Hi friends,
Only four more days and it will be the big day. I'm gonna meet my fella, Tiger, at "Paws In The Park" in the flesh for the first time. I'm so nervous. What if he changes his mind or what if he doesn't like me?
"Don't worry Bobbitt, everything will be OK."
"But Mommy, what if he doesn't recognise me? What if he can't find me"
"How could he not find you, Bobbitt? DROH will have the only kissing booth."
"OK Mommy, I trust you but can we show Tiger what he needs to look for."
"Alright Bobbit, but put a smile back on your face. You look so much cuter when you smile."
OK Tiger, just have your Mommish and Daddish, look for the DROH kissing booth with the two dachshunds kissing on top.This picture was taken as we were getting ready for our last event @ Camp Bow Wow. Mona had her pink harness on because it was Valentines Day.
Saturday she will be wearing this little dress. It's her new Easter dress but she wants to look pretty for you so I told her it was OK. She's going to the groomer Thursday for a bath and a trim. I will be dropping her off at Pets Mart on my way to work. Normally she would be begging me not to leave her there all day but this time she doesn't mind....wonder why?
Here is the link for the Pearland "Paws In the Park" event and all the activities.
Flowers: Image Isn't Everything
A talking Tiger-lily says referring to Alice "I don't care about the color. If only her petals curled up a little more, she'd be alright." All the flowers were quite critical of Alice----demeaning her hue, shape and demeanor.
The lesson here : It's often best to nip out preconceptions in the bud, lest they sprout out of control.
See ya later. I'm off to dream of my Tiger.......
Love, kisses & {{{huggies}}} to all....Mona
Mona, I know that Tiger will be able to find you. He is VERY VERY SMART. After all... look how he managed to find the PittiePack and managed to get to STAY with them.
I can NOT wait to see pictures of You and Tiger and his mommish and dadish and your mom!!! I am sure some of your DROH furends will take at LEAST one group shot for your (and Tiger's) fans!!!
SIGH... isn't this all exciting???
Hi, Mona...
I know Tiger will find you & he will most definately like you...
You are just adorable in your Easter Dress...
Abby xxxooo
Hi Mona,
Hope you have a grrrreat weekend with your Tiger.
Luv you,
Riley and Star.
Trust Frankie!
He knows his stuff!
Great dress! I am certain that Tiger will be able to find you! Have fun together!
*kissey face*
oh sweet cupcake of mine i will be dweaming of you and your pwetty dress all night and counting down the minutes til we can snuggle
i took baff for you already just like a promised and will also put woggie cologne so i can smell good for you ok?
wee kisses and wee snuggles
Mona, thank you for stopping by my blog. I can see this is a busy time for you and it was very nice of you to take the time.
You look lovely in that dress and I can only think that Tiger and everyone else you meet will just love you.
wags, Lola
How exciting!! Let us know how your meeting goes!! Take lots of pictures!!
Woofs and Kisses!
Best of luck! Keep us posted! AND lots of pics!
Dream away, Mona. I know this once your dreams will come true. Tiger is one lucky lucky lucky guy. Once for finding his pawesome forever home. The second time, because he found it again (happy chuckle). And thrice because he found you!!! Get all prettied up, kk?
I love what Frankie has to say again. :)
He is going to love you don't worry about it Mona, you are the best girl out there!
Oh, Mona! You look so pretty in your little dress. Tiger is gonna wag his little tail off the moment he sees you.
Wiggles & Wags,
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