May 23, 2009



(courtesy of Dachsies Rule)

"If you want the best seat in the house, you gotta move the dog."

Hi dear friends,

Mommy & I are back in the country again with my friends, Roxie, Sammy, and Andy (Dachsies Rule) and their cousins, Maggie and Jake for a long week end. Aunt Mary is letting me borrow her computer to update you all on what's been going on with me and the Mommy. Remember what they said: "The Mommy comes to see us not our Mommy!!" Well your right. Mommy has pretty much ignored me since we got here. Since we got here, she has had Roxie or my boyfriend, Sammy, in her lap. But that's OK cause Aunt Mary has been cuddling with me a lot too.

First off let me say that Mommy is OK but still stiff from her fall and all them scratches she got have turned into scabs & are itching like crazy. But enough about her, let's talk about me, after all I'm a dachshund and I can do whatever I want.

The picture at the top is of a flower called "goat weed" that is growing everywhere outside the outer gate where the cows are. It's awful pretty to be just an old weed. Mommy watched that butterfly moving from flower to flower for a long time this morning. It's called "country living, enjoying nature" and that's pretty much what them ladies have been doing....sitting in the rockers watching nature & us play.

Here is a picture of Andy's butt while he was smelling the day lilies.

a pretty pink rose.

Now what have us doggies been doing..........the usual. Playing, barking, running around, chasing birds and laying in wait for rabbits. Yes, rabbits!! You know those little brown things that could be squirrels but can't climb trees. Monday Jake came inside with what Aunt Mary thought was a piece of a stuffie. It was a rabbit head!! Aunt Mary had to spoil all the fun and get the rest of it away from every doggie. We are mighty hunters and were breed to hunt, remember!! Any way the next day, Aunt Mary heard something outside and she found the mighty hunters with another dead rabbit with Andy sitting right next to it. At least this one wasn't all chewed up like the other one was. It was disgusting but you can't be mad about it because they was just doing what comes naturally to a dachshund.

This is what we have being doing a lot too! I'm under the table and all but Jake are on the couch. Jake is not a couch potato like the rest of us.

Roxie...Maggie...Sammy & Andy on the pillow.

We got here yesterday afternoon and of course I had to start checking all my favorite spots out, catching up on everything that had happened since I was last here. Still lots of cows to bark at and lots of flowers to sniff and bugs to catch. The Mommies left us at home to go to dinner last night and guess what they saw as they was coming back? A armadillo!! Really and it was ALIVE!! Neither Mommy or Aunt Mary had ever since one alive before, just dead by the side of the road. Boy oh Boy, I bet that would have been fun to play with.

I can't tell you how much I have missed all my friends. It is boring at night not being able to visit your blogs. We don't like to watch TV that much, so Mommy & I have been sitting outside a lot until it gets dark and then we go to bed early. Still no camera, so we can't even take pictures of Mommy's hibiscus that is now blooming. My human cousin, Jason, is working on our computer and hopefully it will be back on line soon. Aunt Mary, has been doing a few posts for me, Staci, Addie, Lucie and Hailey's Mommy has done a post for us too about the Arthritis Walk and Rocky did a post with an update on Joanie. All these doggies and their Mommies are very special to us and will always have a place in are hearts and we can't thank them enough.

JOANIE UPDATE: May 21. 2009

- Look at the Glamour Girl! The news continues to be good for little Joanie. While she hasn't gained much weight (she's holding steady at 8.5 lbs) her coat is looking better and she's feeling GREAT! She's alert, active and is pretty much Cindy's shadow around the house. What Cindy does, Joanie does; if there's yard work or gardening to be done Joanie's right in the middle of things; and she has a bed set up in Cindy's office so she can monitor all activity in there as well. When she's not with Cindy, she's set up in the utility room with beds and several piles of blankets & sheets so she can hide in different parts of the room - and she does; she goes from pile to pile! Her energy level is good; she can trot down the driveway and does it almost daily! This past weekend Joanie attended a local animal event with Cindy and she spent some time visiting our volunteers while they worked the booth. She got plenty of lap time as they took turns holding her in one of her new beds. Here are some photos taken on Sunday, May 17th. What a beauty!

Sorry to be so long winded, but what can I say? Gotta say bye for now cause I gotta go help the boys check for rabbits.

Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}} to all.........Mona & Mommy too!!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Mona!
Glad you and Mommy are having a pawesome weekend with the dachsies!
Somebody has been very busy hunting rabbits!
I am so happy to know Joanie is doing so well. Lets hope she gains weight soon! It is painful to see her so skinny!
Have fun!
Kisses and hugs

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Tank woo fur the pupdates!

That is some furry good synkhronised sleeping on the sofa!

Have fun!


Checkers & Chess said...

thanks for the update Mona! That picture of all you little weiner dogs on the sofa made my mom howl with laughter - she has to be careful when she laughs cause you know she's old - and when you get old you know what happens when you laugh???? that's right! it starts with a P

Dexter said...

Good for you to catch rabbits. Too bad you couldn't eat them.

Thanks for the update on your little friend. She looks happier.


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We loves the goat weed, we needs to find some for our butterfly garden. Socks is the mighty hunter in our family, he caught a rabbit and brought it to Scylla & Charybdis (who were young kittens at the time), but our Mommy was not pleased. We are so happy Joanie is doing well. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris

Unknown said...

Joanie is such a beauty, we are so glad she is doing better! sending you many healing hugs from your puggy pals...

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ouch, we are so sorry that Mommy fell, but glad to hear she is OK. Look at all those furry butts sleeping on the couch so nicely.

Woos, the OP Pack

Duke said...

It sounds like you and your mommy are having a great time visiting, Mona!
Joanie is looking much happier these days! Good for her! Thank you for the update!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Raising Addie said...

Love that couch picture!!

We are so happy that Joanie is doing better. It is still hard to see her skinny little body, but we know she is in the best hands.

Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey

Joe Stains said...

GLAD you are BACK! woo. We missed you guys. Thanks for the update on Joannie, we are glad for some more good news. Enjoy your time in the country and give your Mom some licks so she continues to get better. I can't believe all the wild stuff you hunters are finding!

Anonymous said...

What a great weekend. Love all the pics (fav is all 4 doxies napping lol). Joanie is already looking so much better.

Hope your computer is all better soon.