"When Vanity Fair asked clothing designer Bill Blass,
"Who or what is the greatest love of your life," he answered, succinctly, "My dogs." -- from Dog Love
Hi my dear friends,
Well the pictures we took on Sunday finally came through and there are so many that we have enough for 2 more posts, so tonight I am gonna show ya all the critters I saw while we was at Roxie, Sammy and Andy's in the country. I never knew there was so much exciting stuff to see in the country. There was a bunch of bugs too but the Mommy didn't take any pictures of them.
I was so excited that I jumped on the picnic table on the deck to get a better look see at everything. Mona is just plain nosey & never wants to miss anything.
We say bunches of cow dogs, but the Doofuss never had her camera when we saw the cow dog babies and the rest of the time we was all barking so much them cows wouldn't come close to the fence so these pictures were taken from a long way off across the pasture. Just as the Mommy was packing the car for us to go home, Mary saw 2 cows in the pond, or tank as it's called, so they stood there and watched the cows cool off in the water. It would have been a great video...maybe next time.

On Sunday morning while the Mommies were drinking coffee or tea on the deck, they saw this cheeky little squirrel coming down the pecan tree in front of the deck. Us dogs didn't see him right away, even though we had been chasing squirrels all morning. The Mommies watched him come down the tree and pick up a pecan and start eating it, but when we saw him and started barking he ran off. What is it about them pesky little rat cousins, that they can run so fast?
Remember I said the Mommy had to buy some hiking boots? She & Mary went across the pasture to the pond to feed the catfish at the pond before they went to see where the new houses will be. Why you ask, did she need hiking boots to do that....well besides dead branches to step over, there are lots of fresh cow paddies ya can stop in not to mention he possibility of stepping on a snake. Not to worry, Mary had the shotgun with her. If ya blow up the pictures you can see some of the cat fish swimming around. The video still won't come through, so we'll have to post it another time and then ya can really see them jumping for the food.
The Mommy is gonna be mad at me but I gotta tell ya what she went and did.
She was trying to get closer to the pond to take a clearer video and she slide down the embankment & fell right on her butt. Heehaw....I bet that was a sight!!
Thank goodness she has a fat butt and didn't get hurt. She was just laughing and I think Mary thought she was crazy. She just sat there laughing and keep taking the video, so if you ever get to see it don't be surprised what ya might see.....I would love to have seen that but us dogs weren't invited along.
The last critters we saw was humming birds. Mary had made some sugar water for them and they was flying all around two feeders all morning long. This feeder is on the deck in front of the window. This little bird was so tiny & looked so delicate. There was a bigger feeder on one of the trees but we couldn't get any still pictures because they was frying in & out so fast. There was one bird that was gorgeous with a pretty red belly. The Mommy took a video but we gotta wait on that too. Did ya know that humming birds can be mean? There was one bird that would chase everybody away from the feeder....I guess he was the alpha birdie!!
Well that's it for tonight. Tomorrow the Mommy is gonna show ya the pictures of the Henry Peyton Family Cemetery and share a little history. Then on Sunday, we'll show some more pictures of my friends. This is TAX FREE weekend in TEXAS and the Mommy & her cousin Shirley are going shopping at Catherine's so the Mommy is making pasta sauce with oxtails & hard boiled eggs....it's a Italian thing....for lunch. Tippey is coming too.....Yahoo.
Love, kisses & (((huggies))) to all.....Mona
I think woo all had some FUN!!
Sorry the khow babies wouldn't khome khloser to play with woo!!!
Woah, those fish are kinda scary! They look big... with really big mouths! The fish we see usually have little fishie lips! BOL!
M & I
Wow Mona! Those sound like such great ADVENTURES!
Hey Mona, we are really enjoying reading all abour our adventures with you on your blog! We have gotten to where we do this stuff all of the time so we don't even think about how it might be interesting to anydog else. We told Mom you needed to come visit some more and bring the Mommy too!
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Those are really big fishes! What does Mary give them to eat???
The cow dogs are funny!
Kisses and hugs
oh boy, I am laughing about your Mom sliding on to her butt, SORRY but its funny to think about :)
we do have humming birds here, but none of those other animals!! thanks for sharing the pics!
catfish are ugly aren't they?
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