Hi my dear friends,
I'm back home where I belong with the Mommy. I really had a good time with Jody and all the other doggies, BUT------
we don't what her to know that.
Roland & Norma still don't have any power across the street from us, so the Mommy finally convinced them to come stay with us until they get their power back so I can't stay & visit like I really want to but you do understand that I have guests to help the Mommy take care of. I will be back in the next day or two with lots of stuff to talk about.
We gotto go, but the Mommy wants to share a few quotes that the administrator of the hospital sent out right after the hurricane. The Mommy has heard most of these before but she really likes them so here goes:
Life is short. Break the rules. Forgive quickly.
Kiss slowly. Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably.
And, never ever regret anything that makes you smile!!!

Have a wonderful day!!!!
(It is what you make it!!)
Love, Kisses and (((huggies))).........Mona & the Mommy too!!
PS........I've really missed you guys!!!
Enjoy showing your guests some Mona-hospitality!
Dear Mona,
I'm glad we all survived Hurricane Ike.
Love your quotes, will follow.
Please come by my blog, I have the Award" I Love Your Blog" awaiting for you.
that was very nice of you guys to open your home, I bet you are the best hostess. Take good care of them!
Nothing like home!
Kisses and hugs
Home sweet home.
Simba x
Glad to hear you're home Mona!! I'm sure you;ll take good care of your guests.
Well hello!
Glad to see you are okay and enjoying some A/C!
Ike was NOT a nice guy!
Hiya Mona and mom!
You're one of the first dog friends I made since my first blogpost!
And Elmo's gotten his first blog award recently, so I've passed it onto Mona in my latest post!
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