April 18, 2009



(picture courtesy of Khyra)

"Dogs know that it's better to better to stretch after sleeping than to save those precious moments for anything else." ---- Marc Christophe

Hi dear friends,

If you listen real closely you will hear all the thunder in the background. It rained all day yesterday and it has been raining even harder today. The Deer Park Pet Adventure Day was postponed so me and Mommy have been cooped up in the house all day. Well not really all day. Mommy had to go to the bank to get some money to pay Roland for cutting our yard last week. I got to go with her. It was raining not too bad but on the way home it came down "raining cats and dogs" It has been raining every since and Mommy won't even let me go out & pee. She says I'll just have to pee on the pee pads. All the excitement I've had today was when the lady at the drive thur window at the bank asked Mommy if she could give me a treat....Yahoo, she gave me two. They love me at the bank. Awhile back we posted a video about what our street (or what we call Lake San Fernando) looks like when it floods. Well the water is over the sidewalk in front of the house now but Mommy says it has a long way to go before it can get into the house.

We did watch something cute that was on TV this morning. What do these two doggies have in common?

Brutes and Chloe

= The Ugly Dachshund

Yep.....it was a hoot and Mommy laughed & laughed. It was about a lady that had a dachshund dog that had 3 puppies (all girls) and her husband brings home a great dane puppy (a boy) that the lady's dog nurses and the puppy grows up thinking he is a dachshund too. Boy o boy, them dacshie puppies sure loved their brother and was always getting him in trouble......us dachshunds are a bit mischevious like that or so they say. Chloe is one of his sisters. The movie is all about the two of them. All us dacshies need to rent this movie.
The rest of the day Mommy has been looking at blogs trying to find spring flowers with pictures of you guys but there are so many bloggers out there that it will take her forever to find some. Mommy got real excited because the OP pack said we could use a picture from their blog of Dakota with some spring flowers.
If you'd like to see that picture go to: http://thecronicleofwoos.blogspot.com/
That's the kind of picture we are looking for. We are waiting until we get pictures of Phantom & Thunder. Please send any pictures, if you haven't already, to the e-mail address on my bio.
Everybody says the big thing these days, if your trying to find love, is at E Harmony or putting an add in the newspaper. Mommy saw this, so thought she'd share with anybody looking for a single black female.

SINGLE BLACK FEMALE seeks male companionship, ethnicity unimportant. I'm a very good girl who LOVES to play. I love long walks in the woods, riding in your pickup truck, hunting, camping and fishing trips, cozy winter nights lying by the fire. Candlelight dinners will have me eating out of your hand. I'll be at the front door when you get home from work, wearing only what nature gave me. Call (404) 875-6420 and ask for Daisy, I'll be waiting....
Please scroll down.

Over 150 men found themselves talking to the Atlanta Humane Society.
Any takers?
Gotta go. There's still a lot of bloggies out there to look at.
Love, kisses and {{{{huggies}}}} to all........Mona & Mommy
PS....please pray that it doesn't rain tomorrrow!!


Raising Addie said...

Hello dear friends!!!

The ugle dachshund is our FAVORITE movie ever!!!

We got rain here all day to until about 4 p.m. and then the sun finally came out. WOOOHOOO!

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie and Lucie

Abby said...

Hi, Mona & Mommy...

My Mom wants to rent that movie...She thinks it sounds really cute...

I hope it stops raining at your house...

I rained here for about an hour today...Tomorrow it's supposed to be nice & me & my Mom are gonna do some yard work...

She got the new camera & now she has a memory card for it, so we are gonng take some picture while we do our yard work...

My Mom says there are some Daffy-Dills & Cro-Cusses growing way out in the back...I hope they are pretty enough to take a picture of...

Enjoy the rest of your weekend...

Abby xxxooo

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Hi Mona,
I signed the petition as you asked me to. I was the 15 thousands plus signature, yeah, together we make a lot of difference.
Mona, Autumn's brother is very sick, I asked her to lend me money to help for the CT scan first then my money to come later 'cause I don't know how to send it real quick. Oh I wish I could respond promptly and efficiently to every request!!!
Love ya lot!

Erin said...

