"Please spay
and neuter your pets;
"death" should not be a method of birth
Hi there friends,
Mona here.......
Remember this little girl? It's my baby Koya. She just turned 2 years old before Christmas.
My Koya when she was a Newborn, at 1 year old and today. |
Our Mommy's birthday is Jan 14 and shes gonna be
talk about over the hill.
But there's more. After dinner they are going to Jennifer's house to make tutus. Why you ask? Cause both rescue groups are participating in the Galveston Mardi Gras Barkus Parade and we're all gonna wear tutus, well us lady doggies are, don't know about the lady peeps though.
Remember when we posted about the tutus Aunts Judy, Paula and Brinda made? If you don't, here is a picture of one of the dresses they made.
And here is Miss Mindy modeling it.
Mommy was in the hospital when they were making the tutus, so I didn't get one then but Aunt Judy is gonna show Mommy how to make one. I wasn't too upset because I had one already that Mommy got at one the auctions Blogville had a while back.
Here are a few pictures of me in my tutu.
Now why did we post a picture of Koya? Cause she gots a tutu too. They aren't just for lady doggies.
Before we close, here is the link to a pregnant doggie's rescue.
Her name is Rosie. If it won't open, please copy and paste to your browser. It is very touching and made Mommy cry.
Gotta go now. My typist has to go to work.
OMD Mona! My Daddy's birthday is also on the 14th! Wait till I tell him that your Mamas is too, he will be so tickled pink. OK, maybe tickled blue, but tickled just the same. Happy early Birthday Mama!!
Your tutu's are FANTASTIC! OMD how beautiful you look wearing it. What a fancy dress fur sure. And that Koya, she is such a bundle of CUTE! We can tell that she's gonna be a handful in her teenage years. Just look at her posing for the flashy beast. The boys will be lining up at the door.
We're gonna read your link now about the pregnant puppers. Mommy said she needs a good cry this morning.
Lily Belle
Ok, you weren't kidding about the tissue alert! What a story about Rosie and her beautiful puppies. That man is a true hero!! We just know that this is gonna now have a very happy ending.
Lily Belle & Muffin
Oh, Miss Mindy! I think I'm in love. You are so pretty in your tutu.
You look so lovely in your tutu. And that little peep is just adorable.
Tutu fabulous. I saw the video........a happy happy ending we hope. Bless. Have a terrific Thursday.
Best wishes Molly
OK...now after seeing Rosie's story, Mom's all weepy again! Doesn't take much to make Mom weepy!
Oh Mona...you look smashing in your tutu! Love the color!
Koya the Birfday girrrl looks BEAUTIFUL IN HER TUTU!!!
You girrrrls will look super in YOURS too. Maybe the peeps will just attend the parade... in their furs.. BaaaaaWaaaah that would be a funny parade fur sure...
I just watched Rosie's video and it made me teary eyed. Such a beautiful story with a great ending, thank you so much for sharing!!!
Those tutus are just gorgeous!
Mom didn't open the link yet cos she is at work, and yesterday she already cried off her mascara so today she better wait....those tutu's are the most beautyful we have ever ever seen!!
stella rose
And to your mummy on the 14th!!!
I loves your tutu!!!
Love Milo :)
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