April 3, 2009


(courtesy of the Animal Doctor)

"He is seen to come crouching along to lay his force, his courage, and all his useful talents at the feet of his master." -- Oliver Goldsmith

Hi dear friends,

The Mommy is so excited!! DROH had a fantastic month in March for adoptions, 14 in all. Some young ones, some older ones, one with medical problems and one some jerk tried to burn to death. Mommy was so excited when she heard that Trooper had been adopted and his new family said the scars he has didn't matter to them and that the Daddy is bald in spots so he has something in common with Trooper.

Here are the lucky ones that found their forever homes during March. The pictures were taken from the Mommy's DROH doggie folder and are the same pictures their prospective parents would have seen when they were considering a rescue.

MILLIE #2 adopted 03/01/09

RED adopted 03/01/09
(no picture available)
OLIVER #3 adopted 03/07/09

DANIELLE adopted 03/08/09

CHRIS adopted 03/10/09

TROOPER adopted 3/11/09

APOLLO adopted 03/11/09

WEENIE adopted 3/15/09

BUBBA adopted 03/15/09

ELI adopted 3/16/09
(no picture available)

DRAKE adopted 03/21/09

TOOTSIE adopted 3/28/09

SEYMOUR adopted 3/29/09

CAJUN adopted 03/29/09

Well there you have it, 14 more out of harms way. But like Mommy says will it never end. DROH pocked up 4 more this week.
Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}} to all Mona
PS.... please keep your paws crossed. Diego goes for his meet and greet tomorrow and if all goes well, Tootsie will have big brother by tomorrow night!!!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Tank woo fur sharing the grrrreat news!


Mack said...

I am crossing my dewclaws for Deigo!

Hope your mommy gets better super quick!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Such great work you're doing!

Paws crossed for Diego!

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

First off, I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom's cousin passing. and then your mom got sick!
Does she feel better, please send her our best regards.
14 adoptions in one month is remarkable, big applause to DROH! Yeah!
And please come to my blog to pick up your 2 Rose and Friendship Awards and to see me proposing to my dream girl.
Love ya lot

Joe Stains said...

Good luck to Diego! Look at all those cuties that got furever homes. I hope they all have happy and long lives there!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We just love to see these good news reports.

Hope the Mom is feeling better now.

Woos, the OP Pack

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mona!
DROH makes a pawesome job!
Glad to know all those friends have lovely forever homes!
I am sure everything will go well for Diego!
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

Oh that is great news on all the adoptions!!!!