"Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring."
Hi dear friends,
Today has been a glorious day. It was very cold this morning but by early afternoon it was 65 degrees and very sunny. Mommy & I sat outside off and on all day, when I brought it to her attention that it was time for a post. But what to post? So we took a nap!! "thanks Aunt Judy for waking us up." Yesterday, we missed a dachie play date and pet boutique shopping because Mommy had to do a "HUMAN" family thing. Well Aunt Judy bought me a cute little dress and a ballerina thingie but ya gotta wait until tomorrow to see them because Mommy has something to post about, thanks again to Aunt Judy. Stay tuned, if you can, after seeing all the pictures for Mommy to tell you what we saw today. It was hilarious!
Remember last summer when we all went to visit Dachsie's Rule? We took Mikey, the little rascal, that Aunt Judy was fostering with us. Remember, he chased the cow across the field with Aunt Judy and Becky running after him? Very funny!!!! He got adopted last year along with a little girl named Belle. Well they and their humans went to Aunt Judy's to pickup some more harnesses and matching caps she made for them. They are very good customers. Remember DROH makes stuff to sell to raise money to help our rescued pups? So why not show you some of Aunt Judy's handy work that can be ordered through DROH's website http://dachshundrescueofhouston.org/. With all the Alvin pups still coming in money is in very short supply. Just think how cute some of you doggies would be in a original custom made harness and/or cap of the fabric you pick out. Aunt Judy and her new helpers even made Christmas, Halloween and NFL & college football teams harnesses. "I'm sorry Mommy is begging again but she just can't help herself."


and some other doggie models.
Rambo -- Wonder if he's related to Frankie Furter.
DOLLY--see! there not just for dachshunds
BAILEY....and not just for little dogs
and even older dogs.
And last but not least .... HAILEY from Raising Addie .... in several her Mommy had made for her. She is our most photogenic model, don't ya think!!
DROH even makes blankets and snuggle beds like this one for Brooklyn.
OK !! Now on to other things. It's long past Mommy's birthday but she just had to share the most beautiful card she thinks she has ever gotten and so sweet too. It's from our dear friends Huskie Boy, Hershey and their lovely Mom, Shane. What Mommy liked the best was that it was sent with love from Angel Lucas and Chloe too. Samantha babysits them at the bridge you know!!
This morning I saw a big yellow cat trying to climb the fence in the next yard, so I just had to start barking at it. Mommy looked up & saw me barking a this big cat, who was snarling (not meowing) at a little black cat trying to walk across the top of the fence. What a photo opportunity, so she grabbed the flashy beast thingie and took a picture. Oops, the exhausted battery light came on! "What a Doofuss you are Mommy."
Question? Which kind of doggie are you?
Time for the Iron Chef and Chopped so we gotta go.
Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}} to all...Mona
Oh Mona, the harness' are just grrreat. This was one of your very bestest ever posts. Thanks!!
Great post as usual Mona, and you're making me feel bad for not helping DROH out, but I'm also loyal to my rescue groups. Ughhh, I'll just figure this out soon because I wish I could help aaaaall rescue groups in the universe. I'm the top kind of dog, but I act like the bottom one to get more treats.
OMG has Lorenza seen this? She will lose her marbles. :)
those harnesses are awesome!
Look at all those fashions for the hounds. Amazing.
You guys are stylin'....looking good! Great post!
Woof! Woof! OH MY! LOVELY Fashion harness. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Look at all those cute fashion models...and oh my, you put me on your page to. Mom sold that coat on me though, it was to big. She bought me a new one just like it but purple that fits much better.
Both of them are pawesome...
Models and harnesses!
Kisses and hugs
You got some great models. I, Mollie like to lick kitty faces....and Bobo likes to chase them...but he never hurts them...just likes a good run.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
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