"When faced with a challenge, look for a way, not a way out." -- David Weatherford
Hi friends,
Since we might not be able to post for awhile.....ya know Ike is coming to visit Houston....the Mommy has decided to do a quick post to tell you that we have a Winner for my Guess Who Belongs To Who? contest. The winner is LORENZA!!! She is, of course, our favorite little friend that lives in Mexico. I tried to pick a really cute picture of Lorenza in one of her custom made dresses but the Mommy said she loves this picture best of all because of her lovely smile. She kinda looks like my best friend ROXIE, and the Mommy wishes she was here with us right now so I could have some company while Ike is here. I got the Mommy, so I gots all I need. The answers were:
We would like to thank all my doggie friends for letting me use their kitty cat brothers and sisters for my post. As soon as I can I want to show you some pictures of my kitty cat friends. I will be sending Lorenza her prize next weekend.
Now for Ike. He is coming to town and we are not very happy about it. He is very nasty and is messing things up in Galveston right now and we are only about 60 miles from there. The Mommy & I are gonna "shelter in place". My Aunt Pam wanted the Mommy to come to her house in Spring but the Mommy wants to stay home. This morning the Mommy and are bestest neighbor, Roland & his wife, helped the Mommy move everything from outside into the garage and she moved the car in there too. Then he helped the Mommy to move the guest bedroom's twin mattress into the hallway where there are no windows. I have been standing guard in front of the patio window (this is an old picture), most of the day. The Mommy says I can't stay on my chair when the wind starts blowing. The sun is shining and it's not even windy yet....so how come it's gonna turn into a horrible night & Saturday. Me and the Mommy remember what happened when Rita came visiting 3 years ago and they say Ike is gonna be much worse....I hope not but me and the Mommy have each other and we did go through this once before but then there was the Mommy and 5 doggies sharing that one twin mattress.

Three years ago, when Rita came visiting, this is how I looked. When the A/C got knocked out it was very hot but this time I gots my simmer haircut and maybe it won't be so bad. You know hurricane Katrina, just before Rita, is what got the Mommy involved in fostering, before that she transported dogs only. The Houston SPCA contacted DROH after Katrina and we got all the dachshunds rescued from New Orleans. All of the Vet clinics we use were boarding the ones we didn't have fosters for and they wanted to close. DROH asked everybody who had adopted from them to foster a dog until Rita was over. The rest is history. The Mommy took BECKETT in and since there was still some left took KELSO in too. Now PICTURE THIS.....The Mommy and 5 dogs on one twin mattress....what a picture that would have made. The only dog that slept that night was Beckett, but then I guess he figured he made it for 2 weeks locked in an attic in New Orleans so he could survive anything. Kelso got adopted right after the storm but Beckett stayed with us until Christmas Eve. She cried when she dropped him off with his new forever parents, because he looked just like her Samantha. The Mommy is gonna call & see how he is doing later today.

Just to show you that we haven't lost our humor, the Mommy is gonna share a hurricane story with you from when she was a little, almost a teenager, girl but still a big fearless "HA" tomboy. In 1961, the big one, at that time, HURRICANE CARLA came to Houston. The Mommy was just 12 years old with flaming red hair and strong, so because she was so fearless "HA HA", she was sent down the street to her grandmother's house to get the BIG rooster. Her grandma's house had gas that hadn't gone out so all the families were cooking everything that had thawed out over there. What happened is just what they deserved for sending a child to pick up a BIG rooster with a BIG roast in it. The wind was blowing and there were tree limbs falling everywhere and the big fearless tomboy "HA" fell and out tumbled the roast...plop...into a puddle. The Mommy was terrified and crying, after all she was just a child. She was afraid she would be in trouble if she told her Mommy what she did............sooooo.......she picked the roast up, dusted it off and put it back in the rooster. She never told anybody but her sister Pam and neither of them ate any roast that night. The Mommy said she is not SORRY, because they should not have sent a child to do a grown person's job!!!
We are gonna have to go now. They say it should start getting bad maybe as early as 3 pm so the Mommy is gonna shut the computer down and take a little nap since tonight I'm sure we won't sleep much. Wish us luck & pray for us.
Love, kisses and (((huggies))) to all.....Mona & the Mommy too!!
Please stay safe!
PeeEssWoo: Lorenza is a sweetie!
