May 25, 2010



"You change your life, by changing your heart."

Hi my very dearest dearest DWB friends,

I have taken control of my blog back. I don't want to scare any doggie, kitty, hammie or pawrent, but you gotta see why Mommy has been calling me Frankie, IE...Frankenstein. I hope you don't barfs when you see my nasty scare. Thank goodness my hair grows fast. That red spot right below my surgeon's finger is a razor burn.

I couldn't get away fast enough from that place, even though they was very nice to me there. I was very disappointed cause I couldn't put my pretty harness back on and I had to go out in public naked. I was so embarrassed, people was pointing at me but Mommy said they just thought it was a shame that a pretty wirehair like me had to be cut up like that. I gotta go naked until my stitches come out.

Can ya see how sleepy I was? Mommy had to carry me out to the car cause I was wimpering, but they said I would for a few days. Mommy was so worried but I only did that until the next day.

Mommy took this picture before she carried me into the house. Guess what we did then. Mommy turned the cure on (her heating pad), picked me up, kicked her feet up in the recliner and knocked out. It was 4 pm when we got home and it was 8:30 pm when we woke up. It was wonderful!!

The doctor made us very happy when she said I didn't have to be crated as long as Mommy could keep me from jumping for 1o days. Well let me tell you that I have only jumped up once, into my chair, while Mommy wasn't watching me. It's like this....she has kept my leash on when we are in the front of the house and when she takes me out to do my business and at night she holds the end of the leash in her hand so I can't jump off the bed. Poor Mommy hasn't slept much since all this started. My poor Mommy, I love her so much!

I've been a good girl and except for fighting Mommy every time she had to give me my pain medicine, it's nasty you know, I have been perfect. Thank goodness I only had to take it twice a day for 3 days. The doctor told Mommy I couldn't take a bath for 2 weeks until all my stitches fall out. It was very difficult, well almost impossible, for Mommy to get me to unclench my jaw long enough to shallow that nasty liquid stuff. Mommy said she got more of it on my face than in my mouth. now my beard is all sticky. I hate baths!! Maybe I could get Frankie Furter to take me out in his boat and I can just jump into the lake instead of taking a bath!!

My doctor said I could go to Aunt Judy's doggie play date last Saturday, if I was quite, didn't try to chase squirrels and NOT JUMP, so we took my bed with us. Here are some pictures of me being quite. Hey! nobody said I had to be stone still! She didn't say I couldn't sit up or even walk around as long as I had my leash on.

I just gotta tell you about that sausage shaped thing behind me in the top and bottom pictures here. It was a pressie from Paula just for me. It's a doggie sausage with real chicken meat and beef liver. She even brought one for all the doggies to share and they said it was Yummylicious!! I wouldn't know cause Mommy wouldn't let me have any since I was still taking that nasty medicine.

I was allowed to walk around...on a short leash. I did get kinda tired so I went into the house where th A/C was and got into a crate for a couple of hours. My buddy, Bandit, came inside with me and laid in front of crate while I slept. Wasn't that sweet?

OK....remember I said it was a "doggie play date" not a "dachsie play date"? That's cause some of my other friends came too. Mommy says I should introduce them to you.

Puff Daddy

Emily Ann


and her brother, Moe

Just to let you know, this post should have been done a long time ago, at least 3 hours ago, but Mommy had to stop and watch "Dancing With The Stars" the finals. Her favorite didn't win but he did come in second. So because it's way past Mommy's bedtime, I'm just gonna show you some random shots of my friends, having a good time. If you notice, I am not in any of these pictures cause I was doing what the doc or ordered.

Be back soon with more pictures. Night, Night!!

Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}}....Mona


kissa-bull said...

my dearest love of mine ,
i sniffle each time i see your ouchie and cant wait til mommish ish not woiking so i can comes over and give you some healin sugars
until then i pray furry much hard for you most everynight and mommish has your picture on our screensaver so i can gaze at your bewootifulness all day while she's at woik.

lotsa love snuggles and wee healing sugars

wiff luv

Alli and Frankie said...

You look beautiful, Mona! We are praying for you and your mommy.
xoxo Frankie Mae

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

How nice to see woo!

Thanks fur sharing your updates too!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie

Mack said...

We are so HAPPY to hear that you are doing good!


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Ahh, good to see that you're playful again, what a group date!
I like your new furstyle but if you want to cover the spot, wait for me, wait for me!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Oh Sweet Mona you are a feast for our eyes!!! I don't think your owie place looks scary... it looks like the end of a bad experience to me. It is over and done and gone. That is just a badge of honor!!!
I'm glad that you liked your card.

Remington said...

Sweet little Mona! That is some ouchie! I hope you get all better really soon!

Zona said...

What an ouchie you have! I'm glad you were able to be out and about with your friends even though you had to follow doctor's orders. Keep giving your mom extra snuggles - she worries!!


Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

It looks like a pawsome party, Mona!! It's so good to see you feel well enough to work on your bloggie!! We hope that you feel better real soon!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Mona
That zipper you are sporting made us a little woozy.
Glad you are doing ok. Your mommy is taking such good care of you.
Love Ruby & Penny

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Sweet Mona, please get better real soon!! That really looks like an ouchie so you better take your pain meds as prescribed. I know how horrible they taste. Mom has a time giving me any kind of meds and usually has to get me from my hiding place under the table! I love your's pretty like you. Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

3 doxies said...

I think it is very much impressive that you followed doctor's orders...are you sure you are a dachshund? Or maybe I'm da only one that nevers listens...oh well. I hopes you had fun at your shind dig withs all your furiends.
Oh and your wound, I didn't even notice it until you pointed it out.

mayziegal said...

Oh, Mona! I am so very much happy you're doing okay. Sorry bout that big ouchie but I bet you heal up real fast. And I'm Most Glad you gots to go to the doggie play date even if you couldn't actually do any playing. Cuz it's always nice to get outta the house. It looks like you have some very much wonderful furends for sure!

Wiggles & Wags,

PeeS. If you gets a chance, hop over to my bloggie to play my dee-en-ay game. It's to raise green papers for rescue!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We are so very glad you are back to blogging Mona! You are such a brave girl, and we know that your furs will grow back before you know it!

Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wow - look at all those pals collected together - very nice furiends you have, Mona.

Your scar is a lot like Phantom's only turned the opposite way. It looks like you have lots of skin there to make the incision heal well. Poor Phantom didn't have very much skin and that was why they were so worried about it healing. But it did and we were happy for that.

Keep being such a good puppy and before long you will be running and jumping and good as new.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Scout and Freyja said...

You just has to forgive your momma fur not getting your post up 'cause she needed to watch Dancing with the Stars. Our momma lets us outside and inside and then asks us to be really quiet when she watches that show. We think that she has the 'hotties' for that Mr. Maks - go figure, why does she even look at him when she has us!

A MilShelb Mom said...

Hope you are back to 100% soon! We love our mom's heating pad, too. Aren't the the best??
~Milly and Shelby

Dandy Duke said...

You're looking so good to us, Mona! Keep following your doctor's orders and you'll be feeling 100% in no time at all!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Sagira said...

Wow, look at all those pups.
Glad that your surgery went well and you're feeling better my sweet friend. :)

Pat Wahler said...

So glad you are on the mend. Looks like you have a whole pack of wonderful friends!


Kari in Alaska said...

so sorry to hear all that has been going on since I have been away. Heres to healing soon!

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Oh, you poor baby! That scar is big, isn't it? But you don't look like Frankenstein. You are still beautiful you, with a summer haircut. I'm so glad that you're able to go out and party and that you don't have to be in that crate all the time, too.

wags, Lola

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Oh my goodness Miss Mona that is one big scar. Hope it get better furry soon.

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

Abby said...

Hi, Mona...

I know it is hard to not jump & run & roach, but I'm glad you are doing what the Dogtor sad..

You will get better soooo much sooner if you do what he says...

Tell your Mommy we Love you Both & we think of you everyday...

Take care of eachother & take lots of long naps...Napping with your Mom is the best medicine in the world...

Abby & her Mom xxxxxxoooooo

Nadine, Chewy and Lilibell said...

Oh sweetie, we are so very sorry about your ouchie. But before you know it you will be in the clear to run around and jump to your heart's content!! But until then, you make sure to follow the doctor's orders, k??

Extra special Waggles & Chi kisses for the little patient, Chewy & Lilibell

Anonymous said...

I loved hearing the description from your pov, Mona! That nap must have been very healing. Now I'm looking at Tiger's comment and I'm ...BOL
You'll be jumping soon, my girly furiend! Oh, and you look beautiful.

For the Love of Dogs said...

So happy to hear you are doing well and you still look beautiful scar and all! That party looked like so much fun!

Sally Ann and Andy said...

We hope you heal up well, and you can fight and beat it. Fight Fight Fight
Sally Ann

Joe Stains said...

That scar looks very nasty but you are right the hair will grow soon. I know it is hard to be quiet and rest, but it is worth it. Your play date looked fun and you even got to see some Bostons!! We continue to send you healing vibes.

Zona said...

Just got word from Puddles that you're Cancer free.... I'm SO happy to hear this!! Now hurry up and heal so you can jump and run again!


the booker man said...

miss mona!
goodness gracious, that is a long zipper you have on your underside! i hope each and every day you are feeling the betterment! try to be good for your mama cuz she loves you so much and just wants you to heal super fast like! i'm glad you got to go to your doggie play date even if you couldn't move around very much. it's good to see friendz, and holy cats, that was a lot of your doggie friendz there!!
the booker man

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Mona Mona, would you please swing by my blog to look at my family portrait, finally my mom came out from her shyness to say hello to all of you.

Unknown said...

We are sooooo happy you are doing better Mona!

We have been following your bloggie for awhiles now...but until recently are too shy to post. My Moms is also 'addicted" to looking at the dachshunds needing homes on Houston Dachshund Rescue and ATDR......she is always looking for more family members

I am also a rescue silky wire-hair dachshund in the Houston OF COURSE I thinks you are just beautiful!! Keep taking good care of yourself, and hope to see more of you around the bloggie world
