"The dog has an enviable mind; it remembers the nice things in life and quickly blots out the nasty." -- Barbara Woodhouse
Hello dearest friends,
The Mommy found out tonight that we have lost another of our dear DWB friends, Addie's sister Zoe. The Mommy has been crying since she got home and read that Zoe has gone to the bridge and I am very sad too. Zoe was special to the Mommy because she looks so much like one of her former foster, Nikki. Our thoughts and prayers are with her Mom Staci, Addie and their entire family. The Mommy said Zoe is with her sister K-8 now, who went to the bridge awhile ago, and she hopes that her Samantha met Zoe to welcome her in. What a party they must be having now. We will miss you sweet Zoe.

The Mommy wonders will it never end? How many dogs and kitty cats must we lose? The pain of losing a pet is as real as losing a human, at least it is for her. Then she thinks about all the many dogs and cats out there that need our help and the people that will do whatever they can for an animal. What follows is a link to a video Uncle Ron took about one of his many dogs that has a problem. Please take a look at it and then the tiny video after it. Here is the link:
Like Uncle Ron says....Nobody told Teddy he couldn't walk.
Good night dear friends........Love Mona & the Mommy
Yes - it was a sad day -
Seeing the unexpekhted news about Zoe made Mom leak -
But don't furget, some of 'us' lose our peoples before it is time too -
Tank woo fur a furry nice post!
Especially since it features one of my pals Dakota! I met her Mom in Okhtober at The Hike N Howl and then saw her again at SHCA Nationals in Gettyburg!
Hi Mona,
We were shocked when we found out this morning that Zoe's gone to the Rainbow Bridge. I still remember her cutesy face on the Christmas card that she & Addie sent us.
It is always so sad and hard when we lose a member of our wonderful community. But at least we all have each other when it happens.
Hi there!
The Mom and I are honored that you've chosen us to be your D friend! We just found out that Aunt Margie adopted a pup, and from her description, the pup must look a lot like you! I'll have to see if I can get a picture. We look forward to getting to know you!
Dakota and The Mom
Im so sorry to hear about Zoe. Candle lit and prayers on the way.
Love the video of Teddy!
Thank you so much for the beautiful tribute to my Zoe.
The tears just won't stop for me.
As it is for your mom Mona, it hurts me just as much as if a human has died. I am thankful that I have found friends that understand that and who can offer support. Thank you very much dear friend for your kindness. I am truly blessed to have you and your mommy in my life.
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Staci, Addie and Lucie
The Girl cried this day, too. Another unexpected departure.
Your Mommy is so right, it is just as hard as losing a person to lose one of our furry family members. I think that one of the best things about DWB is that evfurryone here understands that and feels that way, too.
Teddy is inspirational. Like your uncle said, us doggies don't know we have limitations. We just adapt!
Brown dog kisses,
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