September 12, 2012


Are you ready for some fun, good food and to learn some very important stuff from all your teachers?

Here is a list of all the classes:

                      class Security 101 How to Serve and Pawtect

                       class How to train a Foster Bro. or Sis..

                        class Dieting

Class Walking like a Prince or Princes

Class Modeling and OR Minion Ruling

Class Comfy Places to Rest or Sleep
 Class PAWli Sci.

                        Class Creative Table Snatching

Class Jimnastikals and Deportment

BACKPACKS and BOOKS for Door Prize drawing

                        Drawing fur Door Prize.. BOOKS only

                        Drawing fur Door Prize... Scarf Only

Class Back to School Fashion Tips
The AWESOME Possum Pizza Booth

Class How to Chews Toys

Milo Dixie and Newby 
Class 1. Dachshund German fur Peeps
                        Class 2. College Prep. Blanket Fluffing

Daisy Bella & Roxy 
                        Class Mathematics 121 dog to treat correspondence

Class Napping 101 AND the SCARF

Class School Bus Riding Rules -- Does and Dont's

As all of you know there are two great Raffles prizes. 
Here they are:


Lookit here -- if you get the winning ticket for the books, you also get a doggie notepad too -- How cool is that?

OK......Before we get to Weenie's class you can also purchase some very special rides.

The lines have been forming all morning long so ya better hurry and get your tickets now.

Weenie's Magic Bumble Bee 
All ya need is a ticket that looks like this.
Weenie will be giving each lady that buys a ticket a special kiss of thanks.

Bandit's Flying Ace Plane Rides

All ya need is a ticket that looks like this.

Bandit has even agreed to  let you guys take control of the plane. There is just one rule  --  for safety's sake he has to 

OK -- not to worry we got plenty of tickets as you can see.

Mona has been selling all kinds if apples for your teachers and all they cost is $1.00. 




Mona here.............

As all of you know, boys always get crushes on their teachers, so for those of you that have a very special teacher in mind like Nora or Jazzi or Puddles or Casey,
I left some apples in the orchid for you to pick yourself that will make even them even more special.

Weenie's School Bus Riding's Rules
"Does & Dont's
is about to begin.

Would the following students please report to the bus.


Weenie here.....

Mommy says I can't actually drive the bus because I am blind but that isn't going to stop me from conducting my class. I wasn't always blind, you know, and I have a memory that's still sharp as a tack. So while I teach you the does and dont's I have asked one of my sweethearts to drive for me.

It's Amber DeWeenie.

OK.......everybody take a sit.

First we will talk about the DONT'S

1. Do not chase each other in the aisles.
2. Do not stick your head out the windows.
3. No eating on the bus.
4. No fighting on the bus.
5. No sniffing on each other on the bus.
7. No barking on the bus.
8. DO NOT bother the bus driver.

Second the DOES on the bus.

1. Let the ladies board first.
2. Sit down as soon as possible, the bus will not move until all students are seated. 
3.  Stay seated at all times.
4.  Keep hands, arms and head inside of the bus at all times.
5.  Listen to the bus driver and follow directions.
6. Make sure you get on the correct bus.
7. Form a single line when entering and exiting the bus.
8. Buy one of Mona's apples to give to the bus driver. They have to eat too and it might earn you some Brownie points.

 Class is now officially over.  Thanks to to one and all for being a part of my class. Now let's go get some of Sasha's Awesome Possum Pizza.

Please remember why we are having this raffle ......

To help the The Houston Pittie Pack's Mommish, Miss Sandra,
get setup in their new home, if it's ever going to be ready.

Remember too, that if raise $500.00 the amount will be MATCHED by a friend.

Please leave a comment explaining which item you are buying raffle tickets for,  how many you want of each, and make sure you give us your name. Also if you want a ride or an apple let us know that too. Everything is  $ 1.00 dollar. 

The Chip In will be active until Sept 16.
The drawings will not be done until Sept 17
so that gives everybody a chase tom get their money in.

Just us Texas Dachsies and Mommy too.


Sankissjuice said...

This is such a great class. Too bad I missed registering but we had fun observing. All the rules are great except for not being able to stick out heads out the window. I think the girls really appreciate not being bothered by the boys. WELL DONE!


haopee said...

I'm going to help share this back to school blow out.

Thank you for all the details. I cant wait to see some of those classes.

Huggies and Cheese,


haopee said...

I just realized there isn't any social media buttons. Oh well, I'll try to share it on Facebook and Twitter.

Huggies and Cheese,


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We CAN'T stick our heads out the windows???!!!! Sheesh! We're gonna have to stick to cars!!!

