If you're alone, I'll be your shadow....
If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder....
If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow....
If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile....
But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me.
~Author Unknown

Remember me? It's Baby Girl. My Mommies are going out of town and I'm gonna stay with my Aunt Sarah, Mona & Weenie until next Monday. Maybe!! Aunt Sarah told them to call before they come get me cause she might not let me leave that fast. Last time I came to visit for a weekend, I stayed 10 days. It was fun.

We're gonna go visit Aunt Judy and her pack Saturday and hang out. Aunt Sarah says she just gotta have some crayfish this weekend and Floyd's is in Nasa Bay so she's gonna pick up 5 pounds (already cooked) and suck heads all by herself.
Just wanted ya'll to know, that Weenie & Mona have decided to give Aunt Sarah a second chance at being their blogging assistant. Maybe tomorrow they will show you why they was ready to fire her.
OK, that's all for tonight. Just wanted to check in with ya'll.
Later..........Baby Girl
Hi Cutie!
Glad they decided to keep the Mommy as their secretary!
what a great news, I'm sure you will enjoy Mona & winnie's Company, they are both cool :)
Dog Shock Collar | Puppy & Human Bond
Oh Baby Girl, I can't wait to hear all about your adventures you will have with Mona, Weenie and your Aunt Sarah. You are SO cute.
Love, Cupcake
Oh her is such a cutie! Maybe you can hide her somewhere so her will never leave!
Me still needs a new assistant. Mine just can't seem to get rid of her bad sniffles. Now her has no voice either! Bummer!
Hey Baby Girrrrrrl.. you will have a wonderful time with Mona and Weenie and Miss Sarah. I wish I could join you fur the FUN.
Hi Baby Girl you guys are going to have so much fun. Does Aunt Sarah know she could be fired if she doesn't help out?
Benny & Lily
Hi baby Girl, sounds like you are going to have a fun filled weekend.
It's always a blast to have company come over. Enjoy.
XO Cinnamon
It's always fun to have visitors! I just LOVE that new header picture of the two of you. Absolutely adorable!
Your pal, Pip
Wow, I'll be tuning in to hear all about this! Enjoy the visit!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
You have really great brown eyes.
I hope the second time around works better for your blogging assistant!
Ya'll have fun!
~Milly and Shelby
Hi Baby Girl
It is soo good to see your cute little face!
Baby Girl you're gonna stay with a lady that sucks the heads off crawfish?!!! You are brave ;) BOL!
Waggin at ya,
Hi Baby Girl! You and your mommies were supposed to come visit a couple of weeks ago but it was too rainy. We hope you get to come visit soon! Our mom wants to visit with your mommies and Aunt Sarah. Have a good visit with Mona and Weenie!
Rosie, Sammy, Andy, and Sherman
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