"The world was conquered through the understanding of dogs. The world exists through the understanding of dog" ---
Hi my dearest friends,
Me and the Mommy got home this afternoon around 4:30 pm & we are both exhausted but very happy!! I was soooooo tired, I slept most of the way home, while my poor old Mommy had to drive. Roxie, Sammy, Andy & me played soooo hard and had so much fun and believe we took plenty of naps so we could play some more. The Mommy took exactly 51 pictures, but she is too tired tonight to sort them out BUT I still wanted you to see the two pictures that the Mommy took of all of us were we are actually all together.
This picture was taken of all of us when we came in Saturday night after it got dark. Left to right....ANDY, ROXIE, SAMMY AND ME.
This picture was taken 15 minutes after we came in from playing Saturday night.
Right to left this time..........Sammy, Me, Roxie and Andy. When you play hard ya gotta sleep hard!!

We gots so much to tell ya about and gots lots of pictures of all kinds of animals like cowdogs, humming birds, squirrels & catfish to show ya. The Mommies even tried to get us to swim in the pool but Andy was the only one of us that would stay in long enough to get a picture. The Mommy took a video of the catfish in an eating frenzy while the Dachsies Mommy threw food to them....boy was it neat.
Well I just wanted everybody to know that we got home safe and sound.
And guess what? NO SNAKES!!!
Of course, Mary made sure she had the shotgun with her, whenever the nasty creatures come out early in the morning or after dark.
That's all for tonight. We will have our first update for ya'll tomorrow.
Love, kisses and (((huggies))) to all.......Mona & the Mommy too!!
Hi, Mona and Mommy!
Sounds like you had a great weekend! Sure it was nice to spend it with Andy, Roxie, Sammy and her mom!
No snakes?? Glad to hear that!
Have a good night. I will be waiting for a complete report!
Kisses and hugs
Can't wait until your mom catches up with her life and can post some photos. You all look very tired out there on the couch.
Levi and his mom
Oh we love that pic of you all on the couch, too too cute!!! Got room for two corgi gals too?!
Mumsies said she will email you about moving...
M & I
Napping on the sofa with friends. It doesn't get any better than that.
Happy times.
Loving Life,
Hello Mona & Mummy!
We looooved the peek on the couch too! Oh! Check our blog out! We have an award for you!
~ Rudolf & Goofy
Aww, I wish I could snuggle up with you and your friends on a couch! It looks so cozy. I'm glad there weren't any snakes, that would be scary if there were! I can't wait to see all the cool pictures your Mommy took!
Welcome back! That's such a sweet photo of all of you there!
I'm back after 3 weeks away at gramps. Sorry to hear about Aunt Annie. Glad that both you and Mommy have found comfort in the blogs.
Hi Mona,
Sounds like you had a fab outing with your mommy! Glad that you did not have any 'snakey' encounters..
Hope you all have a good rest!
How cool!!!! What a fun trip!! Glad ther were no snakes to mess it up.
Oh, so adorable, the four of you on the couch dozing.
I'm glad that you had fun time last weekend.
You're tagged! Come by my blog, please.
It's good you didn't meet any snakes and you're all home sleeping comfy together.
Mona and the Mommy
I'm so glad you had such a faboolous timeGet some good west
smoochie kisses
Loved, Loved, LOVED the sleeping picture. That playing is hard work.
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