Stay Safe. There is still time to come to our house in Denton if you hurry. If you're going to stay, we pray you are safe.
Lorenza is very smart!
I sure hope you and the mommy are going to be safe. Please be careful! We will get some of the weather even up here in Dallas!
We will be praying for all of our friends and family in Houston. Of course, they say Ike is supposed to come visit us too and bring lots of wind and rain. Mommy thinks it is going to be a challenge since she has TWO nephews here and neither one of them think to prepare. In fact, one is asleep on the sofa right now. It's gonna get ugly if we lose power!
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Congratulations to Lorenza!
Our thoughts and prayers are with you Mona and her mommy! Stay safe!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
That lorenza is one smart cookie. Stay safe you guys. We are supposed to get wind and rain. Check in when you can.
Good luck to you. You'll be in our thoughts.
Levi and the mom
Hi, Mona!
I hope everything is going to be ok!
Please, take care! And post as soon as you can to let us know you and your Mommy are safe and well!
Kisses and hugs
Mona and mommy-we are praying for you!! Please stay safe!!
Penny and Velcro
I hope you all stay safe and well.
Simba x
Hi Mona, thinking of you, stay safe buddy.
I didn't enter the contest 'cause I wanted Lorenza to win, just kidding, hehe!
My mom laughed at the "BIG rooster with a BIG roast" story, long term memory is still intact.
Oh my...PLEASE BE SAFE!!! We are thinkin' of all you Texas doggies and their hoomans now....
We have her i cane humor too...when Hugo came through Charlotte in 1988, Bruvver was a 3 year old. Mumsie told him to go and get dressed while she went out and looked at the messed up yard. Bruvver couldn't reach his socks and pulled his ENTIRE dresser on top of him. Thank dog he wasn't hurt cuz we couldn't have gotten the car outta the garage! A lamp broke and he and sissy (who rescued him from under the chest)decided to glue all the glass back together. Dadddy found them covered with glue and glass and the furniture all tipped over. He sighed and said to Mumsie....huricaine outside and tornado inside...ah...the joys of cleanin' up LOTSA glass with NO POWER!
We're so thinkin' of ya...Mumsie did the whole mattess in the middle of the floor thing...wonder why houses that really NEED basements don't have'em...we have a fab basement and NO storms!!!
Barkies, Mono...
Hi Mona and the Mommy, I came by to check on you. Ike is all gone from here (Palestine) now without much damage. How are you, is everything ok? Let us know!
We are hoping and praying that you made it through safely!
You guys OK??? Let us know!!!
Scruffy, Lacie and Stan
We have our paws crossed for you guys and hope that everything is ok. It must be so scary :(
safe wishes from england - we hope you get through the hurricane!!
Love George
Mona, I hope you and your mommy will be safe and sound. Let us know you're okay because we're very worried. Lots of hugs!
Lorenza is good. I tried figuring it out and the ones I was sure were right I was wrong! I only got Gunnar and Shelby right! that was fun!! Hope Lorenza's mailman delivers the prize before Christmas!
I just read on the Dacshies blog that you two are okay. I hope you get power back soon so you can tell us yourselves that you are okay.
Hi Mona and the Mommy,
I heard Ike got your electricity. We are praying and keeping paws crossed for every one who was hurt by Ike. Take care and come back soon!
Hi Mona,
Hope you are ok... Stay safe!!
Hope you all are all right there. Stay safe now!
Woof's mona and the mommy, me shure hopes u iz safe...me iz worried bout u...me wuz offline fur a little while but me iz back...let us no, when u can...u iz in our thoughts and prayers...
b safe,
We sure hope you're all OK. We've been through big hurricanes (Andrew and Wilma in particular) so we know it is not fun. The aftermath is worse than the storm.
Wirey woofs!!!
Jake and Just Harry
Are you and the mommy ok?
Hi-Woo Mona & Mommy,
We hope you are safe & sound!
-Cosmos, Juneau & Mommy-Marlene-
This is Jody's mom, I spoke to Mona's mommy yesterday via email. They made out ok but don't have power.
Since we just got our power back on this morning I will see if she wants to come up and make a post for you all so you can see they are both safe and sound.
It was scary for Mona but she is a TROOPER!!!
Are you guys okay???
We evacuated to Stafford and luckily our hotel had power - let me know how you are!!
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