July 28, 2015

Hi friends,

Our computer's sick! Mommy is so frustrated she'd like to kick
it in the butt if she thought it would do any good but with her luck she would break her foot and she already has enough medical problems as is it.

We never could get videos to load much anyway, and now Smilebox won't even open up for us to create or copy one o our blog. 

Dang it!! We had a really cute video of me.......



Simone that I wanted to post tonight. Why you ask?  Cause she and Pappy are coming over
.tomorrow night and stay with us until Sunday. This time Bentley isn't coming but Spencer is. He's spent time over here before too.

It's so much s\fun around here with so many doggies coming and going. We gots what you call an open door policy. Everybody is welcome at our house.

Bear with us while Mommy tries to find out what the heck is wrong with our computer.
It's just killing her that she can't do her Smileboxes..

.Love ya..........Sammie Jean



Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Well.....good thing you look so good in still photos!! We've been on that computer sickness bus before. We can't download videos either. Hope it gets repaired soon. Have a great time anyway.

sprinkles said...

That's too bad that your computer has the sickies. I hope you get it fixed soon.

Have fun with your furiends.

Ruby said...

OH NOES!!! I hates it when the puter starts gettin' attitude!! (that's suppose to be MY job!) I hopes your Moms can gets it figured out soon, cause your smileyboxes always entertain! And, with extra doggies in the mix....priceless! You should tell your MOms to yell at it and use those colorful wordies that they only allow on cable TV...doesn't help fix the puter, butts it makes Ma feel betters! BOL!!
Ruby ♥

Julie said...

Mum is a bit like Ruby's Ma when it comes to 'puters.....shouting rude words at thems makes her feel a whole lot betters but of course doesn't fix them!
I is just packing my bags 'cos if its open door policy on doggies I'm up fur a visit!!!!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Cowspotdog said...

computers can be so annoying at times

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

UhOh.....Time to stuff dat puter into a crate and take 'ems to da dogter to get all fixed up. Maybe em needs da stick up da butt to fix em. ;)

easyweimaraner said...

I hope there is some computer-aspirine to fix your machine...it's the worst if the most important blogging tool has an ouchie :o(
easy rider

Cupcake said...

Hope your computer gets better soon. Have fun with all the doggies!!

Murphy said...

We don't know if this will be good news or bad news but Windows 10 is almost here!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Idaho PugRanch said...

Poor computer - hope it gets better soon