Easter Sunday is here. It is the time for us to remember that God gave his only son to save us from our sins and die on the cross for us. This is the real reason for Easter and something we should all remember and to practice his teachings all the time.
It is also time for children and their families to enjoy the Glory of Spring & to have a little fun hunting the Easter Eggs that Mr & Mrs Bunny Fu Fu have been hiding all day. Us doggies have been hunting for treats too. Well I know I have!! Tomorrow I will be back with some more pictures....like me eating my cupcake!
But today is a very sad day too. Yesterday we learned from my Tiger that the family is having a very rough time again. You all know my dear friends "The Pittie Pack" @ http://kissa-bull.blogspot.com/.
For those of you who haven't met them, and who hasn't, these are almost all of
the pitties and ....... Lucky, one of the wee ones ................
and my loveTiger.
They and their dear Mommish and Daddish and Granny need as many prayers as they can get right now. Their Great Granny is very sick. My mommy spoke to Mommish yesterday and the surgery had to be delayed due to massive infection and the surgery can't be done until the infection is under control. So Please, Please keep the many prayers and healing vibes coming. I hate to see my Tiger looking so sad.
Saturday morning, we got an e-mail from Ann at Zoolatry that her dear mother had passed away. Many of you know our dear friends Zoey, Maggy & their mother Ann over at http://www.zoolatry.blogspot.com/
These kitty cats are great friends of all of us at DWB and their Mom needs our support and prayers. There is a Memorial page that has been setup if you would like to visit it. The link is:
The tribute to Ann's mother made my Mommy cry. She was a remarkable lady and when you read the tribute you will see why just by looking at the many pictures. She was 96 years old. Rest in peace dear lady.
Mary Helen Dewey
Once again, Happy Easter my dearest friends. Don't to eat too many Easter eggs and jelly beans.
Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}} to all.......Mona & the Mommy too!!
Hi, Mona...
What a lovely post...
Me & My Mom wanted to stop by & say Happy Easter to you & your family...
Abby xxxooo
It is very sad to hear about the Pitty Packs Grandma...I really hope she will be okay.
I hope you enjoyed a lovely holiday. ♥
Hoppy Easter!
We heard about the Pibble's Granny and were so sad. We promised handsome Tiger and his siblings we would say a special prayer for her.
I hope you had a great Easter Mona.
Thank you for your thoughtful posting about my amazing Mom... she was a treasure, and will be greatly missed.
It was wonderful for you to do this for us.
Maggy & Zoey
The Zoolatry Girls
A day late, Mona, but we still want to wish you a Happy Easter. We were very sad to hear about Zoolatry's loss but she had a wonderful life and a very special daughter. We have wooed our thoughts to Tiger and his family.
We read your post about the azaleas too quickly, but they were still really beautiful.
Have a great week.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
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