillie did a good job but, what I could haves done withs your hairs would haves been monumental.
Anyways, you look wonderful Mona and I bets you is so much cooler.
My mum had Whitney groomed and when hers went and got her...her was BUZZED. Her has NO long hair now.


Lola and also Franklin, too said...

A good hairdresser is a must for doggies with luxuriant furs such as yourself. I can see you have found one of the bestest. You look fabulous and your summer will be so much more comfortable this way.

lotsa licks, Lola

Mack said...

What a beautiful girl you are! I just know your new 'do is much cooler!

Remington said...

You sure look pretty!

Rufus and Indie said...

You look better than ever!
Super elegant!

Rufus and Indie

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We feel a bit cooler just seeing you - it is so hot here too. Great new do, Mona - you look beautiful.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Andrea said...

Adorable...U look great!
woofs and wags,

Fred said...

How pretty you are! Old Girl has finally learned to have a bowl of water for me in the car when I get back from the groomer's. I don't know why I'm always so thirsty!

the booker man said...

miss mona,
your summer hair do looks grrreat!! just think of all the nice breezes you will feel through your furs now that they are shorter. oh yeah, and i totally dig your little bows. way cute! :)
the booker man

Anonymous said...

Oh, I do LUVS your new 'do! But I bet you woulda looked just as pretty with whatever Puddles had in mind, too.

Wiggles & Wags,

Amy & the house of cats said...

Looking good Mona! We thought you would be much more comfortable with a shorter hair cut with the way that the summer has been so hot so far!! It is good that it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be to stay there all day too!

Sagira said...

You are most beautiful Mona. I bet Tiger can't wait to see his lady with her new look. :)

Zona said...

Your new hair do looks so pretty, Mona! And you seem to have the nicest friends at the groomers... though your first picture kind of looked like... "We're going WHERE?!?" Hehee..


Lorenza said...

You look gorgeous, Mona!
Kisses and hugs

Kari in Alaska said...

you look smashing!

Pat Wahler said...

You look totally wonderful in your summer 'do!
