May 14, 2009

Mona's Computer is Sick

Hello all of Mona's friends! Instead of Mona and the Mommy today, you are getting Roxie, Sammy and Andy of Dachsies Rule as guest bloggers! Mom says she finds it a little humorous that we find time to make an entry for Mona when we are neglecting our blog. Oh well, we are dachsies and we can do whatever we want!

The reason we are making the entry is because Mona's computer got sick. It won't boot up and the Mommy is taking it to the computer doctor. You can imagine the stress this is causing poor Mona! How will she keep up with her friends? How will she let you know what is happening in her life? How will she fill those evening hours when she normally reads 200 blog entries? What if her friends forget about her? Well, we are here to make sure you have something to read and that you don't forget about our beautiful and sweet friend, Mona.

Mona gave us strict instructions to give you an update on Joanie. She is the skinny, skinny little dachsie who has finally found a safe home and someone to take very good care of her. She has been improving. We hope you go to her page to read her story and the updates but the high points are she has gained some weight, has more energy, and is stealing food from her foster brother's kibble bowl! A dachsie who steals food ... imagine that! The Hudson Furkids have been following Joanie's progress too so you can catch some information there when they have a chance to post something.

This weekend Mona and the Mommy are working at the Arthritis Walk. In an earlier entry, Mona explained that The Arthritis Foundations and Dachshund Rescue of Houston are joining together to raise funds for a disease which affects both humans and dachsies. We wish the best for them! We hope the weather cooperates too.

Next weekend, Mona and the Mommy are coming out here to visit with us. We have missed Mona so we are really looking forward to seeing her. We know Mona's mommy has missed us too. Anydog who thinks she comes out here to see our mom needs to understand that she says hello to us first and gives us kisses. When she has made sure that she has talk to and kissed us, she talks to Mom. We have never seen her give Mom a kiss so we know who she likes us the best! Of course, Mona likes Sammy the best ...

Well, that is all we have to say for now. If Mona's computer continues to be sick, we might have to come back and let you know. Until then, please leave Mona messages so she knows that her friends miss her.

Roxie, Sammy & Andy


Nibbles Treats said...

Hi guys! Nice to meet you. We are coming over to visit your blog since our boy Oscar is a doxie too.

Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker

Simba and Jazzi said...

Thank you for keeping us up to date. Hope the computer is better soon.

Simba and Jazzi xxx

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We read about the 'puter problems at Rocky's - that is too bad, hope it isn't anything too serious. We are very happy to see that Joanie is doing so well, long way to go, but she is a fighter.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Lady Kaos said...

It was so nice of you guys to let us know about Mona and The Mommy! Hopefully their computer gets fixed really fast. We'd never forget about them, but we'd sure miss them a bunch!!

Duke said...

We hope Mona's computer gets well soon! Thank you so much for posting for them!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Bee Bee said...

Hiee all

Oops! Hope the computer problem is not serious - maybe just something wrong with the power portion :)

Bee Bee

Lorenza said...

Hi, friends!
Glad to "read" you!
I hope Mona's puter gets fixed soon!
I am sure they are going to have a happy walkie!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Raising Addie said...

We could NEVER forget about you Mona... or your mommy!

We sure do hope your computer gets better soon. You both must be going through withdrawal!

Chasing my Tale...
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey

i said...

Hope your pc will be up and working again. Thanks for the update!

Abby said...

Hi, Mona & Mommy...

I hope your computer gets better soon...

How could we forget you guys...

Hurry back...

Abby & her Mom xxxooo

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. Was getting worried since Mona is soo good about blogging regularly. Hope the computer feels better soon!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh my....we hate when the puters are sickly...takes all the fun outta the evening...

So nice of you guys to help out!!!!

We're so pleased to read bout Joanie!!!!!

Barkin' at all of you and kisses to Mona when she reads this!!!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley

Joe Stains said...

Thanks for the updates guys!!!