aka as Sunshine & Mud Puddles
"I am only ONE, but I am ONE.
I will not let what I CANNOT DO interfere with what I CAN DO."

Before I introduce you to my new foster brother, I gotta show you Aunt Judy's pack of cuties. Aunt Judy made all of them New Orleans Saints harnesses so they'd be ready for the Super Bowl this year but it wasn't to be. Mommy doesn't follow football like she did when she was a young sweet thing and had a man in her life but he liked the Steelers so Mommy said she'd wish them well.

Mommy told me I was gonna have foster a brother for awhile. I wasn't so sure about sharing my Mommy with anybody, after all, it's just been the two us for 5 years now. But then, she said he looks like my brother Jacks and that changed everything.
ATDR is very short of fosters in the Dallas Area & Houston too. So when the plea went out for a temporary foster Mommy didn't have the heart to say NO, especially after she saw his picture. He is little bigger than Jacks was a 11 pounds but he's already got Mommy and Aunt Judy wrapped around his little paws. Here's the deal. He will stay with us but on the days he has to go to doctor, Mommy will take him to Aunt Judy's the night before and pick him up after work and his appointment.
These pictures were taken at Aunt Judy's yesterday. We went over there just as soon as we picked him up. Since he will be kinda co-fostered, the Mommies wanted to make sure we all got along. "Hey, we're dachshunds and we gotta all stick together, right!!
Mommy asked what his name was when we picked him up and the transporter said they didn't know, so they called him Irving after where came from. Mommy said that made no sense to her, since he was an owner surrender and the shelter had to have gotten his name.
Me just being me!! This post is about my new foster brother not me but what's a post without a pic of me?
It took him no time at all to learn Mommy's voice and he started following her voice and is never very far from her. When he looks like he's gonna walk into something Mommy calls his name and he heads right for her and hasn't much walked into anything. He can't jump, it would be too dangerous. so he comes up to Mommy and puts his paws on her legs and she picks him up. He stayed overnight with one of our volunteers along the route and she said he doesn't like to be crated, and Mommy is afraid he might fall our bed, so we set up some thick blankets on the floor in our bedroom and he slept fine.
Mommy was reading the intake papers she got when we picked him up and said his name had to be on it somewhere. Next to the file # it said Weenie -- with his description and below that it said species DOG. Why would it say DOG under Weenie? So Mommy called "Weenie!" and his head shot around and he came running.
These pictures were taken at Aunt Judy's house yesterday. He sniffed around just like the rest of us but walks around very slow to make sure he doesn't hit anything.
Mommy was so sad because he never wagged his tail once yesterday but more about that in a few minutes.

This morning, it was raining and rained for most of the morning but this afternoon it stopped and Mommy let us go outside. Weenie was sticking close to Mommy laying on her feet when I saw a cat walking along the fence. I started barking and chased it up the fence. Weenie jumped up, started backing and ran halfway across the yard. Poor Mommy almost had a heart attack!!! She was afraid he'd run into the birdbath but he flew right past it. When she called his name, he followed her voice right back to her, flopped on his back to get a belly rub with his tail wagging away. Of course she just had to cry. "Just because he's blind doesn't mean he's an invalid Mommy!!
Weenie -- Lookit that face!! Oh, he is gonna be 9 years old on Feb 28th.
These pictures were taken today.
We shared a snack......
then settled down for a nap..............
Hi, Mona!
Weenie is a sweety!
Glad you two get along pretty well.
I know he feels safe and happy being with you, Mommy and Aunt Judy.
I hope everything goes well for him.
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Well, I already love Weenie. He is so cute and sounds like he has a great temperament. I know you will be a great foster sister to him Mona!
Welcome to Blogville Weenie! You will have a very much wonderful place to stay while you are here. Mona and her mom are super.
Awwww Weenie is so cute! What a nice boy he must be! I am so glad that he is comfy and warm at your house. It rained here too! I get a little nervous when it rains. Weenie does look like Jack! He is a real darling!
Pee.s. Can't wait to hear more about him!
Weenie is such a cutie! We're so happy that he has you and your mommy to look after him, Mona!
Aunt Judy's yellow flowers are sure cheerful!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
What a sweetie that Weenie is! We know you will treat him so very well, Mona.
Thanks for sharing Ciara in the snow. We have a ton of snow coming tomorrow.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Oh Mona,
Weenie is such a handsome boy!! (Hubba-Hubba!)
I am so glad your mommy was smart enough to figure out his real name. I am sure hearing her call his name, makes him feel much betters!
We are keeping paws crossed that da Vet can figure something out to give him some visions back
I came to read your quotes for the day.. and to read your prayers, and just sit for awhile
thank you for inspiring me today
Mona, we are so proud of you for being good to Weenie. I am sure that your snowman made him happy. Thank you & your mommy for being so nice to him :)
Middy Sue & Pauley James
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