June 29, 2010


"For the soul of every living thing is in the hand of God."
-- Job 12:10

This post is dedicated to Retro
-- Rest in Peace and run with the wind sweet boy.--

Dearest friends,

Thursday this sweet little boy lost his life in a hit and run accident. His name is Retro. He and his Mom, Angie, were walking in the parking lot of an apartment complex when he was hit. His Mom was almost hit as well. I need prayers and positive thoughts for Angie and her family. Retro was her baby and she is devastated. Mommy dedicates this post to him and knows how much the Power of the Paw means and how your comments will mean a lot to his Mom. Mommy will let Angie know when this dedication is posted.

We aren't worried about Retro because Angel Samantha has already welcomed him in and is showing him the ropes. I can see him playing right now with that little imp, Jodie. Our prayer is that Angie will have the faith to carry on and that she knows he will always have her with him in his heart as she will him.
Please lets show Angie how the Power of the Paw works.


This is not the post we had planned for tonight. It was gonna be pictures of me and Taz, but this is more important. Aunt Judy called him a Toot. He is that and more!! Mommy calls him "Taz-a-Rooney". Who know why. We are having a wonderful time.

It so hot here. Mommy won't let us go out until after dark. Wouldn't it be nice if we could cool off like this dude?



Maggie Mae and Max said...

Oh Mona,

Such sad news about Retro.:(
Rest In Peace sweet puppy. We can only hope that the person who did this is found and brought to justice. Thoughts and prayers to Angie and her family from mom and me.

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Mom

Unknown said...

Please pass along our thoughts and prayers to Retro's mom. What a terribly tragic way to lose such a precious little guy.
I can only imagine how sad and lost she must be feeling,but this tribute you posted is beautiful

Warm hugs,
MinnaK and Mom

Granite State Pet Sitting said...

That is very sad News Mona!
Our Thoughts and Prayers are with Retro's Mom. I can't believe someone could hit a poor dog and just leave, we hope they are found
and have to pay for what they did!
Your Friends

Puggle Preston said...

Hi Mona,

we are so sorry to hear Angie's loss. We are sending lots of positive vibes to her and her family.

kisses and hugs,
Preston the Puggle

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Oh, that is so terribly sad. I'm so very, very sorry and please let Retro's mom know that. I hope that the driver is caught and jailed. I don't know what else to say, but I hope that your friend is able to be strong and that the pain of loss will ease for her sooner rather than later, but nature does have to take its course with these things and they do take time.

Licks, Lola

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

How very sad for Retro and Angie - we will cross our paws for them. Such a shame.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

A MilShelb Mom said...

Oh my gosh. Oh how awful. :( We are so sad for them and are saying a prayer for them tonight.
~Milly, Shelby, and Maggie (their Mom)

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Poor Retro. I will cross my paws for him and for his mom.

little princess Luna~ said...

hi mona loves--poor poor little retro and his mums.... :(
it is very upsetting and sad. our thoughts and prayers are with them....


Lorenza said...

I am so sad to know about Retro.
Our thoughts and prayers are with his mom.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Pippen said...


Please let Retro's mom know that we are thinking about her.

Sam and Pippen

Jans Funny Farm said...

We're sad that Angie lost her Retro in such a way. We can imagine she is hurting and we hope she will soon be able to remember Retro with a smile. We hope the hit and run driver is caught too. Purrs and tail wags.

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

We are so sorry to hear about Retro (we do love that name). Our Dolly is there with Samantha to welcome him!

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

Raising Addie said...


We are praying for them both. We would be crushed if something like that happened to us.

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey

Sagira said...

Mona, I am VERY sorry to hear about your friend. I hope they can catch the awful person that did that. :(

AFSS said...

We are very sads about Retro. We knows his Mom must miss him alot. We are sending some comforting purrs for her.

Laying in ICE looks like a GREAT way to cool off. We shall have to try it.

Nadine, Chewy and Lilibell said...

We are so very sad to hear about Retro and we are sending our prayers to Angie.

We have some sad news too...yesterday, our fur cousin Nala joined Retro at the Rainbow Bridge. Nala was a very old lady and wasn't doing too well in life, butt now we know that she is at peace and is probably romping around like a young puppy with Retro now.

Waggles & Chi kisses, Chewy & Lilibell

Remington said...

That is terrible! I can't believe how some people are!

Fred said...

So sad about Retro! But I like that icy picture.

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Mona, we are so very sorry about Retro. We will be saying prayers and have paws crossed that they get the mean person that did this. Our thoughts and prayers are with Retro's family. Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

Stanislaw said...

What sad news. We are so sorry for Retro's mommy. He was certainly an adorable little guy.

Duke said...

How awful for Retro! Our hearts are breaking for his mom.

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Asta said...

Ouw love and pwayews awe going to Wetwo's family..theiw heawts must be soo bwoken We hope all ouw love helps heal them
Wun wif the wind sweet little pup
smoochie kisses

♥ Sallie said...

I'm sorry to hear about Retro.

((((((Big Hug)))))))))

Anonymous said...

Oh, my mom and me are so very much sorry about your furend. Run free, sweet Retro. Our thoughts are with his momma in this really hard time.

Gentle wiggles and wags,

Sandra said...

Oh how sad. We will definitely send our best thoughts to the family of Retro. He looks like a big sweetie pie.

Flash, alven and dottie

the booker man said...

miss mona,
me and asa and mama are so so sad to hear about retro. what happened to him is just senseless, and that driver will hopefully be caught and get punishments for doing such a very terrible thingie.
we are praying for retro's mama and sending tons of comforting hugs and gooey nose kisses.
the booker man