December 11, 2010


14 Days Until Christmas

Hi friends,

Yesterday morning Mommy drumped me of at Pets Mart so Ms Lilly could work her magic on me. What do you think? Did she do a good job? Here I am when Mommy picked me up. Of course I had to drive. 

I'm a very good driver. You should always check your side mirrors before turn turn left or right.

Besides the fact that every girl wants to look pretty, Mommy had another reason for me going to the groomer. She wanted to take some Christmas pictures of me at Aunt Pam & Uncle Sonny's in front of their Christmas tree. 
This is my Uncle Sonny, the most important man in my life, besides my Tiger, of course. He truly loves me. If anything ever happens to Mommy and she has to leave me, Uncle Sonny will take good care of me. I loves him lots because he likes to spoil me.

This is my Aunt Pam, Mommy's sister. She don't much like dogs but she thought I looked so cute yesterday and was trying to help Mommy get me to pose for pictures.

This was the best picture they could get. I don't like to pose and wouldn't stand in front of the Christmas tree. If they had just given me a T-bone steak, I would have done anything they wanted.

So Mommy took some with me in front of the tree, but I wouldn't look at the camera.

So they finally gave up, and I decided to get naked....

and do some roaching on their rug. It is nice and scratchy and I wanted them bows off my ears.

     for the bad news. Mommy is deserting me in a few minutes to go partying without me.....How rude is that!! And at Christmas time too. Some of the ladies with ATDR  and DROH are having a "Doxie Lovers Gift Exchange" at La Briza's Mexican Restaurant and dogs aren't allowed in to places to eat here in Texas. Mommy said she'll save me some of the meat from her lunch. I think she should buy me a whole plate of fajitas.

The worst part is that Mommy gets to visit with Aunt Judy's pack and get her Georgie fix and I don't get to see my friends. Life just isn't fair to us doggies sometimes.

Mommy is gonna make it up to me though. I took a peek at some goodies she bought at Pets Mart and I think I saw a Christmas stocking with a bunch of dog toys, and I am the only dog in this house. Gotta be good because Santa Paws is coming to town and he knows when I've been naughty or nice.



Unknown said...

Mona, You look FABULOUS!!

I love da bows on your ears!!


K9 Katastrophie said...

Hi Mona! sorry I haven't been around lately. Mommy has finals and all. You sure are beautiful today!!! Enjoy the meat she is bringing you!!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mona, you look so beautiful and festive with your new do and your pretty dress. Nothing wrong with any of those photos - when you are a pretty girl, who needs the tree anyway?

Have a good weekend.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

You look beautiful!

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

♥ Sallie said...

Those bows are so pretty! You look like a princess!


Scooter said...

Hey Mona!
Wow, you look just furabulous!! Very cute. Love the outfit and especially the bows. I'm sure they were itchy though, so I don't blame you for removing them...that looked like fun too. Great pix with your family. That's one of the best parts of this season.
Grr and Woof,

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

MONA... you are gonna get poor Tiger's tail all in a twitch when he sees how gorgeous you look!!!

Oskar said...

You look beautifuls & I liked meeting more of your family.

Nubbin wiggles,

Sagira said...

You sure look beautiful in your Christmas bows :)

Two French Bulldogs said...

You look beautiful!
Benny & Lily

Mack said...

What a glamour girl you are! Do you think the weather is ever gonna decide what it wants to do? Cause I wanna see you again at the park!!!

sprinkles said...

You look so beautiful after your trip to the groomer.

One or two posts before this you mentioned having issues with blogger still. I hope that's been resolved. I've been having the exact same problems.

booahboo said...

You look very pretty today Mona :) That's a nice pic of you and mommy even though you didn't look at the camera... you still have 14 days and more to pose.. no worries.

I do them roaching on the floor and rugs too after my bath... hehehe

woofs n licks,

Maureen said...

Monna, you looks like a million bucks!! Work it girl!!!

Big Slurps, HoneyBuzz