November 17, 2010



(courtesy of Ginger Jasper)

"It is impossible to keep a straight face in the presence of one or more kittens."
                                                          ~Cynthia E. Varnado

(courtesy of Gracie)

"I had been told that the training procedure with cats was difficult. It's not.
 Mine had me trained in two days.
 ~Bill Dana

(courtesy of Goldie)

"Everything I know I learned from my cat:
When you're hungry, eat.
When you're tired, nap in a sunbeam.
When you go to the vet's, pee on your owner.
 ~Gary Smith

Hi my friends,

I'm back with bunches of pictures from Baby's Girl's visit last weekend. Mommy says she is very proud of me because I was an excellent hostess. I'm not used to sharing the Mommy, much less my things and I let Baby Girl use any of my beds and play with my toys,  BUT NOT PINKIE POO.
I had to draw the line somewhere and Pinkie Poo is special. I'm gonna share pictures taken Friday through Sunday. Ya gotta wait for the next post to see pictures of us and my friends from Monday.


Not much happened Friday night cause it was after 9 pm, when Mommy and Baby Girl got home after Mommy picked her up. Why did it take so long for them to get home? One Guess. FOOD!
Baby Girl's pawrents took Mommy to Los Cocues for dinner and then of course, they had to visit half the night while I was patiently waiting for my guest to arrive.

Baby Girl too over my day bed in the computer room as soon as she came over......

and I took the spare. 

When it was time for bed, Baby Girl didn't want to sleep with us, so Mommy moved my day bed into the bedroom with us and that's where she slept each night.


We woke up bright and early Saturday morning and it was COLD!! Mommy didn't want us to go outside cause she said it was too cold for us.

Here we are begging her to let us go out. She had to say yes.

We got to stay outside and explore the yard for about 30 minutes, but then the sky opened up and it started raining and got windy, so Mommy made us come inside.

"Come on Baby Girl, let play follow the leader!"

(Notice my fluffy tail? Mommy says it reminds her of a pony's flying in the breeze.)


The only thing to do then was take a nap. Baby Girl took my pillow by the patio door and watched the rain all afternoon.
(Notice, Pinkie Poo to the left on my pillow? I took it away and told her OFF LIMITS!!

 So then I got to have my day bed back.


After church, Mommy came back with a surprise for us. This Lady Bug pillow.

It's neat. It folds up and ties with Velcro and can be carried for easy travel.

Me checking it out.

Baby Girl checking it out.

Baby Girl loved it, so Mommy let her take it home with her.....

and I got to have my day bed back.

It was cold again, so Mommy said we couldn't go outside until that afternoon, so she decided to take the cure and take a little nappie with us on her lap.

Three  hours later we all woke up and the sun was finally out and it wasn't to cold, so we went outside to play.

I introduced Baby Girl to Smokey but she was scared of him.
Look what Mommy gave Smokey. She bought it special just for him.


Here are some pictures of us hanging out.

It started raining again so guess what we did.
Yep!! took another lap.

That's it! Pretty boring day but we had a good time and Mommy just loved watching us play.  Very peaceful day she said. She needed the rest.
Be back next time with pictures from Monday at the Vet and us visiting with my other friends.


PS........Mommy almost burned the house down. I'll let her tell ya bout that next time too!!


The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Oh goodness...she almost burn't your house'ums down. That's just not right. It must be nice having a friend nearby...we have eachother so that's good enough for us...but to have a furiend visit would be nice, the mama/baby naps.
Much luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi

Duke said...

What an adorable ladybug pillow!
You let your mom play with matches, Mona?

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Pei In The Life said...

My Puppy has a pillow like that, but it's a penguin.

I'm glad you got your day bed back Mona.

Nose Kisses!


Maggie Mae and Max said...


You is so nice to shares wif Baby Girl, but I can understand why Pinkie Poo is off limits...her is special to you. ;)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Hy Mona, Just called over to say There is no problem using my picture. I am honoured you chose me. Anytime you like is no problem. What a full fun post you have done.Glad the house didnt get burned though. Hugs GJ x

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Not boring to ME. I love the pic of your floofy tail.

Sagira said...

I had no doubt you would be nothing but a great hostess. :)

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Looks like a most fun visit!

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a way to end a post, Mona - your Mom almost burned the house down and you are making us wait for the details??? Gosh, we are so glad the word "almost" was in there.

Looks like it was a very nice weekend for you and Baby Girl. She is so cute - we love her special ears:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

A MilShelb Mom said...

Looks like you had a nice time and it was very nice of you to share with your guest. We don't share. We are very bad at sharing and it makes Mom mad. Oh well. We don't care! haha!!
~Milly and Shelby

Huskee and Hershey said...

H Mona,

We are so so so glad and happy that your bloodwork result was good!!! What a sigh of relief it is for everyone.

How nice that you and Baby Girl get on so well.. and you are a most pawfect and gracious hostess by sharing your bed and toys... ohhh and the ladybug pillow is too cute for words!

Sending you and your mommy hugs and kisses...

sprinkles said...

Looking at all those pictures of the pets with flowers reminds me of one of my old cats who has since passed on. Years ago, a friend of mine sent me some fake flowers in the mail along with several other items. My kitty LOVED those flowers and would do anything he could to rub himself all over them. I asked my friend once if she rolled them around in catnip before she sent them and she said no so I don't know what the cat found so enticing about them.

You were such a good hostess, Mona! Even if you didn't share Pinkie Poo. My dogs probably wouldn't have shared ANY of their toys or beds. Shiver thinks all the toys belong to him only and will stockpile them if Chico tries to play with them.

K9 Katastrophie said...

Ooooo! Your mommy almost burned the house down? Heehee!! Baby girl looks very sweet! Stay warm!


Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Cute post!! It's great to see me there! Our PM has been so busy I haven't graced a blog post in awhile! :)

Purrs Goldie