November 13, 2012



"Is not about having the boldness to do what is foolish, 
but the courage to do what is difficult"

Mona here.........

I know it's a little late to talk about Halloween but I gotta show ya what we missed. Remember the tutu that Mommy had the highest bid on in one of the silent auctions? Well I was gonna be a ballerina. So what did Aunt Judy do? She decided to learn how to make tutus and had so much fun doing it, that Aunts Paula & Brinda wanted to make them so their girls could to be ballerinas too. Mindy and Violette wore them to the Halloweiner Party that we missed. Dang it!!

Now Mommy isn't much into crafts but they had a bunch of fun so Mommy wishes she had been there and not laying in that stupid hospital bed. Here are some of the pictures Aunt Judy sent us of that day.

This is Aunt Paula. They got to goofing off and this is what she did with Mindy's tutu before it was finished.

This is Aunt Brinda. That's the bow that ended up on Mindy's finished tutu.

Pretty silly huh!!

Here is step 1.

Step 2.
Aunt Judy put all the pieces together and this was the finished tutu.

Here is Miss Mindy modeling her Tutu.

Here is Aunt Brinda's Violette in the tutu her Mommy made her.

This is Brooklyn. Aunt Judy's little Thanksgiving squirrel killer.
Where is her tutu? Hee hee, she started roaching to get iot off after Aunt Judy  tried it on her, before she could take her picture.
Now that would have have made a great video.

I taught Brookie all she knows about roaching. She had it off in nothing flat and started eating the flower on it. Guess she'd rather be chasing and killing squirrels than being all beautified.

Told ya we missed Halloween again.



GOOSE said...

I think chasing squirrels is beautiful.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Thanksgiving is sneaking right up on us. Love the tutu
Benny & Lily

Unknown said...

Nice tutus! I could sure get into wearing one!
Lovies< Miss Mindy

Lovable Lily said...

Beautiful tutu's! I love that the hoomans modeled them for us. We hope that the roll of toilet paper wasn't harmed in the making of the tutu's :)

Lily Belle

Linda said...

Oh thanks for posting the instructions on the tutu now my Mom will be figuring out how to make me a Christmas skirt.
It looks good on you and so glad your Mom is home now with you all.

xo Cinnamon

stellaroselong said...

Well if hot glue and the stapler wasn't used then I myself will never see a beautiful tutu at our house...sigh.....
stella rose

Matilda the Boxer said...

Uh-oh, Cinderella started wiggling and barking when she saw this post. She LOVES the pretty tutus. She wants one for next year!

The Websters said...

Those are some really beautiful tutus!


Ruby said...

Those are great tutu's! Please stop. Your givin' Ma ideas! First the antlers, now....oh, no.
Brooklyn is my kind of gal! Oh, the funs we could have deading those evil tree rats!


Scooter said...

Wow, what a fun post! Great crafting work there. Love the peep pix of the tutu-head! BWAR HAR HAR.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP