"Sometimes you can't believe what you see. You have to believe what you feel." -- Morrie Schwartz
Hi friends,
Today the Mommy is taking over my blog to tell you about the Hallowiener Party that DROH has every year. Saturday the Mommy dropped me off at Aunt Judy's and I stayed with the boys while she and Aunt Judy went to help get the invitations ready to be mailed. It was held at Suzanne's house where it always is and after they got finished they were going to have a complete Mexican dinner with margaritas too.
Here is the front of the invitation

The first thing you saw, if you came in the front door, was the welcoming committee -- there were 11 doggies in attendance.

If you came in through the garage, this was the reception you got.

So after a little socializing, playing with the dogs & drinking margaritas the work table was setup and the work began. Here are some pictures of the process. We had quite an assembly line going and the whole process took less than 3 hours to complete. Notice Frodo was helping one of the ladies put labels on the return envelopes.

After all that hard work, the food was ready and everybody chowed down. Suzanne & her husband were our host & hostess. This Mexican feast has become a tradition. Here they are making margaritas.

Of course what would a Mexican dinner be without Mexican sweetbreads? Of course none of the dogs got any except for one of the Winnies' (the black & tan one), that ate every crumb that fell on my chest. She jumped into my lap and because it was very flaky she had quite a treat.

Before I introduce the pups in attendance, here are a few random pictures.

Now let me introduce the dogs. The first five dogs all belong to Suzanne and her family.
This long haired beauty is SOPHIE (the first dog they adopted from DROH).
This is the other WINNIE, with Judy, also adopted from DROH. If you remember, you have all seen her before in the Spring Fling pictures.

This is the WINNIE that ate all the crumbs off my chest. She is a foster and is available for adoption.

This little chocolate fellow is SAM I AM. He is a foster and is available for adoption. Looks just like Jody but even smaller.

And this is JACK.

This last picture is the before picture of one of our dachshunds. He was so skinny, emaciated and had such a long neck, that the rescuer name him GEOFFREY THE GIRAFFE.

Oh yes, I forgot to tell you Maxine and Geoffrey are brother and sister now. They were adopted by a man named Joe awhile back. They have new names too, sort of. He is now JEFFY and she is now MAXIE.
Love, kisses and (((huggies))) to all.......the Mommy
Oh, these babies are so cute. I thought I was stopping in for a quick minute but, when I saw them I had to go all the way down. I love this site and I will be back.
Woah what a party! the beef looks amazing but the hot dogs looked the best ;) We sure loved all those cute photos of the weiner dogs, they all look so happy. Everyone who helps in rescue gets a paws up from us!
What a great party and lots of photo's too :-)
Dropping by to say hello. Hope you had a good weekend.
Simba x
What a lot of cute doggies and good looking food!
The picture on the halloween invitation is just adorable!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Great party! great food, great drinks,great cause,great dogs. Did I say it was GREAT!!!! Good job. Loved the card picture.
You had a house full of cute weeners!
Lots of cute wieners! Those invitations are great! Mom always says the day she adopted Sasha was the day she started having the cleanest floors in town. We all her the Crumb Hoover.
What a party.
What a wonderful Pawty!!!
You are so lucky, you and the Mummy are such social butterfly's.
Hi! Boy it looks like y'all had a great time there! You are great to help all those little doggies!
So many dachshunds! I really love long-haired dachshunds, I can't get enough of them, and Sophie looks so beautiful!
Hi, Mommy!
You do a great job with those friends!
Looks like a great party with mexican food included!
Kisses and hugs
What a great pawty! Enjoyed looking at all the pictures! Especially love the one of the three of you squeezed together on the rug hehehe...
that was a such a nice invitation card...
n great pawty too
My oh my! That's a LOT of Dachshunds! And the food, the cookies & donuts are making...my MOMMY DROOL!!! I'm looking at the minced beef that lady was cooking. YUMMYYY!!!!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
WOW!! So many pups, so many people, SO MUCH FOOD!!
Such a fab pawty!!
Hi Mona!
That looks like a pawesome party. Glad you had fun! I want to adopt Sam I Am as my brother!! But I live very far away and did not get my parents permission.
Hope you stay safe - heard that mean Ike is coming your way? Sending hugs and good thoughts.
Love Clover xo
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