"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion."
--- Unknown
Hi my dearest friends,
Today you don't actually get to see snow but someone much better "Princess Snowball". Snowball is a longtime blogger, one of my first blogger friends, but she and Jie Jie don't blog much anymore. They are on Face book a lot now. My Mommy has a hard enough time keeping up with my bloggie, so we don't get to visit much and Mommy and I are brokenhearted over it. Not sure if you heard but we recently found out from the DWB Newsboard, that Snowball has been very sick refusing to eat and has lost too much weight. We are so scared for her cause she is a delicate little thing as it is. We have been checking her Facebook account everyday since we heard she wasn't well but today "Yahoo!!! she has started to eat again. So please go over to Facebook to cheer her on, so she can start looking like her old self.
Looking sad.
Well another month has come and gone. A miserable cold month with hardly any sunshine. But 10 lucky dachshunds found their forever homes and that makes February a little easier to handle. Mommy wonders how many more might have gotten adopted if it was a regular 31 day month.
adopted 02/02 ----- David no picture available
adopted 2/05 ----- Sweetpea
adopted 2/05 ----- Adonis
adopted 2/06 ----- Daisy #5
adopted 2/11 ----- Perry
adopted 2/13 ----- Alamo Adelaide
adopted 02/13 ----- Riley
adopted 2/15 ----- Biscuit # 2 no picture available
adopted 02/20 ----- Poppy
adopted 2/20 ----- Tom
adopted 2/21 -----Prudence
adopted 2/27 Fabio

As promised yesterday, here are the 2 outfits my Aunt Judy picked out for me. My favorite color is pink but Aunt Judy thinks I will look fantastic in this little dress. Mommy likes the ruffles on it. This coming weekend, the DROH volunteers will be getting our Spring Fling invitations ready so we gotta wait until then to try them on. "Shot!!"

Today I had to take my monthly flea and heart worm medicine--Sentinel. Mommy knowns how much I hate taking any kind of medicine so through trail and error she found that peanut butter works best. "I do love me some peanut butter." She knows I can't get the pill off when it's stuck on peanut butter, so here's how she does it. Of course I have to lick it all off my face.
Gotta go now. Mommy has to go back to work tomorrow so we're on our way to bed.
Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}} to all......Mona
I'm sorry to hear your friend is sick, and hope she gets better soon.
What great pictures of you outfits. That balleweiner dress is adorable!!
I hope you wear the flowery ruffly jumper dress!!!
Wow 10 very lucky and happy dachshunds.
Peanutbutter is soooo fun. This post made me very much happy to read!!! Thanks Mona!
I wonder how peanut butter chikhken would taste?
Thanks fur sharing the adoptions!
Nice new outfits fur woo!
Nice Tongue action!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Thanks, Mona. Sorry that I haven't been updating my blog much. Posting on Facebook is much easier than to updating the blog. You will be able to catch my progress on my FB page.
Sorry to hear about little Snowball. I hope she is doing better. My heartworm medicine tastes like livers so I love getting it.
I LOVE the quote! Thank you for sharing! Sorry to hear about your friend. I hope everything goes well for her. Peanut butter and chicken....no, not together.... Great adoption post!
Snowball is a pretty girl! I hope she eats up soon!
Thats a whole lotta adoptions!
Sorry to hear about your friend. I hope they start to eat soon.
Mom tries to hide my pills inside a hotdog but I am on to her tricks!
Ten? Wow, that's a nice two-digit number. You go! As for your meds, thanks so much for the reminder. I better tell my mom before I'm all flea ridden
oh my dawg prudence looks just like our lucky
we love that she was adopted along wiff all the other wee ones
and we will keep our paws crossed for your furryends
pibble sugars and wee wags
the houston pittie pack
w00fs, me thinks both dresses iz cute..nice to know that at least 10 pups will have love and a new home..
b safe,
The outfits your Aunt picked for you are really very beautiful.I also want to bought some new outfits of this pattern.
Student Accommodation
The outfits your Aunt picked for you are really very beautiful.I also want to bought some new outfits of this pattern.
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