To those who have never lived through its turnings and walked its rocky path, our willingness to give our hearts with full knowledge that they will be broken seems incomprehensible.
Only we know how small a price we pay for what we receive; our grief, no matter how powerful it may be, is an insufficient measure of the joy we have been given."
Baby Girl here.....
I am having a wonderful time with Mona & Weenie and of course their Mommy. We didn't get to go visiting Aunt Judy's pack after all on Saturday because Aunt Sarah had two home visits to do. Both visits went wonderful and both families passed passed with flying colors. That means a girl puppy, maybe Barbie, will be going to a forever home. She's even gonna learn to swim since they have a pool. The other family wants a standard red male. Both families recently lost their dachshunds. One to seizures who was 13 years old and one to cancer who was 14 years old. Sounds like a proven track record to Aunt Sarah. We been playing outside a lot and sharing Aunt Sarah's lap.
On Mona & Weenie's last Wordless Wednesday post, they adverstised
that they had an opening for a dependable blog assistant. I'm here to tell you why Aunt Sarah almost got fired.
This is March, isn't it? Well guess what? Mona & Weenie got a package that the Mommy lost. Her was looking for something and found it in a basket that she throws trash mail in. It was a Valentine's Gift from Minna Krebs amd her siblings. Shameful!! It sat in the basket for a whole month. Now you understand why they was upset with their Mommy.
So they have made a Smilebox to show you their prezzie.
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Good job Baby Girl
Benny & Lily
I can see why Mona and Weenie what to fire their momma for losing their pressie in the junk mail. Sure looks like they had fun with it once they got their paws on it.
Just watched the smile box -- that sure was a nice pressie from Minna K! Mona and Weenie seemed to think so too.
Oh Dear Me! Dat would be a good reason to fires her! Da Horror! And here we were tinking it was all da fault of the post office.
What a Horror!! Next thingy you know she is gonna be bringin out a pressie from.. SANTA PAWS!!
Grrreat news about the home visits.
Wow, I'm so glad that lost pressie got saved! Gosh, I should watch the trash here...I might be missing something. BOL. Grrrreat pressie from Minna K! Loved the smilebox. :)
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Well, The Mommy never claimed to be perfect. I love the way Weenie's tail wags at the sound of Mommy's voice. So glad Baby Girl is having a wonderful time.
Love, Cupcake
umm...is that flower at the top yours? Mrs. Master is drooling over here wanting one of her own.
Mona and Weenie
thank dog that gweat pwessie fwom Minna Kwebs and hew family wasn't lost, just waiting in the wings, hehehe
loved youw video..I hope you bof got a chance to take tuwns playing wif it.
I'm so happy fow Baby giwl!!YEAH
smoochie kisses
What a great pressie! Now I understand why they fired her! BOL!
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