June 1, 2009



(courtesty of Luv Those Dachshunds)

"I look at the radar, check all the instruments, but before I give my forecast I take my dog for a walk; he knows what will happen best."
--Bob Turk, meteorologist

Hi dear friends,

Well DROH had another good month for adoptions in May, 13 in all, but we also had a major setback that was & is very disturbing. Four little ones that had been recently adopted in April were returned to DROH. There were several reasons given......they were too hard to handle, didn't get along with their other dogs, to much responsibility, etc. Mommy doesn't buy any of it. She says what it all boils down to is that they weren't given time to settle in. Before somebody adopts a dog or cat, they must first make sure they are going to be committed to adopting. The problem now is that we are out of fosters and the fosters we do have are now overloaded but we will not be defeated. We will never give up on any doggie in need. It might take time but every dog needs a home and sooner or later we will find one for all of them again.

So here are the lucky 13.

adopted 05/03 DUECE

adopted 05/05 CARMELLA

adopted 05/05/09 FALCO (no picture available)

adopted 05/09 MYLIE

adopted 05/14 JIMMY DEAN

adopted 05/14 MARK

adopted 05/15/09 BENTLEY (no picture available)

adopted 05/17 SKEETER

adopted 05/17 GRACIE #2

adopted 05/19 MINDY

adopted 05/22 ROGER

adopted 05/22 LADY #4

adopted 05/26 DANIELLE


Now for a special treat. For those of you who haven't heard, my sweet little friend Clover got a new brother, Chewy, while she was waiting to start up her new blog. They have a new blog address and name. Their new blog name is called Sunshine and Mud Puddles


& wrestling and playing bitey face.

Aren't they the cutest little puggies. Go on over & say hello and welcome one of our newest DWBer
Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}} to all.....Mona


Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Mona,
Wow.. well done on the 13 adoptions... that fab news that 13 pups will have a new home!!
Yes, you are absolutely right.. those people who returned the 4 pups just weren't committed enough. Well, it may be better this way that they return the pups to DROH than if they keep them but end up neglecting them.

Checkers & Chess said...

I'm so glad the doggies found homes and I will cross paws for the ones that were returned - Those pugs are too cute

Dexter said...

Nice to see all those pups getting good homes. I LOVE the little pugs. They remind me of mini-me's.


Raising Addie said...

That is just wonderful that you had sooo many adoptions.

We sure do hope that those 4 pups find new forever homes. We just know the right home is waiting for them.

Thank you for the update on Clover. We will head over there!

Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey

kishiko said...

Hi Mona!!!
Long time no see! I am glad to see you again! Oh Mindy is adorable. All of them are VERY cute! I hope they will happy with their new family.
Yeah, you look different! I like your new hair, good for summer. I will have my hair cut, too.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on all the adoptions. Carmella was the little girly I fell in love with :)

Sorry to hear about the 4 returned and yes they didn't think things thru. I bet they will get great homes!

Twinkle a.k.a Chicken Little said...

Hey Mona, Im glad they all found their furever home & thanks for letting us know about clover.

Kelli said...

Hi Mona!
It's so great to see all those pups have found their forever homes! And thanks for telling us about Clover's new bloggy! I had been missing her!
:) Tibby

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wonderful news to hear about new homes and aren't those little puggles adorable.

Woos, the OP Pack

Taffy said...

Hey, Mona! Its great that so many of our relatives found homes! I know they will be much happier. My momma keeps saying she wants another one...I won't tell her you have so many cuties cuz I am so spoiled and don't wanna share. ~Twix

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mona!
Congratulations on those adoptions! Those doggies who were returned will find a real lovely home soon!
I did not know about Clover! I am going to visit them now!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

How exciting about all the adoptions!! They are all so cute and we hope they have found great furever homes.

Unknown said...

Hi Mona and Sarah - we are so happy for the babies who found good homes. How sad when families adopt thinking they will get a perfect dog. We try so hard with pug rescue to dispel that notion, but it doesn't always work.
Thank you so much for all you do for these wonderful weenies! We just adore you and your mom for all your hard work. Now we have to skitter on over to Clover's new blog and see Chewy! it will be like a Pug PAWTY!!!
love and kisses from your northern neighbors....

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Mona...that Jimmy Dean is hot hot hot...does he date????????

So glad these doggies found homes...we're hopin' and prayin' that the others will soon too!!!!!

Barkin' at ya girlie!!!

Lacie, Scruff and Stanny

Abby said...

Hi, Mona & Mommy...

Congrats on all the adoptions...

I'm sorry the 4 were returned...I hope they are adopted again, soon...

I'm gonna go say Hi to Clover & Chewy...

Abby xxxooo

Dandy Duke said...

We're so happy that all of these cute doggies will have new homes to go to! Jimmy Dean? haha Mom loves that name!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh we are sorry to be so late catching up with youse.

Those photos of the dogs adopted were so lovely, but what a shame about the ones who were returned.

When I was re-homed, my parents had to foster me for a week on trial, before they decided to keep me.

So many dogs need good homes, and there are so few people nowadays willing to take on the full responsibility of caring for a pup.

lotsaluv, from Marvin xxxxxx

oh and Jeannie xxxxxx