January 20, 2009


QUOTE IF THE DAY: "A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog when you are just as hungry as the dog." -- Jack London
Hi dearest friends,
Before the Mommy tells you about the destruction I caused today, I am going to show you the doggies I picked for my.....
Strings of Friendship "I"
Why do you ask, are there two doggies for my "I" choice? Because me and the Mommy couldn't decide which of these two doggies to feature, so tonight you get to met both of them if you don't know them already.

IZZIE, the Cocker Spaniel/Pomeranian mix from Arizona

I have lots of Cocker Spaniel friends her in Houston, but I've never had a Pomeranian friend.

If you haven't met Izzie before, her blog address is http://izziesworld.blogspot.com

IVY a Cross Keeshond from Virginia
Ivy doesn't like squirrels any more than Rusty does and her motto is "squirrels are evil". I wonder if she is part of RUSTY'S SQUIRREL PATROL? I bet she is on the lookout for them varmints in this picture, while shes resting on the patio.

Ivy has a human baby brother, Benjamin, that he has to keep a close eye on. They are so cute together.

Ivy blog address is http://ivypaws.blogspot.com

Now for the gutting of my poor Flea Flea. The Mommy bought me Flea Flea about 6 months ago. I am very fond of him and when the Mommy gets home, she sees me flipping him in the air and giving him a good shake or two. I really don't know what happened but today I snapped and this is what the Mommy saw me doing........the Mommy.....poor Flea Flea is a goner and Lord only knows where the squeakier went. The video will show what a bad girl Mona was. Even after I took him away she found him and drug him up on the chair and the distruction contiuned.

FLEA FLEA after the rescue

view from the front

View from the butt.

She caught me in the act and boy did I get it.

Love, kisses and ((((huggies))) to all.............Mona


Lindsay said...

Oh, isn't that what a doggy is supposed to do with a stuffy??? I thought that was what they were for!
Brown dog kisses,

Izzie said...

At least YOU don't EAT the stuffing. I do, so mama won't even give me stuffie toys!

THanks for including me on your friendship string! I'm going to add your blog to mama's reader so we can keep up! I feel so honored!

Kelli said...

Hi Mona!
Poor Flea Flea! But I would definitely say he was asking for it! Just look at his butt!
:) Tibby

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Fleas are bad! Mona was doing you a favor to destroy it!


-The Mullin Clan's Mommy- said...

I know, Mona, the devil that gits into me sumtimes, gots into you & made you hurt yur flea-flea. See, tell yur mommy that it wasn't really you who did it!

-the demon youngin, Juneau-

chelsea + apple said...

agg I'z would bite that flea!!

<3 Apple

Ivy said...

hey hey mona! thank you for featuring me in your "I" section! that was so nice.

don't worry too much about destroying flea flea... that is just wut happens to stuffies. they get sad if you don't take theyr stuffing out every once in a while!

luv ivy

Clover said...

Oh poor Flea Flea! But good work, Mona! You could give me some pointers on destroying my stuffies!!
Happy belated birthday to your Mommy!! Sorry we missed it.
And also, I just love your 'strings of friendship' - it is so nice that you feature a different friend in each post. You are a sweet girl!
Love Clover xo

Anonymous said...

Your "I" friends are adorable.

Wow you sure were very busy. I wished my girls would play with stuffies but they wont. I have a big basket of them just sitting there neglected unless my sister's dog comes to visit.

Dandy Duke said...

Flea Flea did make quite the mess, didn't she!
We love Ivy's blog. She's quite the character!
We'll have to go say hi to Izzie. We don't know her!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Alli and Frankie said...

Oh, no! I hope you didn't get in to too much trouble! I love to get to the stuffing, too! :)

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Why do hoooooomans insist on asking the silliest of khwestions?

Of khourse she's going to be the one to khlean it up!

Woo were busy playing!

Tank woo fur introducing us to the 'I' furiends!


Sharon said...

Hi Mona! Your Friendship post is cute again! I went to visit Ivy and she is great material for the Squirrel Patrol! Izzie would probably like it too.

Don't let mom discourage you. Destuffing stuffies is on our job descriptions as dogs! And it is a lot of fun. But as izzie says, just don't eat the stuffing.

Anonymous said...

That last comment is supposed to be from me, Rusty, but mom (Sharon) forgot to sign my name in!


Joe Stains said...

But the darn thing SAYS bite me on the back doesn't it???? I think you were just having fun and spending quality time with Flea Flea!

kishiko said...

I love the movie!
Good job, Mona!