"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." -- Ben Williams
Hi dear friends,
My featured snow dog for today is my Pei friend, Bolo. He is a repeat snow dog, because the first picture I had Mommy post just didn't show his whole body standing on those strong legs. Mommy says I have a crush of Bolo. I always have and I told him once but he said his heart belongs to his Mommy. So I guess we will just have to be friends. If he changes his mind, I'll still be here. "Your blushing Mona. What will Sammy think?" ..... "But Mommy, I hardy ever get to see Sammy anymore and he's been ignoring me the last few times we've been to the country. I'm lonely and a girl needs someone to love her, besides her Mommy."
.... " Don't cry anymore, little girl, maybe you'll met somebody at PAWS IN THE PARK that will sweep your off your tiny paws"
While Mona is off crying, I will take over for her. When is Spring gonna get here is what we want to know. This is Texas. We usually have flowers starting to bloom by mid March. Has Mother Nature gone insane? When I was still a "Spring Chicken" a hundred years ago I loved snow. I even went to Michigan in 1972, to be able to go snowboarding with friends and visit my sister. Funny thing about that trip, it never snowed where my sister was staying but it snowed 2 times in Houston while I was gone.........go figure. We did go up into the mountains, where the snow never melts, and I did get to go skiing, snowboarding, ice skating and everything else you do in the snow.....BUT.....I was a "Spring Chicken" then not 62 years old like now. There is no way I could ever do those things now.
"OK Mommy, I'm over it. It'll just be us 2 old maids."
The picture below is a view from my friend, Checkers, front yard. Mommy said the picture reminded her of where they stayed in the mountains. I knows lots of my DWB friends love snow and for their sake I hope they get it ....... BUT......
this is what we want to see here in Texas right now. That's the way the sky is supposed to be in our part of Texas. When we go to the country, this is what we see...wide open spaces, lots of pretty clouds and sunshine.

Remember Mommy has told you before how where she works they have what they call "Sharing" e-mails? Well they have a new one called "Lessons From Alice In Wonderland." For the next ten days, starting tomorrow, Mommy will post a picture from the Tim Burton movie and the key word for each lesson. Mommy just thinks the pictures are fantastic. Has anybody gone and seen the movie yet?

Oh, my goodness, it's way past Mommy's bedtime so night, night.
Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}} to all.....Mona Mommy too!!
Night night to both of woo girls!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
We haven't seen the movie but I really want to! :)
We just came from Paco and Milo and Maya's blog and they had a huge snowstorm at their house, Mona! I think we'll wait till next December for more snow! The warmth we felt this past weekend was very nice and we want more warmth and pretty flowers!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We have not seen that movie, but it will be beautiful for sure knowing that Tim Burton did it.
We thought Spring was on its way with all the beautiful weather we have had for the past week, except for the rain. But now it is going to be cold again and we might see some snow overnight. But sadly it will only be a few flakes and not what we would really like. So if we can't have snow, then bring on the spring.
We hope it warms up for your next kissing booth event.
We heard Mom say something about trying to find time to take the oldest grandbiped to see Alice in Wonderland, but we don't we will get to go too.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Beautiful post Mona!!! Thanks
We agree. We're IS the WARM?!! We want some warm walkies!!
Woofs and Kisses!
I do love living in LA for the lack of snow. After living in snowy places most my life, its a great change of pace!
Hi Mona and your mommy
We agree that Texas should be warm, we are waiting for spring in the north to,but we really hope that you get some nice weather for your Paws in the Park though.
Ehy Mona and mommy!!!!
We want spring too!!!!
We want to do warm walkies with mommy....we love snow...but now we want sunny days!!!!!
Awwwwwwwwwww.....your Texas sky looks sooooooooooooooooo beautiful and relaxing.....
Thanks for sharing....
We haven't seen the film yet....but mommy would like to buy it for us so we could see it all together sit on our sofa!!!!
May you could come here with your mommy and see it with us!!!!
We'll be soooooooooooooooo happy!!!!
Sweet kisses and licks
oh what do you know mona tiger our rescue is going to the park wiff ush and he thinks you are quite the bewootifulness
but he ish not as big as bolo so he is a bit insecure
he sends you slobbery wee kisses
the pittiepack
Hi Mona,
No we haven't seen it yet but we want to. Bet she won't take us though.
Luv ya,
Riley and Star.
We are ready for spring too!
It was here just a few days ago, but then it got cold again.
We hope the weekend is warm and sunny for us all!
Lots of luv & kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
Mona, Mona, Mona. You're not alone. I had my tiny heart break too. I empathize and I also think that Bolo is clueless and a momma's boy
Good luck with the freezing event. I hope you guys stay warmer this time around
Wow, that sky picture is just beautiful, so blue.
We haven't went to see that movie yet....they don't let us dogs in the theater, even though they should!
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