"Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages" --- Thomas A Edison
Hi dear friends,
We're back. Well we haven't gone yet. The Mommy says that patience is a virtue.
I don't know about all that.....I just want to go!!! The Mommy said we can't leave until 1 pm & it's only 9 am. She hasn't even packed yet. She still has to go buy some boots at Academy so so if she steps on any snakes she won't get bit. I'm not worried about any old copperheads, because Roxie, Sammy & Andy's Mommy gots a big gun & she knows how to use it.
Well anyway, the Mommy took me to get a haircut yesterday & while I am still squeaky clean, here's the new me. Da ya like it? It is so much cooler.

Not sure if I've told you guys before, BUT, I don't like to ride in cars and if it's raining I HATE IT!!! The Mommy said it's because, they memory of me trying to doge traffic during a thunderstorm when DROH found me is still strong. I was only 6 months old when I was rescued after all. I just know if it's raining I shiver & whimper when I'm in a car. My Simba just did a post about being afraid of sawdust from being at a pet store before he was rescued by his Mommy and Fat Fat Daddy so I know I'm not the only doggie with bad memories. That's why our quote of the day means so much to us. Why can't people leave people and all other creatures alone? We all just want to live in peace, don't we? We better leave this subject alone because I don't want my old Doofuss to start crying....she does whenever she thinks about me wandering the streets and the stupid hateful peoples that dumped me.
Well anyway, meet Mr. Horsie. I always wanted a horsie but I wanted a REAL one so I could ride it. Oh well, beggars can't be choosers. The Mommy bought me Mr Horsie yesterday after she picked me up from Pets Mart. I always get to have a new stuffie after a haircut as my award for being a good girl.

The Mommy said we are gonna take it on our trip to keep me occupied. It won't work.....last time we went to visit my friends.....I kept saying "are we there yet" and after 2 hours we was there. I wish we could just sprout wings and fly there!!
I want to go now!!
Well since we can't now, the Mommy wants me to play with my horsie, I do like Mr Horsie, but I decided to just take a nap until it's time to go. See ya when we gets back Sunday.
Love, Kisses & Huggies to all.....Mona & the Mommy too!!
You look really nice with your new haircut. Sorry to hear about your fear of riding in cars, especially when it's raining. Hopefully in time your bad memories will fade and you'll learn not to fear riding in cars.
Levi's mom
That's one cool Horsie Mona. And a pretty nifty hair-do!
Hey Mona, has your Mom ever tried to give you Melatonin when you travel? It helps to calm me down during storms. I HATE storms!!!
You look very spiffy in your new hair-do. Love the horse. I'm sure it's not as smelly as the ones our girl hangs around.
We think that horsie could ride you, Mona! What long legs he has!
We love your spiffy new haircut!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
woof's mona and the mommy, have fun at roxy, sammy and andy..and no snakies..when u come back check our bloggie, we gived u an award...ur horsie iz cute and me loves ur saying fur the day...
b safe,
who likes hair cut? i don't! but i love the car rides tho and you don't. lol
wet wet licks
Hi, Mona!
I like your new haircut!
Sure is not easy to get rid of bad memories but you know your Mommy loves you and she will not let something bad happens to you!
Enjoy your trip and have lots of fun!
Kisses and hugs
That's a cute horsie you have there but you don't look amuse by it at all...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh Mona, car and rain bring back bad memory. I'm so glad that DROH found you! The image of a little lonely dog trying to dodge traffic during thunderstorm after being dumped on the street makes me cry.
That bad time is over, you are loved, you and the mommy happy together, that's a happy ending.
Nice haircut, Mona. Enjoy your trip.
Hope Horsie took your mind off the car ride!
Looking forward to hearing about The Mummy's trip and yours too Mona.
Love George
Hi Mona.
Snakes??? What do you mean 'snakes'?!! You mean to say that you are going somewhere where there are snakes? *faint*
I like Mr Horsie.. I bet you'll have a fun time chewing his lomg legs! Ooops.. sorry Mr Horsie..
Great haircut, Mona! And your new horsie is super cute.
love Clover xo
You looked so clean and shiny..I hope you had a pawtastic time!!!
I love youw howsie..I saw a weal one that Mr.Policeman was widing on my stweet, and he was hooge and a littl scaiwy..I like youws bettew
smoochie kisses
Your new 'do looks good -
I'm sure you are much khooler too!
Your horsie is as big as woo are!!
Hope you had fun and didn't mind the trip too much -
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