I just wanted every doggie, kittie, hammie and your fantastic pawrents to know that I'm still here thanks to your love & The Power of the Paw and all my family & friends here. Here's a pic of me being walked around by Mommy yesterday, when she let out of my day bed and the crate.
"I'm still smiling"

Mommy is way to tired from keeping me quite yesterday and hasn't loaded pictures yet but Mandie Jo's foster sent these pictures so you could all see how happy I still am and how you can't keep an old dog down.
I am 8 years old, or so they think, but if Mandie Jo still acts like a Spring Chicken at 16 years old, I'm gonna live forever!!
Mandi Jo
Love, kisses and {{{huggeis}}} to all..........Mona
PS....I promise to do a real post soon!! ..... Sarah, the Mommy
Long live Mandie Jo and Mona.
What a happy Sunday!
So good to see your smiling face again Mona!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Go Mona!! It is so nice to see your smiling face!!
Smileys and Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo
We are so glad to see you asmilin! We are pawraying for you!
Oh, we're so glad that you're well land up and around and having a good time. I hope that Mommy is able to get some rest soon, too.
love, Lola
Good to see you, Mona. We all hope you are recovering nicely. It was good to hear from some of the others you emailed that your surgery went so well.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We're so happy that you're up and smiling! We've all been thinking about you!!
So glad you're smiling and you're ok!
~Milly, Shelby, and Maggie (aka Milshelb Mom)
We are very happy to see you up and around! We hope you are recovering great and will be doing wonderful soon. I hope your mom gets some rest! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Hey Mona! Good to hear from you and see that your spirits are excellent. Keep it up!
Woof! Woof! to you Mona. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Now Mona you look simply marvelous. You gots bright eyes and a smiling face so that is a wonderful sign. I'm glad you got to get out fur a bit and see some friends, I'm sure it did you and your mommy good. Can you just make sure her gets some rest. We love ya girl and we're thinking of you.
We're so happy to see your pretty smile, Mona! Keep smiling!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Mona!
I am so happy to see you smiling and being happy with your friends!
You will be like new in no time!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
glad to see you are feeling well!! I had my paws crossed for you.
miss mona!
YAY! it's good to see you smilin' away! be careful with your booboo so it will heal super fast and you'll be back to 100% real quick like!
the booker man
Hi!! Great to hear your update! That is quite an outfit Mandie Jo has! Mom loves visors too! A diet coke drinker we see :)
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Glad that you are going out and having fun Mona. Don't let anything hold you back!
You have been on my mind, Mona. I am glad to see your smiling face. Take care and do exactly what your mommy tells you! Hugs!
Happy SMILING Sunday!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Oh Mona you can't imagine how happy it makes me to see your smiling face. Your picture just made me all quivery with happiness. You take care of your mom and tell her that it is OK not to be posting a lot right now. You B O T H nee your rest after this big ol' scare you have been through.
Take it easy and let US carry YOU for a while. OK???
Take good care now both of you! Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Hi Mona,
We REALLY like the idea of you living forever... and we are sure your mom would too!!
So glad to see your pretty, smiling face Mona..
We are so glad to see you have ALREADY recovered from your surgery. Whew - that was fast. Thank Dogness.
Take it easy and enjoy all the attention.
P(ee)S: When you feel 100% better I sure do wish we could meet up!
We've been anxiously waiting to see that pretty smile of yours! Now you just keep it easy, you hear, and let all your humans slave over you!
Waggles & Chi kisses, Chewy & Lilibell
Hi Mona! My mom and dad were outta town this weekend so we didn't gets to come by and tell you we were thinking of you but we were! Oh so much! I'm very much glad your are feeling pretty good and smiling that Most Lovely smile of yours! I'm sending you oodles of kisses!
Wiggles & Wags,
Be well!!!!
It's great to hear some good news!
We are furry glad that you are doing so well with your recovery. We still are sending prayers and crossing our paws for you.!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
Sweetie, it is pleasure enough just knowing that you are home and loved and that your momma can now let her weary heart rest from worry about you.
Its pawtastic to see you out of your crate and enjoying the outdoors!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
As if I wasn't nuts about you already... Love your attitude and your title said it all.
PS Hang in there mommy, we know this is not easy :)
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