God looked around his garden, and he found a empty place,
And then looked down upon the earth and saw your tired face.
He put his arms around you and lifted you to rest.
God's garden must be beautiful, he always takes the best.
He knew that you were suffering, he knew you were in pain.
He knew that you would never get well on earth again.
He saw the road was getting rough, And the hills were hard to climb.
So he closed your weary eyelids and whispered,
"Peace be thine"
It broke our hearts to lose you, but you didn't go alone,
For a part of us went with you the day God called you home.
Hi my dear friends,
We didn't post last night because the Mommy found out that a dear family friend had died, at age 94, on Saturday. The Mommy went to the wake last night, where she heard the lovely poem we are sharing with you tonight. When the Mommy heard it she thought about Aunt Annie and how much she loved flowers and realized that she learned to love flowers from her. Our family has lost so many dear family members and friends in the last year, as we know many of our DWB friends have too, that the Mommy thought you might like to hear it too. She doesn't mean to make anybody sad but it makes the Mommy realize that to watch some person or animal suffer is harder than actually losing them. This is just the Mommy's opinion and she is sorry if she offends anyone.
The Mommy has always found cemeteries to be very soothing and comforting for some reason....she says it makes her feel close to everybody there....she is strange, I've always said the but ya gotta love her because she is after all MY Mommy.
So now the Mommy is gonna tell you about Roxie, Sammy and Andy's mother's family cemetery that the Mom found fascinating. Since she's never taken me to a cemetery and I'm afraid of ghosts, I'm outta here. "Don't let Mona fool you, you'll see why shes outta here at the end of this post."
As I have said before the land that Mary's family owns came from a land grant many. many years ago and because they are a big family, there are lots of folks that now share the original land. 170 years ago a little baby girl died and she was the first person to be buried in the family cemetery. The cemetery is a very interesting place, full of family history and many memories. My Daddy came over from Italy when he was 15 years old and a lot of our family history was lost to us kids, because he and his Daddy just never talked about the old country. The day Mary took me on a tour of the property, we stopped at the cemetery and sat on a bench while she told me about the people buried there. It was so peaceful there. Mary's Daddy has restored and/or replaced some of the older markers, but there are still many that are so old, you can barely read what they say.....but Mary knows. The family has a whole book with all the information on who is buried where.
From the road, this is what you sere when you drive up.
This grave is exactly what it says a IRISH RAILROAD WORKER. It is the grave of an unknown railroad worker how was killed while the railroad tracks were being laid, which is still in use. Mary's family is Irish, so her family couldn't just let him be forgotten and allowed him to be buried with their family.
The next two pictures are just some very old graves. I couldn't read the names but Mary knew.
Did you notice that all the graves have one thing in common? They all have flowers that look like they are real. The family has formed a cemetery association that pays dues and takes care of the cemetery. It looks better than where my Mom & Dad are buried.
Last but not least, The animals have not been forgotten either. I don't remember who this grave belongs to but he was very found of his animals so there are statues everywhere around it. There is even a bench that has all kinds of different animals too.
Please don't think I am strange but I have been known to take a good book, a blanket or a lawn chair to where my Godfather is buried and lay or sit under the old tree next to his grave and read for hours or think of all the good times we spent together. Now that my Aunt is there next to him (they were brother & sister) I plan on spending a lot more time there. I wish it was as beautiful as the Henry Peyton Cemetery.
Love, kisses and (((huggies)))....the Mommy and of course Mona too!!
we are sorry that you lost a friend :( We think cemeteries are a little creepy but we are super happy to see that one is so well taken care of. It is always sad to see neglected or vandalized cemeteries.
Always hard to lose someone BUT your mommy is khorrekht - it is diffikhult to see the suffering -
And it khan often make the last memories one has of someone hard to want to dwell on -
Thanks fur sharing this very special post!
I think that cemetery looks absolutely beautiful.
I was never particularly keen on them, but my partner quite likes them, so we went to visit the famous one in Paris (Pere Lachaise? I think). It was really interesting and actually changed my perspective totally.
Sadly I saw an overgrown one the other day, I'll post a photo on Pippa's blog in a few days as there were a couple of cats lying on a tomb in the sun!
We find comfort in visiting cemetaries too. It's quiet and peaceful and the perfect time and place to reflect on our loved ones! We're very sorry that your mommy lost her friend, Mona!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We're sorry for your loss.
My mother likes cemetaries also. Growing up, when we went on roadtrips, we always stopped at cemetaries.
Have you been to the one in Waco at the Texas Ranger museum? Even I like that one.
Hugs all around
Sunny, Scooter and Jamie (the human bean)
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