Ugh, we are glad the rain is gone for a little while here!!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mona and Mommy!
I don't think I can find that movie here!
I'd love to watch it! Sounds pawesome!
I hope tomorrow you will have a sunny day!
Kisses and hugs

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

My mom is sooooooo old that......

She saw that movie when it khame out!

Maybe that is why her mom and dad got the family a blakhk shorthaired WOO dog!

I'm sorry fur your rain pain...I know it khan intrude on your fun! I just sit in it!


Tee said...

Hello Mona and Mummy,

Well we think you're cute ... Tuffy on the underhand is momentarily bewitched by Anna's scentful spell (she's in heat) but once he comes out of it, am sure he'll think you cute too!

licks and wags

Tuffy of Dog WOods

Mack said...

Mom says she's seen the Ugly Dachsund a loooong time ago and thought it was very funny.

It sure did rain hard our way too - Mom says the weather channel says it's done for a while ***dewclaws crossed**

Checkers & Chess said...

my mom and dad said that was a funny movie - they saw it when it came out in the 20th century - I think they must be very old! Mom is always saying "I'm old, I'm blonde and I'm Southern! so I have an excuse for EVERYTHING!"


Asta said...

Hi Mona!
That ad suwe was funny, and the single black female is a pawfect find..much bettew than what they expected, hehehehe
Of couwse youw Mommy can have my pictoowe..Im honowed she likes it.
it's going to be waining hewe all week..we will have RTS (westless tewwiew syndwome) heheh
smoochie kisses

Honey the Great Dane said...

Hi Mona,

Thanks for visiting me and the lovely comments on my blog! I LOVE making new friends - and I love your blog too!

And hey - my humans say they have seen that movie - it is one of their all-time favourites! It's funny - I think us giant breeds think we're small dogs inside (that's why we're often wimps!) and many small dogs (especially terriers) think they're really big dogs inside! :-)

I think your human is wonderful to rescue you. You're a very lucky girl.

I have added you to my blog list so I hope we can visit each other often!

Honey the Great Dane
ps. you're very welcome to use whichever picture you like - although I am not sure which picture you mean of me standing by a bush? Could you please tell me which post that was from? Thanks!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Daisy is a doll. We sent a picture of Fenris and Scylla over for you. They are the 4 legged gardeners in our family and they were "helping" with a flower bed. They were helping Mommy decide which plants to put in it. We wishes the plant had been blooming as it has pretty yellow blooms but (sigh) it wasn't. It's still a pretty bush though. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris

Rambo said...

Paws crossed that you don't have rain tomorrow. You can always hang out at my dog house. It was 90 degrees here today and very sunny.
please tell your Mommy that she can use any picture she wants for her post.okay?

Alli and Frankie said...

We LOVE that movie! Such a goodie!

NESSA the hovawart said...

Hi, Mona and Mommy,

of course you can rent pics:-)..if you need I can send you more...

Love your blog!

Kisses and hugs,

kishiko said...

Hi Mona!
I am interested in the movie, "The ugle dachshund". I will check it out! I hope it is sunny in your place. I will send some my flower pictures.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Ugly Dachshund, such a cute movie!!!!

I had a feeling the Deer Park pet thing was going to be postponed considering how much rain we got. Let me know when it comes back on :)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Sorry about all the rain- Dad was in Texas last week and his flight home got all messed up because of the rain. He is worried because he has to go back again this week.

Phantom's pic is up today and tomorrow is Thunder's turn. Glad you liked our flower photos.

Woos, the OP Pack

Anonymous said...

Mommy got that in an email before, about Daisy! SO funny! That looks like a good movie, maybe I can have mom put it on for me when she goes to her first day of work tomorrow and leaves me home!!


Joe Stains said...

We are sending lots of AZ sunshine and warmth your way! It is going to be almost 100 here tomorrow!!

Duke said...

We're so glad you got to go to the bank with your mommy and you got treats, Mona! We love that too!
We've got yucky rain at our house too but no flooding here! We'll cross our paws that it stops raining for you!
Mom sent you a photo of me and flowers!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said...

Sorry we haven't visited. Mom has been super busy with school. We hope to keep up better.

Lady Kaos said...

Mom LOVES that movie! she loves it even more now that she has a mischivous dacshund.