November 21, 2010



(courtesy of Ismay)

"In a world where you can be anything, be yourself."

Hi there friends,

Sorry it's been so long since my last post but it's all the Mommy's fault. The old girl just isn't what she used to be. That old man 'Arthur-ri-tus' just won't leave her alone. The change in the weather hasn't made it any better. Her old bones get to creaking when it's cold and her knee hurts all the time. But guess what? She only has to work Monday and Tuesday, and the be off the rest of the week. The hospital decided to close the Business Office. Something about low census. Whatever!! All I know is that Mommy will be off for 5 whole days with me. Awesome!!

Before I go on the Part 2 of Baby Girl's visit, I got some things to tell you about.

#1. I mentioned in Part 1 of Baby Girl's Visit, that Mommy almost burnt the house down, and me and Baby Girl could have got FRIED.  Thank goodness, she took us everywhere she went, so we weren't home, when it happened. Mommy doesn't cook very much, just because she's lazy and doesn't want to cook just for herself. Saturday, since we wasn't going anywhere, she decided to bake some stuffed chicken breasts, with cheese and ham, and some pork chops. So she turned the oven on 400 degrees, at 4:00 pm, like the recipe called for and when they were done she took them out and went along her merry little way. Monday evening, after we dropped Baby Girl off back home, it was very hot in the house, even though the heater wasn't on.  Mommy went to the kitchen and it was hotter in there. She had left the oven on from 4:00 pm Saturday until  7:00 pm Monday night!! Yep, me and Baby Girl could have fried. Mommy cried and cried about what could have happened. I forgave her, because she will be punished enough when the next gas bill comes in.

#2. Mommy lent her camera to one of the associates on the GEM committee and when she got it back it said "images right protected" and couldn't figure out how to fix it. So no pictures of Shelby from her visit with her this last Thursday or of my visit to De Briles for my yearly exam yesterday.  You know the woman has to take pictures of everything. So while she was loading the pictures for this post, she started messing with the camera. Don't ask her what she did, cause she sure don't know, but it's working again.

#3. My yearly physical  went really well except for one thing. Since my oncologist had taken my blood on Monday, they didn't have to steal any more of my blood since they went ahead and did a heart worm test too. I did have to have 2 shots. For those of you that get the Bordetella Vaccination that they squirt in your nose, they now have one that is good for a whole year BUT it's now a shot and it HURTS!! Remember back in July, after the Reliant Dog Show, that I started limping and Dr Briles gave me Rimadyl 25m for a mild case of arthritis. Well I can't make fun of Mommy anymore, cause Old Man Arthur-ri-tus, has settled in my back knees and won't go away, so I can't jump as much as I want. Mommy says she don't care if I ever jump again, but it's no fun being tied to the ground.

Okee, we're all caught up, so on with Part 2 of Baby's Girl's Visit.

Monday morning:

Of course, I had to help Mommy drive to to my Cancer doctor. If I'd known that's were we was going, I'd have kept driving but no such luck.

Me and Baby Girl waiting for them to come get me.

Baby girl waiting with Mommy. I didn't want her to go naked so I let her borrow my "flirty" outfit.
Let me tell you that, that girl was working her stuff cause it sure was tight. 


Ok, I'm through!1 Let's get out of here while the gettings good.

As previously reported, I am still cancer free.

Monday after my doctor appointment:
We went straight over to Aunt Judy's after my doctor appointment, so Baby Girl could play with my friends and Mommy could get her Georgie fix. What would a trip to Aunt Judy's be without seeing some gorgeous flowers? During the Spring we posted pictures of a tiny little plant with yellow blooms, well this is it now. All grown up!

As if you could ever forget them. Here are my friends, again.

(Mommy's heart)


and of course,

Here we all are clustered around Aunt Judy.

Wonder Why?

Mommy, Aunt Judy and Uncle Raymond ate lunch. They had  hamburgers, tater tots and malts from Sonic and we got nothing, zilch, zero BUT Aunt Judy shared what left at the bottom with us.

Then we went outside to play and hang out. Aunt Judy's yard is so pretty and full of great things so here are some of them along with us pups.

That's Harley in mid hop.

Don't know what was in this plant but we all of us took turns sniffing on it. 

Time for a snack, so we all followed Aunt Judy into the house.
OOPS....we forgot Baby Girl. She was sleeping sitting up on the patio deck.

Snack time:

Guests first!! Aunt Judy says I'm not a guest, I'm family. Isn't that sweet!!

Some more playtime with some stuffies:


The following picture is a bit naughty and might not SHOULD be viewed by younger puppies.


Bandit has a little crush on me and won't leave me alone. He's been fixed but Aunt Judy and Mommy say he just can't resist my charms. I been fixed too, so what is he's problem. 

