""Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune
Without the word,
And never stops at all."
-- Emily Dickinson
(courtesy of my friends a Sagira's Blog)
Hi friends,
Yesterday was another pretty day but a little windy, so me and Mommy stayed outside most of the day again. My new friend, Smokey came over for a little while.
Remember Spike, the bit bull, that is my neighbor? Well Smokey is Spike's new baby brother. Smokey's human Dad says Smokey is a blue ? bit bull and he is about 6 weeks old now. Mommy thinks he is adorable. I think he's just gonna be a problem, because I gotta share my Mommy with him. It is bad enough that George is all over Mommy, now Smokey too.
"Do I sense a little jealousy, Mona?"
"Oh Mommy, they can have all the sugars they want but I'm the one that gets to stay with you all the time!"
Now that we have cleared all that up, let me introduce you to Spike, Smokey and their Dad, Jose. Please excuse the quality of the pictures. It's all Mommy's fault. She was messing with the camera and screwed everything up. "Once a Doofuss, always at Doofuss."

Mommy was upset that Jose had Smokey's ears cropped. At least he had a Vet do it.

He has the most gorgeous blue eyes.
Having a little snack.

On our last post, we showed pictures of Dotty, the new wire hair dachshund, that was found wandering the streets with Danny. Remember Aunt Judy said when she first saw them, her first thought was that they looked like me and George. So what do you think?

Danny and Dotty are a bonded pair and DROH wants to try to adopt them out together, so please wish them luck.
OK,.....when we went to Camp Bow Wow the day before Valentine's Day we shared a few very bad pictures (that's when Mommy broke the camera) of the dogs bobbing for wieners. "Thanks Brinda, for sending us some better pictures." The wieners were for every dog there, but Brooklyn was chasing every doggie off.
Here is a sequence of pictures of Brooklyn being bossy. The Doberman is Oscar and he and Brooklyn went head to head.
"Go away, Oscar, I saw them first."

"Grrrrrr....no more for you!"

"Told you they was mine."

Brooklyn....the clear winner!

"Hey, Sissy, ya missed some" ..... George
That's all folks............Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}} to all....Mona
Spike and Smokey are some cute little pups! Looks like Brooklyn had a good time and is a bobbing for hotdog champ.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo & Foster Sibling Maggie Mae
danny and dotty look like lucky teehee
cutie patooty's
we dont like the cropping of the wears eighter but smokey and spike are quite the handsomes
please to tell ush when you bobs for the weiners cause we beleive that we'd be quite good at it too
pibble sugars
the houston pittie pack
What a post FILLED with khuties!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
So many dawlings..dachsies and pitties , oh my..the cuteness factow on youw blog is vewy high. I'm sowwy youw little fwiend had his eawses docked, hope he doesn't get twained to be a fightew ow something. That pawty looked like loads of fun bobbing fow tweats funfunfun.
Wif so many cuties it's a gweat thing to know youw mom's heawt belongs to youw Mama fuwwevew.
smoochie kisses
Brooklyn is one brave poocharooni to stand up to Oscar like that!
Smokey is quite a handsome lad.
I love the BOBBING FOR WEINERS game. What fun!! I remember it from before. Glad you re-posted it to remind us. I'm gonna ask mom to do that for Sarge and I when I go to see him next time.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dear Mona and mommy....
We missed you tons......
Soooooooooo sorry haven't been around for a while....
Can you forgive us????
This post is sooooooo cute....so many wonderful and sweet pups!!!!!
Thanks for sharing.....
How are you and your mommy???
Hope to hear from you again soon!!!!!
HAve a wonderful week...
Sweet kisses and licks and gons of ove for all of you!!!!
Take care of you girls!!!
I sure hope they get adopted out together! I didn't like what you wrote about Smokey's ears but I don't feel like getting worked up. Have a great day
Hot dog bobbing looks like a lot of fun and we LOVE hot dogs. Nice meeting all your pupper furiends.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Oh wow...you posted us! That is so nice of you, thank you very much.
The new puppy is very cute. I don't like ear cropping either. I think the dogs look much cuter with floppy ears, but that is just my opinion.
I love the way Brooklyn claimed the hot dogs! Never mess with a wiener dog who has food....no matter how big you are! Smokey and Spike are really cuties!
PS: Momma accidentally deleted your email. Will you please email me again so I can send you some pics?
Hi Friends!
Oh we just love all of the pups that you post about!
We hope you had a beautiful spring day today like we did here in Fort Worth!
We should really plan a day for us to all meet again with all of DWB friends in this area!
Lots of luv & kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
WOOF! Woof! LOVE all the pups you featured ... golden thanks for sharing. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
6 weeks? Thats way to young!
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