January 12, 2012


QUOTE OF THE DAY: "Whoever said you can't buy happiness forgot little puppies."
~~Gene Hill

Mona here .........

OMD, It's too bad the "My Peep is a Flake" week is over. You won't believe what our Mommy did at Dr Briles office on Monday when she went to buy me some more medicine. As you know we call Mommy our Doofuss. Believe me!! What she did proves it. This stunt is the flakest thing she has ever done in all of her 64 years. "Well she says she's only 63 but she'll be 64 on Saturday." Of course, you know it's got to have something do with a puppy. So here is what happened.

This is Crystal, she works for Dr Briles and is studing to be a vet tech. This little butterball puppy is her new dog. He is a chow and is 9 weeks old. He was behind the counter when Mommy got to the office and she didn't see him at first. He played a big part in what Mommy did cause he distracted her with his cuteness.

This little fella is Junior, a dachshund mix. He is 3 months old & too cute.
There were lots of folks in the waiting room at the Vet that day, so M0mmy took a seat on the bench next to Junior to wait her turn. Junior kept inching closer and closer, wanting to play. His Mommy and her son were trying to fill out paperwork on the puppy because it was their firt time there. He kept running up and down
the bench and his Mommy kept trying to catch him so he wouldn't fall. Our Mommy being Mommy asked the lady if she could help her by watching him.
Of course, that meant Mommy could hold him and love on him. There's something about a puppy in your arms, like nothing else in the world. So he climbed up on Mommy's shoulder and she starting patting him on his back and he went to sleep.
Mommy could have held him forever. Crystal called Mommy up to the desk to give her the medicine and then asked if Mommy wanted to see her puppy. The little guy had just had his shots and was a little grumpy. But that didn't stop Mommy from kising on him while Crystal was holding him. Somebody else came up to the desk so Mommy said goodbye and went to the car.

She got in and was putting on her seat belt when she saw what she had done. Junior was still asleep on her shoulder. Yep!! She forgot, yes!! forgot she still had him. Thank goodness she had to put her seatbelt on or she would have drove all the way home with him.

Needless to say, she jumped out of the car and ran back into the office with him still asleep on her shoulder. Everybody in the office, including Dr Briles, was laughing. Nobody seemed to be upset about her taking him. It wasn't like she was trying to dognap him, after all. It ws just an oversight on her part. So now Mommy's got a new puppy dog friend. His Mommy told our Mommy she knows who to call when she needs a dog sitter.

Now you decide. Is that not the flakest thing any peep has ever done?


Here's a little treat for all of us who had to many cookies at Christmas. ENJOY!!



Finn said...

Well, he was such a cutie, I can understand!!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Mona....Me hasn't seen Da Momma laughin' so hard in a looooong time. Dis is beyond funny! You almost had a new wittle brudder!


GOOSE said...

BOL! That is flaky. Good thing she did not drive off. I think once you are out of the parking lot it's dognapping. Of course the dog was napping.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Oh Mona and Weenie... this is the funniest story I have heard in AGES. I am laffin my tail off over your mom with the puppy. I think they were BOTH Nappers... BaaaaWaaaah.

I love this story!!!!!

Anonymous said...

BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Ohmidogness! That is SO super funny!! I LUVED it!

But, really, I can't blame your mommy cuz she was prolly all googly-eyed over all that cuteness at once. Plus, that little puppy prolly didn't weigh anything at all so it would be easy to forgets about him. I'm sure glad she didn't drive off, though, cuz they prolly woulda issued an All Paws Bulletin for your mom, the Puppy Nabber!

Wiggles & Wags,

Dachshund Nola said...

BOL I can't really blame her!
Dachshund Nola's Mommy

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

OMD, that is the best story ever! Maybe it is some sort of precursor to your getting a new puppy:)

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Anonymous said...

OMD now that is FUNNY!

But we all know that your Mom was tryin to bring Jr. home fur good!

woos, Tessa

Ziggy Stardust said...

OMD what a funny story, that doggy must have been really snuggly on her.

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Two French Bulldogs said...

Moma is peeing her pants laughing. She is a downright kidnapper
Benny & Lily

sprinkles said...

OMD, that is too funny! bol I love to hang out in the waiting room at the vet's office and seeing everyone's pets.

Love that video, someone sent it to me via email.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

OHHH I can just imagine how warm and sweet smelling the little baby was. I wonder how many little kissys the baby got while he was being held?

The Daily Pip said...

Oh that puppy is SO CUTE!!!

Your pal, Pip

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Mona, will you let Weenie take me to the Valentine's Day Pawty? I pawmise to look out for hims!