March 10, 2009



"Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms." --- George Eliot

Hi dearest,

I'm home again!! When the Mommy picked me up, I was so excited. I missed my Mommy. She said she missed me more than I missed her but she is wrong....I missed her lots more. My Aunt Chris told Mommy that I sat behind the screen door for hours after she dropped me off. I didn't even sleep with anybody this time, I just laid in Jody's old bed at night and during the day, I would run to the front door and stare out the screen door looking for her. Aunt Chris several times, I ran out the door looking for Mommy but when I didn't see my car, I came back. Well I'm home now where I belong. The first thing I did was run to my bed and made sure no other doggie had been here.


I'm not mad at Mommy for leaving me when she went to Arlington anymore, cause Addie & Lucie sent me a bag full of stuffies and treats. So I have forgiven her. Mommy took tons of pictures with the girls and their sweet Mommy but tonight its all about me and my pressies but first some wonderful news Mommy heard today. Trooper got adopted!!!!! Remember we posted his picture recently. He as the first little dog we rescued that some idiot had tried to burn. How cool is that? Aunt Judy said two others got adopted too!!

The following pictures are of me when Mommy gave me my bag. I was scared something was gonna jump out at me.

Oops!! I knocked the bag over and Mommy didn't even holler at me. She said it was my bag and I could do anything I wanted with it.

Wow!! Look at all my lout.

Mommy told me a funny story but told me not to tell my Aunt Pam what she told me. I love my Aunt Pam a lot but she is not a dog person by an stretch of the imagination. Mommy was shocked cause she actually petted Lucie. Well anyway, this is what happened. Mommy was sleeping and snoring away around 2 am yesterday morning when Aunt Pam starting talking in her sleep she said:
"Sadie, Sadie wake up, that dog is peeing on my lampshade." Mommy said what was so funny, was that she was sitting up on the edge of the bed and Mommy told her "your just dreaming, go back to bed", so she said OK and went back to sleep.
Hee hee.....I wish I could of been there to see that!! When they got up in the morning, Mommy asked her, if she remembered the dog peeing on the lampshade. They both had a good laugh over that. It was not Addie or Lucie but our old dog Fuzzy.
Mommy loaded two videos and she said she hopes you can view them. The first is of Addie & Luci in action. This is the one she tried to load last night & after 3 hours she gave up.

This next video is off me with my pressies. I ran off as soon as the Mommy gave me a rawhide chew.

Thanks you Addie and Lucie for my present!!!
Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}} to all.........Mona


Raising Addie said...


We are soooo very happy that you are home with your mom! And that your bed was right where you left it.

We LOVE that video of you with your treats! That twisted bone was a very favorite type of bone of Zoe's.

Thank you for posting that video of Addie and Lucie! Oh that was sooo much fun!

Ok, now that sleeping story was tooo much fun! Has she always talked in her sleep?

Congratulations to Trooper!! We are sooo very happy that he has found a forever home!

What a wonderful day!

Snuggle extra tight with mommy tonight sweet Mona!

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie and Lucie

Bae Bae said...

That's so nice that your mom is back and you got presents. :)

Is that white color flower tree in your post yesterday a sakura (cherry blossom) tree?

~ Bae

Dandy Duke said...

We're so glad that you and your mommy are back home together, Mona! You look so happy in your bed! What nice pressies from Addie and Lucie!
Yeaaaaaaaaa for Trooper! What awesome news!
Autumn stole the picture of your pretty tree for her post today and she's asking for help so that your mommy can find out what kind of tree that is! It's so pretty!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Princess Patches said...

Hi Mona! We came over from Maggie and Mitch's bloggy to tell you what we think your mystery tree is. We think it is a Bradford Pear Tree. They are beautiful when they are blooming! They are the only tree that is almost perfectly know, like how you learn to draw a tree as a child. They don't actually produce pears, but when they are about 12 years old, or so, they do produce teeny tiny fruits that sort of look like cherries.

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Abby said...

Hi, Mona...

OMdoG...Look at all that loot...

Have fun...

I'm glad your Mommy came home...I hate it when my Mom leaves me...

Abby xxxooo

Nibbles Treats said...

We are so happy that your mom got to meet Addie and Lucie and their mommy too. You are a lucky dog! Glad you are back home with your mom.

Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker

Anonymous said...

Oh what great pressies you got, loved all the pics!!!

Great news on all the adoptions!!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What khuteness!

Bipeds inkhluded!

Tank woo fur sharing!

I do think Lucie likes her sister a LOT!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh, such a furry happy-filled post!! Congrats to Trooper on finding his forever home and to woo guys for helping him.

Look at all those pressies from Addie and Lucie. We so wish we could meet both of them and woo too!!! Woo are all so cute and have such nice families. Enjoy your new toys and have lots of fun with Mommy now that woo are back home.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Lady Kaos said...

Wow! That's a lot of cool stuff!!!!!
Glad you and your Mommy are both back home. I hate when everybody isn't where they're supposed to be!

Joe Stains said...

I am so glad you are home now!! I know you missed your Mommy tons and I am glad nodog was sleeping in your bed when you are away. Nice to come home to a nice pressie!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Mona,
We are glad to have you back!!
We loved the videos and isn't it sweet of Lucie and Addie to send youa big bag of pressies?!!
Ok, I want to know something. So when is your mommy coming to visit Hershey and I?? We promise to be good..
OMdoG.. the story of your Aunt Pam dreaming about a dog peeing on her lampshade is tooooooo funny!! LOL!!

Simba and Jazzi said...

Doesn't seem so bad when they bring you back stuff. You certainly got lots of stuff!

Simba and Jazzi xxx

Bae Bae said...

Hi Mona, you're right.. there's not much hammie blogs around. The one I know is
- Copito Sparky's hammie sister
and Huskee's angle hammie sister

~ Bae