April 21, 2009



"A dog naps so much because it loves so hard" --- Anonymous

Hi dear friends,

Mommy and I haven't been around in several days because we have been visiting blogs and leaving comments about my DWB Doggie and Kitty Spring Flowers post that Mommy will be working on Sunday after the Spring Fling. So far we have 11 participant but that just isn't nearly enough. Course there are some more doggies that I've showcased before that I know won't mind if I check out their blogs for spring flowers. But we are running out of time, so if you want to be a part of my post, you gots until Saturday night to send us your pictures. BTW....based on the doggies that have volunteered to be my models, there are only 4 boy doggies. Us girls are much more sensitive then boys!!

Every month Mommy does a post about all the adoptions for the previous month but this last Saturday was a very special day even though it was storming all day. DROH HAD 3 ADOPTIONS.....YES THREE!!!

One adoption turned out to be a very moving story about the love for an adopted dog and how quickly a dog and a human can bond. As most of you know the process of adopting a dog from DROH is not a quick process. There is an application to fill out, a Vet check, a home visit to see how secure you yard is, then if you are approved a meet and greet with the dogs you are interested in and then if there is a connection between the adoptee and adopter, the actual transfer is made. The picture below is of Gussy, who had problem no one was aware of until Sunday. We are going to copy and paste, the e-mail Mommy got from Aunt Judy, because Mommy will just get it mess up.

Meredith and Susana took Gussy, Alec and Kylie to Galveston last weekend for their adoptions. They noticed Gussy was limping a little but she was playful. Sunday morning the man who adopted her had to bring her to League city emergency clinic = she had a very bad burn on her hip. It wasn't noticeable until it got infected and she started pulling her hair out around the burn. He spent $300.

It was a heating pad burn from JV after they did her spay. By Sunday night he was beside himself because she wouldn't eat and he was freaking out and asked Mer and Suz to come get her until she was better. They said he was crying when they got to his home in Houston (he has two houses) and that he loves her and wants her back. So Suz is nursing her back to health. She brought her by here yesterday to get a harness and belly band to cover the bandages so she couldn't pull them off. Actually, that area is not supposed to be covered, we found out later. The emergency clinic had put a collar on her to keep her from licking the burn.

He recently lost his dog and was terrified that something was going to happen to Gussy - - men just aren't very good at handling those types of situations. By the next morning she was eating and playing at Suzanne's.



We are not very happy about Gussy having this burn. We never allow are dogs to be adopted until they are 100% or that we make sure the new parents are made aware there is a medical problem that can't be corrected. The man said he doesn't care about the money he spent. He just wants her back, so like the e-mail says Susana is nursing her back to health. We told him we will reimburse him for the $300.00. He said he didn't care about the money but he just wants her back. My Mommy said if that isn't true love, she doesn't know what is.

And then there was another adoption on Saturday that had Mommy jumping for joy and, of course, crying. Our little piebald, Alec, who was born with only one eye got adopted too!!! Alec gets around just fine with one eye and his new family loved him at first sight.


Remember little Mylie and Kylie, from the envelope stuffing party? We wanted to try to adopt then out together but there aren't a lot of people that will adopt two dogs at once, so we took both to Galveston and they choose Kylie. Are fingers are crossed that Mylie will be adopted soon.


One last adoption to share with you was one that happened in February but never showed on the recently adopted list. Remember the little dog that was left in a dog run during Hurricane IKE?
He was the one that Mommy picked up and transported to the Vet in Pearland to be evaluated. Mommy asked why his picture wasn't on the website anymore or on the recently adopted list. When she got an answer this week, she said she learned something she had never known before. When he found his foster, he was still having heart worm treatments. His foster fell in love with him and wanted to adopt but since DROH will not adopt out until the dogs are given a clean bill of health, he was removed from the website as a "foster to adopt'.
That means that if the foster is interested in adopting the dog, the dog is removed so no one else will get their hopes up and be disappointed that he isn't available. Mommy says fosters always have right to adopt the dog before anyone else. Mommy knows all about that because she was a foster failure 2 times. Both my brothers, Toby and Peanut, were Mommy's fosters.

SNOOPY adopted 2/02/09

Mommy says we gots to get back to preparing for my Spring Flower post, so we gotta go visit some more blogs but this kind of news just had to be shared.

