November 24, 2012


The Mommy here .....

No quote of them day today. Power of the Paw requested.

Mona & Weenie both had appointments with Dr Briles this morning. Mona for her yearly exam and 3 year rabies shot.....good news except her Arthritis is kicking up due the chill in the air. She got medication for that to be taken when needed. It's almost December and we've had the A/C on until about a week ago. 

Weenie went too because he has been lethargic and disoriented for the last week or so and I thought it wouldn't hurt to get him checked out. He never stopped eating but was sleeping more than usual. Last night he kept pacing around and didn't want me to hold him. That worried me since he is my Velcro dog. He went to his bed in the computer room and was sleeping so soundly, I didn't want to disturb him. He stayed there until 4:30 this morning when he came whinning to bed. He settled down and went right back to sleep.

To make a long story short, after doing blood work, it showed his Pancreaties is back.There were no signs like when it was diagnosed, no throwing up or anything else. Dr Briles is most concerned about him being disoriented and decided it would be best to keep him over the weekend in the hospital with no food for 48 hours on IV fluids and having tests. What kind of mother am I that didn't realize something was wrong. I guess I've been focused on my on problems but it won't happen again.

I am brokenhearted. He didn't want to stay and whimpered and cried when they took him away from me. Mona knew something wasn't right and tried to go after him. She locked her paws on the floor of the exam room and wouldn't budge. Joel was there and carried her to the car.  Joel  said he will be at the hospital throughout the weekend and will make sure Weenie is comfortable. Knowing Joel, Weenie will be in his lap most of  the time. I know he'll be OK, but after 4 weeks being apart from him, it is very hard. I went home and gathered up his favorite stuffie carcass and one of his blankets and took them to the office but I didn't dare let him see me again. I didn't want him to get upset. There is a room where the parents can look through a glass and see their pups without them seeing then.  I was already crying before I saw him hooked up to the IV and then I lost it.

Please keep Weenie is your thoughts and prayers.

Thanks.......the Mommy


 Here is the post I had ready for today.....

NBC News | Aired on November 22, 2012

Blind, deaf, 3-legged dog saves family from fire

A disabled dachshund is being hailed as a hero in Grady County, Oklahoma after the wailing dog alerted his family to an overnight house fire allowing them to escape the flames. KFOR's Lance West reports.

Sounds like Pay It foward to me.



 Funding raising........

This little doggie reminded us of Puddles ... looks like her, sounds like here ... Hey Puddles is that you, come to help us raise green papers?

Ahem. Hello.
Excuse me for begging, but... buddies at ATDR could use your help.

Would you consider a donation of $10.00
or more this season of giving?
Begging doxie
I mean, seriously, do I look cute, or what?! I'm putting on my cutest face, balancing deftly on my hind legs, just so you'll consider making a donation. And look at my front paws!! Gosh, I'm cute - even I can't resist me!
But really, I speak for my buds who can't pose as well as I can. They've had a tough time in their lives, and your donation REALLY makes a difference to all of them. Some were lost, some were sick or hurt, some were simply put out of the house for no special reason. I know, I know; I can't believe it either.
But fortunately for all of them, ATDR volunteers stepped in and rescued them. Gave them a warm bed, a good meal, a kind word, and a loving pat on the head. Or tummy. Personally, I prefer tummy.
And I'm not talking just one or two dogs. I'm talking HUNDREDS each year. And they don't get paid to do this; they do it cuz they just love us! Even dogs who can't beg by balancing on their hind legs like I can!
So I'm asking for my buddies. Please, please find it in your heart this season of giving to help ATDR look after not only the dogs they already have, but also the dogs they've yet to rescue.And, just in case I'm not working on you, here are some cute little buddies of mine to help win you over.
All Texas Dachshund Rescue

running dox
sweet puppy face

 Something horrific happened in Texas on Thanksgiving day. Over 100 cars where involved in a massive pile up on I45 not far from where we live. I'm sure all of you have heard or seen the coverage. One article stated many of passengers unhurt during the crash jumped in to help the injured until the first responders arrived. God Bless them all for what they did. With so much evil in this world, it makes us so proud that there is so much good in the world as well.

Here is a story from the accident, that will warm your heart.

 Bo, the dog, might have been thrown clear from the massive Thanksgiving wreck on Interstate 10 near Hamshire, but the plucky Catahoula ran up to perhaps the best people possible in dog lovers Blake Jones, a wrecker driver for Neff Brothers Towing and Recovery, and Jesi Courville, who was delivering Thanksgiving leftovers from Courville's Catering to the first responders at the scene.

Courville posted a picture of Bo - whose name she did not know when she did - to a local news website and almost immediately, people responded with connections to a story from a Houston television news website about a little boy who had lost his dog in the 100-vehicle pileup.

