"All animals except man know that the ultimate of life is to enjoy it."
OH MY DOG!! Be still my heart!!!
Where do I start?
Before I tell you what it was like to finally meet the true love of my life, let me show my little stud muffin.
"MY TIGER" @ http://kissa-bull.blogspot.com/
My pressie from my love. A DIAMOND HEART. I have never had diamonds before.
I was sooooo excited. I saw the most handsomest wire hair walking towards us with a little smooth haired girl dachsie in a gorgeous pink dress along with a lady and a man. I kenw right away it had to be my Tiger.
Oh my goodness, it was him.
His Mommy picked him up to get in the kissing booth with me.
I leaned over to give him a first kiss. Sorry Mommy didn't get a picture of our first kiss but his Mommy took one of us later and it is the last pic on his post from last night. Me and Tiger
Then I had to give his Mommy a kiss.
Me and Tiger with his Daddy.
Tiger and me with my Mommy
Here we were with the dog that tried to get fresh with me. There is also a pic on Tiger's post from last night of him givin that big dog a piece of his mind.
Just looking each other over.
Mommy & Tiger Mommy and Tiger's sister, Lucky.
The most amizing thing happend!! The Mommies were talking, while Tiger and I was sparking and guess what? They live about 10 minutes from my house. Me and Tiger were sooooooo excited!! No long distancde romance for us. Oh my goodness, my heart is just racing, just thinking about it so I'm gonna go and take a nap so I can dream about my man.
Yesterday was a wonderful but tiring day for me and Mona. In the last two pictures on this post you will see just how tired Mona was. It was cool but not cold the whole day. I have never seen so many dachshunds before in one place except at one of DROH's Spring Flings or Halloweiners. I heard that the dachshund breed was around #5 in popularity & based on what we saw yesterday, I think I believem it now. In one day DROH made over $400.00 in harnesses, belly bands, cap & bandana sets and other items. We didn't go today, because, frankly this 62 year old woman is exhausted and Mona is about kissed out. Meredith called this afternoon to tell us DROH made an other $100 or so in sales. She also said that it was very windy over there today and the kissing booth got blown over and cracked, so nobody kissed today.
Can anyone guess how much money Mona & her helpers made in one day?
Mona has given me instuctions, to let all of you know that it is all my fault we did not do a post last night. I do take the blame. We spent the night, again, last night at Judy's so that's the reason why. Anyway Tiger did a post last night with much better pictures than I did. I took oveer 200 pictures, so there is no earthly way we coyuld post them all tonight.......I've been loading pictures since 2PM and it is now 6pm......so will be doing a bunch of posts. Since Mona insited today had to be about Tiger and her kissing, tomorrow will we show you a bunch of dachsies and then the next day all the other rescue groups that were in attendance.
So here comes the kissing. Mona had some help but mostly from boys and they wanted out. Mona kissed from 10 am until 4 m. Here are some of her helpers.
Winston (Brinda's boy)
Elliott (Brinda's boy)
Jethro (a new arrivel to DROH)
Ducky (Robin's little girl)
"I'll take over again Mommy!"
Waiting for the first kiss of the day.
The first kiss of the day...........$1.00 a kiss.
................ # 5 of the day.
...............# 10 of the day
#A doggie kiss.............# 20 of the day.
A family of kisses (the doggie was there's).........# 21, 22 & 23 of the day.
ooops! Almost forgot the the Daddy...........#24 of the day. ..............# 35 of the day.
An almost kiss....this lady's son told me he didn't want to kiss me because what if I had licked myself on the other end. How rude!! I would do that while I'm working ........
So his Mommy kissed me herself.......#45 of the day.
A kiss for a baby, I was very gentle.....#55 of the day.
No kiss, he just wanted to pet me but gave me a dollar anyway so it counts as a kiss........#75 of the day.
My final kiss of the day..................# 97 of the day." Yahoo!!!! I made $97.00 for DROH. Yippie!! "
4 pm.....tuckered out. So I wanted to take a little nap but we had to pack it up
7 pm....out like a light!!~zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Mommy is tired so that's it for tonight.
Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}} to all........Mona, witha little help from Mom.
PS.......spell check isn't working so please excuse the Mommy...her figures gavew our.
Whew, Mona! I can sees why you were so tired! Did your licker get dried out? That's a whole lotta kissin'!
But I'm Most Glad you saved some of your kisses for that handsome Tiger! And I'm just over the moon that you and Tiger hit it off like you did. I just knew you would!!
Wiggles & Wags,
WOW what a day! You are a great kisser. We are glad that you got to see your boyfriend. You two make a cute pair!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
WOW! Your kisses are highly in demand I see!! I hope Tiger didn't mind! BOL!
We are so sorry we didn't get to meet up with you on Saturday. My mommy's job gets in the way of my fun TOO much!
I'm glad the day was such a success!
Mona! You are beautiful!
Yes, Tiger is handsome,too. You two are perfect couple!! How lucky he lives near your house!
You must ve been tired. It was a great job! Take a good rest!
No long distance romance....how nice for you....
Looks like you had a great day!
I had to come over to see how the date went. You and Tiger are perfect for each other.
Way to go on raising money for the doxie rescue. The closest rescue we have is in another state.
PEES: my mum has always wanted a wirehire, they are soooo pretty, just like Mona.
Gosh, did you remember your ChapStick before you turned out the lights for the night, Mona? That's a lot of kissing you did!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Mona, The pics that I can see are GRRRRRRRREEAT!! I don't know why I can't see them all.
WOW just 10 mins. apart. AMAZING AND WONDERFUL. You two are soooo fortunate. I'm off to read yesterday's post then going to read what Tiger says!! YEAH!!!
you too are so sweet!
Mona, I just don't have the words to express how happy I am for you and your sweet Tiger! This whole story has really touched me. I wish I could kiss you. I'm sending you kissed but you have to catch them. I loved all the photos and even the humans, because I know how wonderful they all are!! You and Tiger's family have fantastic parents that set great examples for all of us.
ohmy lady, im still weliving our date and im so happish that we shall get to shee each other more often. i shleep wiff the stuffy you gave me most everynight and i feel vewy close to you
smooches for you
Looks like you had a PAWSOME time with Tiger!!! That kissing booth sure does look busy!
Woofs and Kisses!
What a khute khouple!
Thanks fur sharing your day AND your khysser!
He's SO cute, Mona! And the picture of you with the baby is my favorite. We wish we could all come down for a smooch! :)
Mona, you and Tiger are SO adorable together and that is so neat that you only live 10 minutes from him.
$97 NICE JOB Mona! Keep up the great work.
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