Hi my dear friends,
Today I want to share pictures of some of the many dachshunds we saw at Paws in the Park on Saturday. There were so many dachsies there of every shape, size and color. Some we knew but most we didn't but it didn't matter. DROH people just love them all and not just dachsies but every other dog that was there. Tomorrow we will share pictures of some of the other dogs we saw. We will identify the dogs we did know.
Before we get to it, Mommy wants to let everybody know that the last picture on this post may be upsetting to some of you. There is no blood and guts but it is a very sad story and Mommy wants to ask a favor to all of you.
George--Meredith's black long hair

Elliot -- Brinda's chocolate boy
Pretty nice looking bunch of pups, if I do say so myself.
Yesterday we posted a picture of Jethro, a new pup with DROH, a dapple who is healthy and will soon have a wonderful life with someone who will love and cherish him. Junior, a 5 month old, 11 pound dapple puppy was not given that chance. He was brutally beaten to death by his owner. His reason for beating the pup was that it was misbehaving during a bath. His owner was convicted of killing the pup and is set to be sentenced on May 7th.
(Junior died shortly after this picture was taken.)
Please help send this brutal killer to jail. Judges & District Attorneys listen to public outcrys. Go to the DROH website (address on sidebar) and click on our Facebook link which will give you the link on where to go to demand this monster be send to prison. There is more to this story. He has killed one of us before but was acquitted in the death of a dachshund puppy named Viola.
The Mommy here...I can't seem to be able to copy & paste the link for this story so please forgive me and don't let this stop you from helping find JUSTICE FOR JUNIOR.
Love, kisses and {{huggies}}} to all........Mona
oh no :( some hoomans are just unbelievable!!! why beat a pup to death .. there is absolutely NO EXCUSE for that.. we are sad reading this. We will check on that site that you wrote to us about today and give our barks against that inhumane criminal
wet licks
ps. for sure a bunch of beautiful pups you have in this post. Thanks for sharing
oh no, our hearts feel so much pain and anger right now
and our mommish eyes are leaking wiff sad tears
those inhumans should rot in jail for sure
oh the sadness
I hope that WHEN that awful man DOES go to jail... he gets put in a cell with a REAL DAWG LOVER!!!
Thanks for putting my pic on your blog!! I feel very much honored.
Love the pic of you and your Tiger!!
Looks like a grreat time was had by all at the park!!
That is so sad that some humans have to beat animals to make themselves feel better!!! GRRRRR!!! We'll do everything we can to put that mean man away!!
Woofs and Kisses!
we tagged you in a game ^_^ come over our bloggie if you wanna learn about the Rules of the game
have fun
wet licks
Oh, that poor little pup. He never had a chance. I'll never understand why peoples can be so mean to us. We just want to luv and be luved. Run free, sweet Junior.
But on a happy note, those were some very great pictures of a whole bunch of doggies who are very much luved and cherished.
Wiggles & Wags,
Are you on FB?! I'm going to look for you! But not in a stalker type way - lol!
I'm working my way down one post at a time - that poor doggie. Just posted it to my fb page.
Also, I have lost your address wanted to send that donation to you!!!! Do you still have my email?
Okay, on to the Tiger post next! I can't wait! :)
Monsters... they do that to their own pups too, but in our case we need to take action to bring them to justice. Very well, I'm on my way to see what I can do other than sit in wonderment and cry.
I did just glance over at Frankie's comment. He's one funny furiend. May Frankie's cuss fall upon all the evil animal abusers!
Oh, that is really horrible. Sometimes, with all of us, with our humans who take such good care of us we forget that some humans are so very different. This one should certainly be in jail.
WOW it looks like you guys had fun at the event! We soooooo wish we could have gone. If we didn't know any better, it looks like your mom was holding a baby Hailey :)
We are heartbroken about that sweet puppy. We can't even believe that someone could harm such a precious pup.
We have a game for you to play with us.
Tag, you're it!
We have tagged you in a game at our blog!
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
humans make us so sad sometimes. I am so upset :(
I need to scroll back up and look at all those other doggies you saw then I will click on the sidebar link.
OMdoG.. poor Junior. I hope justice gets served!! Our hearts break for this senseless loss of life and hope his stupid owner gets punished for the terrible crime!!
Mona, you and Tiger are the cutest couple EVER!
OH no....so sad to hear about that poor pup. What is wrong with people? I just don't get it. :(
OH MY DOG poor Jethro. SO sad!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Have no fear and run free!
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