After I gave Bandit a little nip to his nose, Mommy said it was time to go.
Me saying goodbye.... 

Bandit was so jealous, he tried to keep me from kissing his Mom.

Then we took Baby Girl home. It sure was nice having my BFF around for a few days.



One last thing before we close. Tomorrow is Shelby's big day. She starts her heart worm treatments. We know that all of you have sweet Miss Shelby in your hearts but tomorrow she needs all the extra prayers she can get. We pray that she will be strong enough. 



Neeko said...

Oh my goodness Miss Mona :o)

This is quite a post...
Wow! Rich with wonderful news and some scary things (the oven business sure was a close call).
Congratulations on being cancer free! Yay!!!
Love all the pictures with you having fun playing :o)
Great quote of the day too!

Neeko :o)

Oskar said...

It was great to get caugh up. We will most certainly send Miss Shelby pawerful prayers.

Nubbin wiggles,

Raising Addie said...

We are so sorry to hear that your mom is still hurting but that is wonderful news that you have her for 5 days!

We are very thankful that your house didn't burn down. Tell your mom not to feel bad. Our mom did something similar. She meant to turn on the oven but instead turned on the back burner. When she went to check on the oven a bit later she noticed the burner was bright red and the pot that was on that burner was bright red too. Silly parents!!

Glad that your vet visit went well and it looks like you had lots of fun with your doxie friends.

All paws are crossed for Shelby!

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey

P.S. that doxie that we contacted your mom about, well, he was gone when our friend got home on Friday. She doesn't know what happened to him but hopefully he is safe and sound.

Unknown said...

Love the post, Mona. We have missed you, butt certainly understand how 'stuff' gets in the way of blogging sometimes.

I loved seeing all the fotos of you and your furrends and the sweet Baby Girl! My favorite foto was Harley in mid-hop! Too cute!

We will most certainly be wishing all the best for Miss Shelby! Our hope that is tomorrow is the beginning of a brand new HEALTHY and happy life for her


K9 Katastrophie said...

Oh George is so handsome!! I will pray for dear Shelby!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

MY mom knows that nasty Arthur guy too. She Hates him.
I will have my paws crossed tight fur Shelby.

Maggie Mae and Max said...

So many wunderful pictures today! Puppy prayers and paws is crossed fur Shelby too!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Great pictures, so much news and stuff. I'm sorry about the arthritis. My moms are starting to be really bothered by it too. Not me so far, but I'm definitely slowing down.

I will keep my paws crossed for Shelby. You bet.

lotsa licks, Lola

Lorenza said...

Lots of news in your post!
Sounds like your house was very warm with the oven on for all those hours! Glad nothing bad happened! Aaaand... the bill sure is going to be painful!
Glad your mom fixed the camera. My mom's solution could had been... take the battery out... wait 5 seconds... put it again... and start again!
I am happy you are doing so well but that Arthur-ri-tus' sure is not funny, right?
Paws crossed here for Shelby! I know everything is going to be ok!
You are going to love those 5 days with Mommy at home!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

the booker man said...

ohmygoodness, miss mona!
i am so so so glad that you and miss baby girl and your mama are all a-okay and nothin' bad happened with the oven bein' on way long!
i'm sorry that arthur-ri-tus dude is bein' a poopy pants for you and your mama, but i'm super glad to hear that your V-E-T appointment went grrreat!
enjoy your 5 whole days with your mama!! that's totally awesome sauce!
me and asa and mama will be puttin' our paws together for miss shelby startin' her heartworm treatments.

the booker man

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Yousa sure have been busy Mona. We will definently keep Shelby in our thoughts and prayers tonight and tomorrow and until she is all betters.
Much luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi

Mack said...

THat malt looks awesome! We usually get at least a third of a tator tot cause Lilly won't SHUT UP and begs mom non-stop!
We are saying big time prayers over here for Shelby!!


Anonymous said...

Prayers for Shelby with her heartworm treatments. Take heart (excuse the pun): those worms can be beaten. Our own beauty, a rescued Husky named Katya, had a bad case when we first adopted her. She'd been living wild for a long time, and was a very sick dog. Those first few months were touch and go, but tackling the problem is the only way to go. Our Katya made a full recovery: With such a love for life and a joyous attitude, I have no doubt that Shelby will also survive and thrive!
- - - - - - - -
dog beds and more

sprinkles said...

OMD, that's totally something I would do - leave the oven on overnight and into the next day. I'm surprised I haven't done that yet.

Shelby is always in my prayers.

I'm so glad your vet appt. didn't turn up any more cancer.

kissa-bull said...

mona your dress is adorabull!!!
and my what a cutie babygirl ish
maybe we can all play together one day

pibble sugars
the pittie pack