"A dog is like an eternal Peter Pan, a child who never grows old,
and who therefore is always available to love and be loved."
~ Aaron Katcher, American Educator and Psychiatrist
Hi friends,
Before me and Weenie tell you about the terrible stuff we was subjected to yesterday, Weenie has something to say. Take it away little fella.
Weenie here.......
Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Well I am in love and have decided to give my girls something for tomorrow a little early."Yes, that's right my Girls". Mommy has been showing me all the available ladies on DWB and two smooth haired dachshunds caught my mind's eye. "Yes, I know I can't actually see them but Mona told me all about these two sisters and how cute they are!" They are sisters!! I figured if Frankie Furter could have two wives, that are sisters, I could have two girlfriends who are sisters!! So this heart are for my girls. Can you guess who they are? Don't worry I will reveal who they are tomorrow.

Love Weenie (Little Fella) Ricca
Now for the torture and indignities, me and my sissy had to go through yesterday.
I like going for rides in the car BUT little did I know just where we was going. Here Mona and I are in the car. Mommy wouldn't let us help her drive cause she said she couldn't hold both of us on her lap.
Step by step, we will tell you about how are day went.
Mona & me walking in.
Waiting our turn.
"Don't look too happy do we?"
Me trying to hide under Mona.
"You go first Sissy" --- Weenie
"No brudder, you go first, I been here before" --- Mona
So, I was very brave. Of course the first thing they did was weigh me. I was 14 pounds 2 weeks, ago and now I weigh 13.7 pounds. Sissy weighs more than me, she weighs 15 pounds.
Weenie here.......Mommy tricked me. She said I was going to get checked too see if I had worms (no worms) and get my anal glands cleaned out BUT NO. He gave me a complete physical exam. He said it was gonna be like an annual, so I guess that means I'm staying. "Oh, I sure hope so!!"
He checked my legs.......Good!
Checked my teeth, ears and eyes......ears.... good, eyes....still blind but sensitive to bright light, teeth....back ones good, front not so good and two about to come out.
Miss Cheryl, held me while the blood suckers took my blood. It hurt!
Of course, they shoved that thing up my butt, I told them I didn't have a fever.....
BUT.......it was nothing compared to what they did next!! I was abused!! Ya see, I almost bit Miss Cheryl. Thank his Dogness, it was finally over.
Mommy here.....The little fella got a good report. His blood work was all good, except for 3 tests that were elevated but Dr Briles said that was because of the steroids he has been taking but he only has 4 more day to take them and then they should go back to normal. The lump on his side is a soft fatty lipoma and can be removed when he has his teeth cleaned.
OK........your turn Sissy!!
Mona here....Mommy tricked us both. I was just supposed to have my 3 month checkup But NO. I should have know as soon as Miss Cheryl held me so tight, the blood suckers were coming.
"You're gonna stick that where? Mommy don't let them do that to me!!"
"Hey, be careful back there!!"
Then Dr Briles checked my ears......
and felt all over......no lumps.
and then OH NO!! ...... Dr Briles put some gloves on and Miss Cheryl grabbed me again. I was wiggling so much Mommy couldn't get a picture of Dr Briles squeezing my butt. "That's what you get for making fun of me, Sissy!!"
Mommy here.......Mona got a wonderful checkup. All her blood work was excellent. She has gained about 1/2 a pound since her last checkup in November but Dr Briles didn't think that was a problem. Dr Briles's staff is pulling the blood now and conducting the tests while you wait. It takes longer in the office but at least we get the results the same day and if anything needs to be done, it can be done right then & there.
Poor little fella was tired and just wanted to cling to Mommy's leg
I just wanted to go home. Who could resist these eyes?
We're outta here!!
"Get used to it, Weenie. We gotta go through this every year. At least ya don't gotta come every 3 months like me."
{{{huggies}}}.....Mona & Weenie Ricca
PS.........Maybe we need to change the name of OUR blog. Any suggestions?
Mona and Weenie, overall we would say that was a great visit, except for the back end intrusions:( Looks like Weenie is here to stay. We like Mona and the Mommy Too, so just add Weenie in the middle. Works for us.
Happy Valentine's Day.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
So glad to hear everyone is healthy. Really super happy to hear that Weenie is here to stay. Whatever you call your blog, I will always be here to read it.
Love, Cupcake
All in all, I would say that was great a good visit to the v.e.t, Mona and Weenie! It's great news that everyone is healthy :)
Happy Valentine's Day!!
Loving Valentine Woofs,
Hi, Mona and Weenie!
Those taking our temps and the butticures are not funny, right?
Sure there are some things to need be done but I am glad everything is ok!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Glad to know both of you are doing great at the vet. When mom's come back later, we need to bring Jasmine see the vet as well -.-"
and oh! Happy Valentine Days!! our biggest wish is to snuggled and sleep with mommy but..... we might need to wait for another week before we could see her in person!
ps: please delete my comment earlier >< I mistook the logged in ID.
Autumn & Jasmine
YippE good health! Happy Valentine's Day
Benny & Lily
Vet visits are so not fun!
Happy Valentine's day, Mona and Weenie!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
What a wonderful Valentine's Day post!!!!
I think
Mona,Weenie,& Momma Too is a perfect name fur your Blog.
I am soooooo happy to hear that Weenie is staying!!!! PERFECT!!!
Congratulations to all three of you.
Mom and me agrees wif Frankie all da way around!
Happy Valentine's Day my furiends!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
WAIT....hold da presses!!!!!!!!
Weenie is staying withs ya'll? He's got his furevers home???? OMD, if dis is trues then I is so friggin excited!!! Oh how wonderfuls!
Welcome Home Weenie!
Glad the vet visit went ok!
Does that mean that Weenie is staying?!
~Milly and Shelby
Happy Valentimes day Auntie Sarah, Mona, and Weenie! We thought the past posts mentioned something along the lines of Weenie stayin' in 'da family...and he is!!! Yay! We hate the blood suckers and the butt squeezers too...but hopefully your mama gave you a treat! How 'bouts changin' the blog to Sarah's hot dogs!! You both good lookins' you know...but Frankie Furters idea works well, too!
Much luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
Happy Valentine's Day Mona and Sarah!
Nose Kisses - Bolo
Pei-Ess - Sounds like your staying Weenie.
Happy Hearts Day, Mona!
Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie
Heehee I is so glad you both is ok!
Pee.s. how about Mona, Weenie and the Mommy too?
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