December 16, 2012



" Nothing you love is lost. Not really. 
Things, people - they always go away, sooner or later. 
You can't hold them, any more that you can hold moonlight
. But if they've touched you, if they're inside of you, then they're still yours. 
The only things you ever really have are the ones you hold inside your heart".

Sweet Shelby, always in my heart.
Dearest friends,

The Mommy here.............

One year ago today, the unthinkable happened.
Early in the morning, I  got a call from Sandra saying her house was on fire. The Fearless 5 were trapped inside. I loved them all but after finding out the humans were out and 2 of the dogs, my first thought was Shelby. What can I say about Shelby that I haven't said before except I miss her still.

The other day 20 children were killed in the second worst massacre in USA history in a school, where they should have been safe. What is happening in this world. I don't understand. Then I thought those children are at the bridge now welcomed in by the Fearless 5 and all our other friends that were lost too soon. This gave me some peace.

Least we forget the Fearless 5..........

Tiger, Mona' heart.

Coco Channel

Lucky, the littlest  wee one


These pictures were taken on 8-28-10 on my first play date with Fearless 5 and I will cherish them always. They seemed so happy that day.

God Bless.........Sarah


Millie and Walter said...

I've been thinking about and remembering the Fearless 5 as this day approached. Always in our hearts and never forgotten.


Cupcake said...

The Fearless Five will never be forgotten. I know Shelby has a special place in your heart, and you in hers.

Love, Cupcake and Mom

PoochesForPeace said...

<3. They will always be remembered. Even though I never met them, I always loved hearing about Shelby. I'm just glad she got to know what love and a good life were like for a little bit before she was taken.

Lovable Lily said...

We shall ALWAYS remember the Fearless 5!

And the poor little children.... Breaks our hearts!

Lily Belle & Muffin

Unknown said...

We have no words to say to express our sorrow at what has just happened. We too are in sorrow for the little ones and all those touched by the awfulness of what happened.
Best wishes Molly

Ruby said...

Oh, they sure are cuties. I'm so sorry about them. Butts, glad they will be there to be with the new Angels.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

We are still Stunned.. a full year later.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

We'll never forget the Fearless Five and it's still so hard to accept...even after an entire year.

Linda said...

Always in our hearts.
The Fearless 5 were are first friends here blogging. We miss them everyday.

Xo Cinnamon

Anonymous said...

Sweet quote.
The people killed in Sandy hook are in mine and moms hearts and so are the fearless 5

Matilda the Boxer said...

So sad. :( I bet the Fearless Five and all the other pups on the Rainbow Bridge came to play with all the children and make them feel better.