 The little boy, Damien Ortiz, 5, had also taken the Thanksgiving turkey from his car - he and his mother, Dora, who was injured, were en route to Louisiana - and made sandwiches for people whose vehicles were in the pileup.

The little boy, Damien Ortiz, 5, had also taken the Thanksgiving turkey from his car - he and his mother, Dora, who was injured, were en route to Louisiana - and made sandwiches for people whose vehicles were in the pileup.

Courville said she contacted the KTRK-TV website in Houston and was able to locate the family.

She said the reaction was intense when she was able to find Bo's familly ~~~ "Oh my God! You found Bo, you found Bo!" Courville said.

Jones was the one who took in Bo, putting him the cab of his truck for safety "because he looked like he belonged to someone," Courville said. ~~~ "Blake said he couldn't leave him," she said.

Getting Bo reunited with his family will be take some effort, but Courville is fine with that. She plans to drive Bo to Louisiana where his family was going. Perhaps she'll be able to meet them halfway, but Damien, the sandwich maker who wanted to help people, will be reunited with Bo, who has an instinct for finding the most caring rescuers possible.


Anonymous said...

WE got all of our paws crossed for Weenie, taking something they like is the best thing, we did that for Bites, and they said he sleep with his head on it. We won't uncross them till we hear from you.

Your Worried Furiends
Susie, Bites & Shadow

Millie and Walter said...

Millie will cross her paws tight for Weenie. We will keep all of you in our thoughts too.

Cindy & Millie

Linda said...

Crossing our paws here in Seattle.
Mom is going to light a candle tonight on the kitchen counter for you .
Blessings sweet baby!

xo Cinnamon

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

We've been on the move for the last few days and haven't had many chances to catch up with all the Blogville news, but when we saw our Weenie was in the hospital, we just had to stop and let you know we all have our paws crossed and Mom is sending some extra prayers too. Weenie, my sweetie, please hurry up and feel better and get back home where you belong. Your Mom (and me) are missing you so much.


GOOSE said...

Crossing my paws super tight and so is Belle.

Ruby said...

Shoot. I have my paws crossed REALLY tight, and won't uncross em' till Weenie is betters, and home with you and Mona. Sending prayers and good vibes to you,too.
I'll be thinking of you this weekend, and hope he is feeling betters very, very soon.

When Ma saw the story of the little boy who took his families food to make sandwiches for all the accident victims, she got all leaky. What a sweet, sweet caring boy. What an amazing family he must have, to think so much of others at that age. Angels work in mysterious ways....


Dachshund Nola said...

16 paws crossed here!
Nola, Auggie, Boston and Phoenix

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Hi Mona & Mama!
Wesa have 20 paws crossed and two hands in prayer for Mr. Weenie!
God Bless and Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums & da' mamas

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

All paws crossed for Weenie to come home all better. As much as you would prefer for him to be home, he is is great hands and will be well cared for.

Hugs and Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Cupcake said...

Paws crossed for Weenie. It broke my heart when you said 'What kind of mother am I that I didn't realize something was wrong'. I want to tell you that you are the best Mommy ever and I know you take wonderful care of your babies. I'm so sorry Weenie has to stay in the hospital but they are taking good care of him. You all are in our prayers.

Love, Cupcake

Two French Bulldogs said...

All our paws are crossed for Weenie
Benny & Lily

Matilda the Boxer said...

We have all our paws crossed super hard for Weenie!

Duke said...

Our paws are crossed for you, Weenie!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Lovable Lily said...

You bet we've got our paws crossed for Weenie! And we're sending Weenie our good mojo too.

We watched the story of the little boy and his dog last night on TV. It was pawsome to see them reuinited once again. Such a horrible accident.


Lily Belle & Muffin

The Websters said...

Crying and crying here. Happy tears for Bo and the family saved by that doxie and sad tears for Weenie. Praying for his health.


K9 Katastrophie said...

Oh my sweet Weenie, I hope and pray you get better very soon. I know it must be very hard for you to be away from your mommy. Please know we are thinking of all three of you!


Sagira said...

we will keep Weenie in our thoughts.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Great news about Bo! And about the folks saved by the dog. Yes, that does look a bit like Puddles. :)

But we're sorry Weenie is sick and in the hospital. We hope he will recover and be home soon.

Murphy said...

Oh dear, we will fur sure cross our paws for Weenie. When we dogs feel sick we can be real quiet about it cuz we hate to see our mommies worry!

Your Santa Paws Searching Doodle Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

stellaroselong said...

our little min pin had bouts of pancretitis at times as he got older, we had to feed him special food etc...we are sending you prayers that he will be back home soon in your loving arms.
Stella Rose and family

Oskar said...

We are praying for Weenie. Here's hoping that he's feeling much better soon.

Nubbin wiggles & hugs,
Oskar & Pam