Dearest friends,
Wednesday was a very hard day for Mommy, she was still upset about Samantha's passing on that day 6 years ago, when Sandra called her at work at 10 am and asked Mommy if she had heard about Bill, the man that has Gulf Coast Bully Breed Rehabilitation & Rescue where Shelby's puppies are.
This is Bill and one of the adult pits he takes care of.

Sandra had gone to the website to look for new pictures of the pups and there was a entry from Monday saying that he was shutting down. Mommy was shocked and started crying all over again. The puppies, what would happen to the puppies and all the other pits in his care? Mommy was devastated. Bill & Missy, his wife, have become very dear to us. Mommy isn't allowed to use the computer for personal stuff so she had worry all afternoon. This was copied from their website:
GulfCoast BullybreedrehabilitationIt is with a heavy heart that I share the following. While in Detroit for a family illness & final good bye. My wife was laid off from her job. We will no longer be able to afford our current living situation. We will have 45 days to place our canines. We intend on keeping up with medical, completing our training obligations & working on proper placement for the canines we have.
That evening she called Bill and left a message that she had heard the news and was so sorry & sad. He called her back and they talked for over an hour and she felt much better after they talked. The property didn't belong to them, it was being leased and since his wife's job and his fees for training dogs was their only income they had to give it up. At the time this happened he had 11 adult dogs and 7 puppies in his care plus the horses he was rehabilitating.
The horses have gone to live with Bill's blacksmith. Some of the puppies and the adults dogs have since been adopted already. The adults that are left are or will be fostered through another Pit Rescue Group. Baron has already been adopted so that still leaves Megan, Petey & a few others that will be going to a lady named Shirley, that lives on a ranch and has been working with Brazoria County Rescue for 50 years, as a matter of fact, Bill said, she was the person that helped him setup his place 17 years ago. We will not be losing contact with Megan or Petey, Shirley knows about us and said she will keep in touch with us just like Bill does. Mommy says she loves Shirley already.
He is donating everything he has to different Rescue groups in Texas, including food, pens, crates, etc. He also has spay and neuter vouchers to give away as well. He and his family, including 6 of their own dogs, will be moving back to his home state of Michigan, where he has a home. What is Texas's loss will be Michigan's gain. Before he came to Texas he worked for the SPCA there and they want him back. His passion is attempting to stop dogfighting and he will work towards that in Detroit. Then maybe even start up a new place. For the sake of pits, I pray he does.
JAN 27th was busy day for ATDR. 10 dogs were rescued, many with devastating injuries. This is the summary of dogs rescued and who was transporting them to different locations in Texas.
Don – senior red McKinney dox
Hope – Cooper – red dox w/mangled back legs -- brought to Houston today
Hope – B/t cataract dox – 8 yrs young -- brought to Houston today
Steve – wild Boar wire – Denton shelter – broken pelvis, etc
Glenda – young red boy with chemical burn
Glenda – young b/t female same shelter
Cindy – Double dapple female blue eyes
Cindy also just got the Long haired senior female and the red senior female –Princess
Sharon – b/w piebald senior.
This is Irving. The almost blind black/tan 8 year old with cataracts.

Aunt Judy sent this picture and the contents of an e-mail from the ATDR Yahoo Group to Mommy yesterday at work. Mommy can't use her computer to get stuff like this, she g ts to wait tell she gets home to see them, but sometimes if it's really important Aunt Judy will send it. She thought Mommy would like to see it. He kinda looks like my brother Jacks. Poor Baby, look how long his toenails are. Here is what it said........
This little guy is in the Irving shelter and we're trying to find a place for him before he runs out of time. He is neutered and otherwise healthy, but his owners dumped him because he has cataracts and is losing his sight. We think he can be helped, but surgery in DFW is going to be several hundred dollars more than it would be with the eye specialist in Houston . We need someone in Houston who has room to foster this guy until we place one or two of the dogs being fostered up here.
CTDR is only taking healthy dogs under 5 yrs; DFW Doxie rescue has room for about 4 dogs at a time so they are always full; Dachshund Lovers of Texas is a small group and also always full. So that leaves ATDR to pick up the slack. If anyone can help with a short term place for this guy please let me know. Thanks!! -- Hope
friends the animals,
especially for animals who are suffering;
for any that are hunted or lost or
deserted or frightened or hungry;
for all that must be put to death.
We entreat for them all Thy mercy and pity,
and for those who deal with them we ask a
heart of compassion and gentle hands and
kindly words. Make us, ourselves, to be true
friends to animals and so to share the blessings
of the merciful.
--- Albert Schweitzer ---
{{{huggies}}}....Mona, Mommy and soon Irving.
What a stressful week you've all had. :hugs:
I'm so glad that you're able to make room for Irving!! I'm looking forward to meeting him!
Zona (your co-worker!!!)
Good luck today! Of COURSE he will like you... what's not to love about Mona!!!!
I am very much sorry that the rescue has needed to close... butt that closed door opened another fur all involved.
I am glad that you are going to get a Foster fur a while. That will be fun fur ALL of us!!!
Hi Mona, Mommy teared up. Thank you so much for taking in sweet Irving. He looks so innocent and scared. Mommy says Shirley is really an angel. I think I may have told you this before but mommy adopted me from Shriley. I remember her tearing up as we said goodbye. Mommy is going to email her a picture of me to show her how well I am getting along. She is so amazing! Did you know she has adopted out more critters through petsmart than any other humane group?! I am so sure she will be wonderful to Shelby's pups.
Thanks for updating us on the pups and for sharing about the poor Doxies who are going through so much!
Licks to you and your wonderful Mommy,
I hope you love your new foster.
I'm sorry that your friends are in bad circumstances, but since I live in Michigan I'm glad to know that someone like bill will be coming here.
Nubbin wiggles,
hihi miss mona!
me and asa and mama were full of the sadness to hear that mr. bill and his wife had to close their rescue, but we are glad that the remaining doggies all found good places to go to. we wish mr. bill and his wife all the bestest in michigan!
i'm super duper excited that irving is stayin' with you and your mama! i bet he loves ya'll to bits already. i can't wait to hear about him. :)
the booker man
I am so sorry the rescue needs to close. But sure Bill did everything possible to place the doggies and horses in very good hands.
I hope everything goes well for him and his wife.
Glad the puppies are now in forever homes.
Irving is going to love being there with you and Mommy!
Let us know how it goes, ok?
Happy Saturday!
Kisses and hugs
I can't wait to hear more about Irving!! I'm so glad he will be with you. Thank you for taking him and to all the volunteers that are helping these dogs.
Thanks for that Schweitzer quote -- it's been a while since I read it, and it's good to be reminded now and then...
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dog beds and more
Oh, my! We had just visited Kissa Bull blog and left a comment asking about the puppies in rescue, then we read this. We're so sorry for Bill & his family, and for all the future pitties he won't be in Texas to help. But we're very relieved to read that Miss Shelby's puppies will go to a safe place while they wait for their forever homes.
We know you and your mom have hearts of gold. It is so loving of you to take in Irving, help him through his surgery and recovery, and give him a chance to find the forever home he deserves. Bless you.
Jed & Abby
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