"My dog is usually pleased with what I do because she is not infected with the concept of what I "should" be doing." -- Lonzo Idolswine
Hi my friends,
The time has come for my kitty cat post. The Mommy has decided that our contest is gonna be different that she had originally planned. The old myth that cats and dogs don't or can't get along is just that a "myth".
As you can see from the little picture below.....they do get along most of the time and dogs have been known to protect and nuture kittens. So here is the deal.
This is going to be a test of our knowledge of our DWB friends that have kitty cat brothers and sisters.....Who belongs to who?
All of the cats in this post belong to my friends who have visited my blog and have given me permission to use the pictures of their kitty cat family members.
How closely have you been reading blogs? Do you know who belongs to who? Whoever can guess the most correctly, the soonest, will get a surprise delivered straight to their door. Because some doggies don't like kitty cats and might not even read about them on our friends posts, I am very sorry but ya can't win if ya don't have any idea who they might belong to. I will tell you who each cat is.....all ya have to do is match the kitty cat to the dog or cat they belong to. At the end of this post will be a list of all the doggies or cats that gave me their permission. The contest will be over on Sept. 19, which will be in exactly 2 weeks away. Please send an e-mail to the Mommy at redricca@sbcglobal.net with you answers and who you are. Not every doggie in DWB reads my blog, so invite anyone you would like to play along and start researching who belongs to who. GOOD LUCK!!
Tomorrow we are gonna show some pictures of some of our Houston friends kitty cats and one last post about my trip to the country. GUESS WHAT? Me and the Mommy are gonna go back to the country Oct 4th but this time just for the day so my Aunt Pam & Uncle Sonny can meet Dachsies Rule and their Mommy and go catfish fishing. Course ya know what the Mommy will be doing......sitting on them rockers drinking coffee and talking.
Over and out....Good luck....love, kisses and (((huggies))) to all.....Mona & the Mommy too!!
I'm a Sibe - they all go with khoffee or a nice dessert wine -
It would drive me insane to check out all these cats! Good luck everydog.
Snufs George
I don't like cats in real life, but the blog ones are kinda cute.
Simba x
Well, we really don't know cept we just got our first kitty friend,JB.She is really sweet and has a kitty that lives with her named poopoo who is real scary to us! In real life, we've never lived with cats and they run, and well....we chase. Long ago Mom had a Meezer(Siamese)who lived to 22. All her dogs got along with her cuz,well, she was the boss.
But that was a long time ago.
Good luck to all who know these kitties.
(Did u see Mom's TX flamingo&TX birdbath?Figurd you might like it)
Have a great weekend!! We
put you on our friends list!
I like cats. :3
I like Blossom's picture!
omdog the cat's got my tongue! I just have no idea!!!
We stink at this one! We only got one right! I guess we need to visit more kitty blogs and pay attention to the kitties more than the doggies - NOT!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I know two of them!!
Ming is my kitty sissy and Shelby is Peanuts brother.
Also, I think Ming and Shelby may be an item.
Gunnar belongs to Lady Kaos. Shelby aka fatty is mine and Ming is his woman and goes with Mack. We don't know the other ones though. We love a cat with the name POO POO though that is great.
Shelby - Peanut
Gunnar - Lady Kaos
PooPoo- Jelly Bean
Ming - Mack
Bob - Rusty
Blossom - Velcro
Witty Kitty - One of the pack
Linus - Mr. T-Bone
Kisses and hugs
Lorena is smart! I only know Linus lives with Tbone. I have not been keeping up real well lately with everyone, I am sorry!
Yay Lorenza!
YIKES! I only know my cat. I have to remember better when I read my friend's blogs. Lorenza is a smart doggie with a good memory! Not to mention pretty.
One of the cats, Linus, looks a lot like my other cat Dallas. Dallas was hurt last weekend and mom has been worrying over him all week. I can't even to in the bathroom to see him.
Oh, this is gonna be sooo hard! I know one of them is Jelly Bean but I don't know the rest. Oh, I'm so ashamed! I will try this tomorrow.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
I thought I was going ot be able to do this! I only recognize 2. I know Gunnar and Shelby and that's it! Oh well, Good luck to everybody else!!
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