Other than that, great lesson.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Ziggy Stardust said...

No eating on the bus?? Can I stick my tail out the window?? I am so excited, I hope I can relax.

Loveys Sasha

Unknown said...

Oh we wanted to stick our head out of the window and blow slobber on everybody. Great class. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

We paid for the airplane rides! It was so much fun!!! We both went on 5 times. Had a blast!
Lass-C and Ben-G

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

This is just super dooper! And I luvs apples so I hopes every buddy gets one fur da bus driver. (Dat would be me.) Weenie, how's do you excepts me to drive safely when you is buzzin in front of me on dat BEE? And kissin in front of me either. Just sayin!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

OKs....I just went to Chip In and gotted all my stuffs. Remember da last ride fur me so's you can takes me home. And don't furget da kiss!

Hey Weenie...Da Chip In Button didn't update itself!!!

stellaroselong said...

Good Morning...okay we want to buy raffle tickets but my mom is worried that they are virtual and you really won't or will need money...cos when sarge's mom made our backpack she REALLY thought she was gonna get a back pack in the mail...she thinks like this cos I just found out she is a robot cos she flunks all those robot tests at the end of a if you could just let us know how we let you know what we want and how we pay for it we would really appreciate can just leave a message on my blog today.
Thank you
stella rose

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

WONDERFUL CLASS Weenie. I made Ernie pay very close attention.
He just went to the chip in thingy and Bought a ticket to ride Your Bumble Bee and a Ticket to ride Bandit's YELLOW PLANE and ONE APPLE from Mona... the Apple is FUR YOU fur the super Bus Safety Class.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD OMD THIS IS MEEEEEEEEEE ERNIE!!! I loved riding on Bandit's YELLOW PLANE... it was soooooo fast.
Butt Weenie I was kinda SCARED on the Bumble Bee ride with YOU beclaws you kept EATING your Apple and I was afraid we would crash.... butt we DIDN'T!!! It was very much FUN. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
I am glad that I could stick my head out into the wind on the RIDES, beclaws I wanted to do that on the BUS this morning... butt you said it was against the ROOLS so I did NOT do that.
You are a Grrrrreat Teacher and a super PILOT. Now you can finish your apple. OK?????

My Mind's Eye said...

Well I must say that was a very enjoyable ride...even for a kitty....who tries her best NEVER EVER to ride in anything...there is something about riding that makes me howl like a coyote.
I think the ride is all about the Driver and you were a good one.
hugs madi

Anonymous said...

Hey great class, although Bites had a problem with NOT sticking his head out the window. I really liked that the guys had to leave us ladies alone while on the bus, sure made them WHINE!!!

Hey plase Email us at racingmom55b(at)att(dot)net for paying. We used 5 bumble bee rides for Susie & 5 plane rides for Bites (HE loved doing the flying and bussing Susie), 5 raffle tickets for the books drawing and 5 tickets for the vest and 5 apples. We dodn't do any paying online.

Your Furends
Susie & Bites

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Hi Mister Weenie! That was such an informative class. Please take a birthday pupcake for yourself. I already gave Miss Amber, our lovely bus driver one.
Much Luvums,
Gracie Lynn ('da birthday girl)
& The Slimmer Puggums (George, Toby, Lily, & Mimi)

PS: Wesa bought 3 tickets for the girls to get a ride on Weenie's bumble bee and 2 tickets for the boys to fly with Bandit.

Scooter said...

Hey Mona & Weenie!
Wow, what a great class for today! I think I'll be able to follow all the bus rules except that head out the window thing. I'll never get that one right! BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Super-Student

ShellePenn said...

What a great class!!! :) We were so busy doing the classes that we forgot to SIGN UP for classes! So glad you let us attend anyway!

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

Anonymous said...

Superb class Mona and the Weenie :) Gotta say though, me bein me, I am truly inspired to DO what was instructed as a DON'T ;P Yap gimme a rule and I'll stretch it til it breaks BOL!
Sendin lots of wishes for lots of ticket sales!

Waggin at ya,

Matilda the Boxer said...

OMD! OMD! I just got my airplane ride, and it was SO MUCH FUN!! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh my goodness is this hilarious!
Benny & Lily

Lorenza said...

I loved your class!
The Do's and Don'ts are grrrreat!
Kisses and hugs

K9 Katastrophie said...

YIPEEEEEEE! I would like a ride on your magical bumblebeee!!!!!! And we would like to purchase 4 raffle tickets!


Anonymous said...

That's a whole lot of classes:)