Love, kisses and {{{Huggies}}}.....Mona


i said...

We just love happy endings! Glad they found loving homes!

Asta said...

ALl this news just made my Mommi smile and smile and I did a happy dance . all those dawling getting fuwwevew homes wif hoomans who weally want them and love them so. I wish this was the way fow evewyfuwwkid. I hope little Mylie gets hew home vewy soon too.
Youw Mommi and evewyone who wowks wif these adoptions awe angels
smoochie happy kisses

Huskee and Hershey said...

YAYYYYY!! It's great news about all the adoptions.. we are so happy that we are chasing our tails!! The story abt Gussy is so touching.. that's what mom calls 'true love'..
Is there anything we can do to help with your DWB Doggie and Kitty Spring Flowers? Hershey said she'd do anything to be a 'model'..LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Poor little Gussy, but wow what a great home she got!!!

Great news on all the adoptions!!!

Nibbles Treats said...

The ups and downs of doggie adoptions. We love the happy endings though.

Wish we could send you a picture of us by flowers but mom doesn't let us near her flower beds. We'll see what we can do though.

Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Those are all wonderful stories because they end so happily. Thank you so much for sharing.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Simba and Jazzi said...

Great news about the adoptions. We haven't forgotten about the spring flowers.

Simba and Jazzi xxx

Joe Stains said...

poor Gussy that looks so ouchy, but we sure are glad she found a GREAT dog dad!! We are so happy for all the dogs, but thanks for sharing Gussy's special story.

Amber-Mae said...

Oh gosh, that burn looks pretty bad! We hope it heals up soon.

Solid Gold Dancer

Kelli said...

Hi Mona!
Those are some great adoptions stories! I hope that Gussy's burn heals quickly so that she can go back to her forever home!
:) Tibby

Abby said...

Hi, Mona & Mommy...

What great stories...I'm glad they all found their Furever Homes...

I love happy endings...

Abby xxxooo

Abby said...

Hi, Mona & Mommy...

You can use my first spring wildflower picture in your Quote of the Day Post...Any time you want...

I wish I could get that Lilac picture for you, but here in Upstate NY, the Spring Flowers are coming a little too late...

I'm still gonna send you a picture when they bloom...They are just beautiful...

I can't wait to see your Spring Flower Post...

Abby xxxooo

i said...

I don't remember ever posing with flowers though. Hmm...we'll take a look though.

Honey the Great Dane said...

Hi Mona,

Those are just wonderful stories - thank you so much for sharing them! It gives us a lovely warm feeling reading them. Fingers crossed for little Mylie...she is so adorable, I am sure somebody will snap her up soon!

Please come over to my blog to pick up an award I have for you!

Honey the Great Dane

Alli and Frankie said...

LOVE those adoption stories! Have you been over to addie's blog and read about Joanie? You were the first person who popped into my head when I read it - I thought, "Mona and the Mommy will be so sad over this." Dachshund (indeed, any dog) rescue sees sad things.

Life With Dogs said...

This made my day - so much good news in one post!

I did just send you a pic, but maybe I can try to get Nigel to sit still long enough to add another boy to the mix :)

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

That was very good news indeed. Mommy is a foster failure too. Scylla & Charybdis were foster kitties. Of course the beans fell in love with them and couldn't bear the idea of parting with them. Daddy said no more fosters after that, cause we would wind up keeping them. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris

Alli and Frankie said...

Just got your comment on Frankie's blog - Joanie's story is heartbreaking, isn't it? I don't want to jinx anything but it does sound like she's a little fighter and you're right - she's obviously in experienced and loving hands. hugs, hugs, hugs to you guys!

NESSA the hovawart said...

Hi Mona%Mommy,

your stories with happy ends makes my mommy smile...
Please stop by my blog, I left there something for you...
Kisses and hugs,

Marvin said...

oh it was so sad to read about the burn! It looked so painful.

I am pleased all the dogs found happy homes at last.

Phew! Sorry we have not been around, my Jeannie is only just back from Australia, and taking a time to get around the blogs!

If we find some spring flower pics, we will try to post them!

lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxx oh and Jeannie xxxxx