June 9, 2013



ATDR had 26 adoptions during
the month May. (Mommy will be doing her adoption post when she's up to it.) So exciting !! 
But more exciting then that is
that I have a new sister. Her name is
Precious, Prissy, for short. 

It's OFFICIAL. Her gotcha day 
is today, June 09, 2013. I might not
be there to greet her but she's my sister now
and I will guide both of my sisters from the bridge. Now Mommy don't need to cry anymore.

Here is Blogville's official introduction to 
my new sister. 

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Isn't she pretty? She is 9 years old, so her and my Mona are almost the same age. I approve of Mommy's selection but Mommy didn't have anything to do with it. I had little chat with BIG GUY
and he said he just knew she'd be perfect.

Gotta go now. That little imp, Jody, is nipping at my paws to go play fetch. We never get tried up here.

Sniff ya later..........Weenie


GOOSE said...

Welcome welcome Prissy!! You could not have landed is a better place. Looking forward to meeting you.

Millie and Walter said...

It's nice to meet you Prissy! You will have a great time living with Mona and the Mommy.

Millie & Walter

Scout and Freyja said...

She is ADORABLE! Oh, Sarah, I smiled throughout the entire video. She is such a happy little girl☺. Welcome to the best home EVER for a cutie pie just like you, Miss Prissy!

Linda said...

Happy Gotya Day Miss Prissy Ann.
Welcome to the most fun place where we all love each other and care for everyone. You'er gonna love it here.
Blogville Welcomes You.
We can't wait to see more of you and your pretty little face.
Wow your tail goes so fast in the movie your new Momma made. I can tell your happy at your new home.


The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Hello Prissy Ann!
Wesa so happy to see Mona and The Mommy happy again because Weenie sent you to them to lick up those tears and spread some joy. Yoursa red fur-fur is absolutely gorgeous!!
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, & Mimi

Murphy said...

Welcome to the family!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley
Ambassadors of Love

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

WELCOME TO BLOGVILLE PRISSY... THIS is the BESTEST PLACE in the WHOLE entire UNIVERSE... You will have TONS of FURENDS and we do super stuffs.

We are glad that Mona will have someone with her. AND wait until you REALLy get to know your Mommy.. we LOVE Miss Sarah.

OMD you look like ERNIE... A LOT like ERNIE..

Southbaygirl said...

Welcome Prissy!!! You have found an amazing furever home!!!! You will love your new sister Mona and of course your new mommy!!! And weenie will be watching you all from the Rainbow Bridge!! Welcome Prissy!!!!!!! We can't wait to get to know you better

Penny, Velcro, Ceilidh, Jack Sparrow, Blossom, Skye and Puck

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Welcome to Prissy - aren't you a sweetie!!! You have a lot of life in you - you will surely keep Mona on her toes:)

So happy for you, Sarah.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

YaHoo!!!!! Hap-Pee Days are here again! Welcome to Blogville, Prissy. We know that Weenie has trained you well.

Lovable Lily said...

Weenie, we know you're smiling down on Prissy & Mona right now. You did good kiddo! She is so beautiful. Mona and her are gonna turn out to be great furends.

We just know that Prissy is putting a little joy back in to your Mom's heart.

We look forward to many more pictures in the coming days.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Anonymous said...

Helloo Prissy, and a big welcome to blogville, so glad to meet you, hope you and Mona get along (Know you will with Weenies guidance)

The Mad Scots

Pees; You take care of Mommy and help her!

Ruby said...

Welcome to Blogville Prissy!! Oh, you sure are a purty gurl!!! I'm so glads that Weenie is lookin' down with his bark of approval! And, that your Mommy and Mona aren't cryin' anymores! Happy Gotcha Day Prissy!!

Unknown said...

Welcome to Blogville Prissy. We know Weenie is looking down on you and wishing you well. Have a marvellous Monday.
Best wishes Molly

Duke said...

We couldn't be any happier for you and your mommy, Mona! Welcome, Prissy!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

How Sam Sees It said...

Welcome Prissy! We are so happy to hear about your new sister, Weenie!


Agnes B. Bullock said...

Welcome Prissy! We loved watching your Smilebox and Chip already has a crush on you!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Hello there sweet Prissy
Benny & Lily

The Websters said...

So beautiful!


Sketching with Dogs said...

Welcome to Blogville Prissy. We are so happy to hear Mona has a new sister and Weenie is watching over them both from heaven.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

sprinkles said...

Congrats on the new addition! Prissy is very pretty.

Matilda the Boxer said...

I'm so glad that you sent your momma a new furbaby to love! Welcome to the Blogville family, Prissy!

Unknown said...

Woofs, Prissy! Can't wait to get ot know you better and glad that you make your Mom happy!

Cupcake said...

Weenie, I'm so glad you sent your Mommy beautiful Prissy.

Welcome Miss Prissy. I can't wait to hear all about you.

Love, Cupcake

Becky, Jake, Emma, and Maybelle said...

Congratulations, Prissy, on finding your forever home. Take good care of Mona and the Mommy. Blessings to you all!
Becky, Jake, Emma, and Maybelle

Idaho PugRanch said...

Welcome Prissy!!! You are a very lucky girl to find such a wonderful home. Good job Weenie to help bring new joy to your Momma
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Miss Reina said...

So exciting to have a new sister! I am sure you will do a good job in guiding her! Welcome Prissy!!!
I am sorry though for your brother who got attacked my the bees. .. I can't imagine that :(
But at least he is ay the end of the rainbow bridge probably in a pool of bones!

Unknown said...

The Mommy happy again because Weenie sent you to them to lick up those tears and spread some joyThe Mommy happy again because Weenie sent you to them to lick up those tears and spread some joyChallenge coins

Unknown said...

The Mommy happy again because Weenie sent you to them to lick up those tears and spread some joyThe Mommy happy again because Weenie sent you to them to lick up those tears and spread some joyChallenge coins